Giving Tip for Delivery?

Might as well tip prior to service then :rolleyes

That'd get you better service :lol

When I used to bartend, the folks that slid me a little extra early, I made sure I noticed when they were around, made their drinks strong, and would get them before anyone else.
All that money you spend tipping :x
get your self a nice vacation

Dude bleeding his self dry tipping every damn body, I can't even imagine a typical day.

Dude leaves his crib tips his girl for last night so she makes him breakfast, walks to the corner store buys 1 juice tips 5 so the guy lets him take 3 juices. Walks to the garage to get his car tips the attendant 10 so the guy has his spot in the front. Gets to a toll on his drive tips the toll guy 5 so he can cut off all 3 cars and go thru and pay the toll. Parks his car tips the meter maid 10 so he can park for an extra hour. Goes into cvs gets some house items but can't find one tips the stock guy 5 and he gets the item from the back. Gets to the register tips the cashier 5 so he doesn't wait in the line of 2 people. Pays, tips the guy bagging his items 5 so he can place them in nicely. Goes to mc Donald's tips the guy taking his order 10 so he can get the mc gangbang and free nuggets and a happy meal toy he didn't ask for. Garbage man who makes 100k picks up his garbage tips him 20 so he can take an extra bag of garbage, runs out of cash goes to the bank tips the guy who held the door (realizes he has no cash gives him a IOU tip) tips the bank tell 10 after he gets more cash. Goes to niketown looking for retro guy says sold out tips him 10 guy says still sold out tips Nike guy 20 says hold some for him next time. Goes to Macy's asks someone where the men's department is, tips him 5 so next time he won't have to ask guy will run up to him to offer help.
Goes out to eat tips the hostess 10 so he doesn't have to wait the 10 mins, gets to his table server brings his food and everything is brought to him promptly tips him 25% (server makes note to hold conversation that no one cares about and give extra bread and free refills to this customer for another good tip)

This just sounds like a nightmare having to have all this pocket cash to tip everyone 24/7

Later on guy in store gets fired for giving away merchandise for his own profit.
Mc Donald's guy gets fired for the same reason
Nike guy gets fired for trying to stash sneakers
Someone complains that he was seated first and the hostess got paid.... Hostess gets fired
All because we should bribe and tip everyone for them to do a decent job at their job....
All that money you spend tipping :x
get your self a nice vacation

Dude bleeding his self dry tipping every damn body, I can't even imagine a typical day.

Dude leaves his crib tips his girl for last night so she makes him breakfast, walks to the corner store buys 1 juice tips 5 so the guy lets him take 3 juices. Walks to the garage to get his car tips the attendant 10 so the guy has his spot in the front. Gets to a toll on his drive tips the toll guy 5 so he can cut off all 3 cars and go thru and pay the toll. Parks his car tips the meter maid 10 so he can park for an extra hour. Goes into cvs gets some house items but can't find one tips the stock guy 5 and he gets the item from the back. Gets to the register tips the cashier 5 so he doesn't wait in the line of 2 people. Pays, tips the guy bagging his items 5 so he can place them in nicely. Goes to mc Donald's tips the guy taking his order 10 so he can get the mc gangbang and free nuggets and a happy meal toy he didn't ask for. Garbage man who makes 100k picks up his garbage tips him 20 so he can take an extra bag of garbage, runs out of cash goes to the bank tips the guy who held the door (realizes he has no cash gives him a IOU tip) tips the bank tell 10 after he gets more cash. Goes to niketown looking for retro guy says sold out tips him 10 guy says still sold out tips Nike guy 20 says hold some for him next time. Goes to Macy's asks someone where the men's department is, tips him 5 so next time he won't have to ask guy will run up to him to offer help.
Goes out to eat tips the hostess 10 so he doesn't have to wait the 10 mins, gets to his table server brings his food and everything is brought to him promptly tips him 25% (server makes note to hold conversation that no one cares about and give extra bread and free refills to this customer for another good tip)

This just sounds like a nightmare having to have all this pocket cash to tip everyone 24/7

Later on guy in store gets fired for giving away merchandise for his own profit.
Mc Donald's guy gets fired for the same reason
Nike guy gets fired for trying to stash sneakers
Someone complains that he was seated first and the hostess got paid.... Hostess gets fired
All because we should bribe and tip everyone for them to do a decent job at their job....

Bruh :rollin

sad thing is, I feel like it may be true.
seen this thing on a pron site where this chick opens the door for pizza delivery boy naked. That's a decent tip. :hat
For delivery I tip on the "second" delivery. if they are ok with not getting tipped the first time and are still nice the second time I'll usually tip.

For restaurants like Chili's Olive garden etc, I only tip if they bring me a ton of breadsticks and refills. If they come to my table to take my order, bring my drinks out, and bring my food = auto no tip.

If I'm on a date with my girl, we look at each other and one of two things happens:

1. We simultaneously say no tip


2. We say $2 ... no $1? Ok $2

For delivery I tip on the "second" delivery. if they are ok with not getting tipped the first time and are still nice the second time I'll usually tip.

For restaurants like Chili's Olive garden etc, I only tip if they bring me a ton of breadsticks and refills. If they come to my table to take my order, bring my drinks out, and bring my food = auto no tip.

If I'm on a date with my girl, we look at each other and one of two things happens:

1. We simultaneously say no tip


2. We say $2 ... no $1? Ok $2


some of the dumbest logic I've ever heard.

1. Tip the first time, they did their job. Why should they have to be okay with you being cheap and wait 'til the next time you order for you to tip?

2. Breadsticks and refills complementary b, you talking like cheapskate right now.

Some of ya'll shouldn't even be eating out. Cheap + sense of entitlement don't mix. I'm all for not tipping folks who don't do their job, but man ya'll punishing people when they actually do theirs. Making it hard for the rest of us who do tip man.
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Might as well tip prior to service then :rolleyes

*shrug* I do this.

nowadays when you order online and pay with you debit you can tip right then and there on e-checkout.

and when you get the receipt, and they did an exceedingly good job at delivering my food, everything is there, the order is early, I might even add on a bit extra (when you get the receipt you've gotta write in the total and there's another tip section on the receipt, so you can add another tip in addition to the one you awarded previously online).

man in this economy you've gotta help out your fellow man. pay it forward and it'll come back to you tenfold.
some of the dumbest logic I've ever heard.

You don't know how to read correctly. I'm not going to tip someone just because they're doing what they're doing their job. Why the **** would I tip someone who only came to my table three times? They have to come to the table a minimum of three times. To take the order, bring out the drinks, then bring out the food. If they check in several times to make sure I'm doing ok then yeah I'll tip them.

These are cheap restaurants. I'm not going to pay 20% on my bill every time I go out. That's stupid.
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I never said this.
As a server you have to bring my food, bring my drink, and the bill. I can careless about extra bread or a free drink, any extra I want I simply pay for.
I don't want that "phony" only being nice because you want extra money from me service that others get.
Bring me the basics and get lost so me and my girl can eat....

Exactly. Sometimes I just want to say that right at the beginning.
Ayo bro, fix that quote. You got me looking like I'm the one who said that nonsense you spittin'.

Again the breadsticks complementary b, as are refills. You're not entitled to either. You can however use your mouth and ask for some.

And it doesn't matter if they're cheap, in fact you should give them their 20% especially because they're cheap and the bill shouldn't be all that much.

Also the whole "i'll tip them the next time if they're alright not getting tipped the first time" bit is ridiculous.

How bout the next time you order, if you act right, they'll actually send you the food you paid for the next time you order?

Or how bout the next time you go to your job, if you act right, the next time you come into work they pay you?

Or how bout the next time you're suffering from chest pains and you go to the hospital, if you act right, the next time you come in they'll actually save your life, but first the doctor gotta corroborate with the nurse to see if you should be saved.

Just playing by your rules pleighboi, it's your world b, we just living in it.

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Ayo bro, fix that quote. You got me looking like I'm the one who said that nonsense you spittin'.

Again the breadsticks complementary b, as are refills. You're not entitled to either. You can however use your mouth and ask for some.

And it doesn't matter if they're cheap, in fact you should give them their 20% especially because they're cheap and the bill shouldn't be all that much.

Also the whole "i'll tip them the next time if they're alright not getting tipped the first time" bit is ridiculous.

How bout the next time you order, if you act right, they'll actually send you the food you paid for the next time you order?

Or how bout the next time you go to your job, if you act right, the next time you come into work they pay you?

Or how bout the next time you're suffering from chest pains and you go to the hospital, if you act right, the next time you come in they'll actually save your life, but first the doctor gotta corroborate with the nurse to see if you should be saved.

Just playing by your rules pleighboi, it's your world b, we just living in it.


You are really dumb. Delivery drivers get PAID to deliver. I'm not their ******* boss I'm not going to PAY them for what they're supposed to be doing. You DONT know how to read properly.

NT people are so ******* stupid sometimes I swear I wanna get a ******* gun and shoot myself.
You are really dumb. Delivery drivers get PAID to deliver. I'm not their ******* boss I'm not going to PAY them for what they're supposed to be doing. You DONT know how to read properly.

NT people are so ******* stupid sometimes I swear I wanna get a ******* gun and shoot myself.

Nah bro I think the slow one here is you. You can't grasp the simple concept of etiquette here. And the ironic part is that here you are complaining about complementary things such as breadsticks and refills yet you have the nerve to say that gratuity is optional.

And then you have the nerve to call me stupid when you're the oblivious hypocrite here. :lol.....


AND, to top it off you're so oblivious that you don't even realize that there's something called "tipped employee wage". Employers are counting on gratuity to fill out hourly pay for waiters/waitresses/delivery drivers. They're not even getting minimum wage UNLESS you're paying gratuity.

WOW, I can't believe I had to just explain that to an NTer accusing me of stupidity. IGNORANCE much? Bravo sir, bravo.

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Here you go sonny boy. This "stupid" NTer taught you something tonight.

Never mind that you're from California, there's still something called "etiquette" here and that's clearly outside your capacity to understand. Thank God the individuals who serve you live in a state where their employers are required to pay full state minimum wage before tips.

Love your attitude sir, God forbid you don't get your complementary refills and breadsticks and God forbid you give someone a tip out of the kindness of your heart for simply doing their job.

Maybe it's just me man, but I'm a firm believer if you give, the universe gives back tenfold.

Have a pleasant evening.
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Nah bro I think the slow one here is you. You can't grasp the simple concept of etiquette here. And the ironic part is that here you are complaining about complementary things such as breadsticks and refills yet you have the nerve to say that gratuity is optional.

And then you have the nerve to call me stupid when you're the oblivious hypocrite here. :lol.....


AND, to top it off you're so oblivious that you don't even realize that there's something called "tipped employee wage". Employers are counting on gratuity to fill out hourly pay for waiters/waitresses/delivery drivers. They're not even getting minimum wage UNLESS you're paying gratuity.

WOW, I can't believe I had to just explain that to an NTer accusing me of stupidity. IGNORANCE much? Bravo sir, bravo.

View media item 944248


If employers want to be the cheap ones that's not my ******* problem. I don't live in CA I live in Connecticut and I could care LESS about OTHER people.


You are so ******* stupid.
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If employers want to be the cheap ones that's not my ******* problem. I don't live in CA I live in Connecticut and I could care LESS about OTHER people.


You are so ******* stupid.

Ah your location says San Jose, CA.

And thank goodness in Connecticut the basic combined cash & tip minimum wage appears to be $8.70, no thanks to individuals such as yourself. Company policy BTW =/= state and federal policy. They aren't required to pay full minimum wage according to the USDOL, just the minimum. Good for those companies for doing the right thing. And I'd hope as a former food service employee yourself, you'd have a bit more empathy for those in that business.

But thanks for showing your true colors here bud, ;). You provided a wealth of entertainment in just a few minutes time.

Have a pleasant evening sir.
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Ah your location says San Jose, CA.

And thank goodness in Connecticut the basic combined cash & tip minimum wage appears to be $8.70, no thanks to individuals such as yourself. Company policy BTW =/= state and federal policy. They aren't required to pay full minimum wage according to the USDOL, just the minimum. Good for those companies for doing the right thing. And I'd hope as a former food service employee yourself, you'd have a bit more empathy for those in that business.

But thanks for showing your true colors here bud,
. You provided a wealth of entertainment in just a few minutes time.

Have a pleasant evening sir.
You know I normally don't post but I can't stand to see people incorrectly sharing information about my industry.

@SneakerHeathen   You are trying to force your "opinion" on others. You aren't in the south are you? So I don't even know why you would bring that link up? Big chains typically pay full state minimum so I guess the other dude is right. Most restaurants will not pay that low and expect the rest to be covered by tips unless you are an immigrant. Tips are optional. When I weigh tables I don't expect a tip. I'm from NYC and it's considered a waste of money to leave tips. Only tourist  and people who eat at cheap restaurants leave tips. The people who live in the city usually do tip the "second" time around. It may be an east coast thing. I would never want someone to leave a tip for my unless they felt I gave them great service so I understand where @KillTheHype  is coming from. 

In bigger restaurants like the ones I work with, it's only customary to leave a tip if we provide a complementary service. The owner of the restaurant is actually planning on "banning" tips because they believe it creates a phony workplace like someone was saying above. Tips should never be imposed on customers. Especially not when the people behind the scenes do most of the work, they're the ones who deserve the tip.

It's kind of similar to hotels. The maids gets all these benefits and tips for the service that they are already paid to do, and the cooks and other people from the hotels don't get squat benefits and never see a tip a day in their lives. 

It sucks but the tipping system is set up incorrectly in this country and people don't seem to realize that. 
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I can read the map just fine sir, I know it's predominantly the south that only requires employers pay state minimum wage.

Again it's called etiquette.

and did you really write the same paragraph twice? Don't lecture me about "east coast things", I'm from NY son. Again I have better sense than that. It's called being gracious.

I can understand someone not doing their job, and denying gratuity on that basis. but being so pompous that you need to patron an establishment twice before leaving a tip is just nonsense.

And BTW, even if the south only requires employers to pay state minimum wage, only EIGHT, count 'em EIGHT (and Guam isn't even a state really so it's actually 7) states require that an employer pay state minimum wage before tips. The rest require employers to pay ABOVE federal tipped minimum wage, or at the minimum.

Some of you really don't know what you're talking about. Thank you for chiming in with your "insight". You say tips should never be "imposed" on customers but the pay practices of 43 states begs to differ with that logic. And again I already said I applaud big chains for paying the state minimum wage even if it's not required, but not every place people dine at practices this.

And it's not "weigh tables" genius it's "wait".

The audacity of you two, :lol.
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People who look things up to prove a point are usually the ones making **** up at the top of their head.
I can read the map just fine sir, I know it's predominantly the south that only requires employers pay state minimum wage.

Again it's called etiquette.

and did you really write the same paragraph twice? Don't lecture me about "east coast things", I'm from NY son. Again I have better sense than that. It's called being gracious.

I can understand someone not doing their job, and denying gratuity on that basis. but being so pompous that you need to patron an establishment twice before leaving a tip is just nonsense.

And BTW, even if the south only requires employers to pay state minimum wage, only EIGHT, count 'em EIGHT (and Guam isn't even a state really so it's actually 7) states require that an employer pay state minimum wage before tips. The rest require employers to pay ABOVE federal tipped minimum wage, or at the minimum.

Some of you really don't know what you're talking about. Thank you for chiming in with your "insight". You say tips should never be "imposed" on customers but the pay practices of 43 states begs to differ with that logic. And again I already said I applaud big chains for paying the state minimum wage even if it's not required, but not every place people dine at practices this.

And it's not "weigh tables" genius it's "wait".

The audacity of you two, :lol.

YOU don't know what you are talking about. Restaurants are slowly moving away from tips. Soon they will no longer exist.

Back to that dumbass example you pulled earlier, are you going to tip a doctor for saving your life? Are you going to tip Taco Bell for adding napkins? Are you going to tip your bf for not coming in your mouth? Get your head out of your ***. Your brain exceeded the limit of **** it can hold.
People who look things up to prove a point are usually the ones making **** up at the top of their head.
YOU don't know what you are talking about. Restaurants are slowly moving away from tips. Soon they will no longer exist.

Back to that dumbass example you pulled earlier, are you going to tip a doctor for saving your life? Are you going to tip Taco Bell for adding napkins? Are you going to tip your bf for not coming in your mouth? Get your head out of your ***. Your brain exceeded the limit of **** it can hold.

That "dumbass" example I provided earlier was satire. :rollin You're doing an exceedingly good job proving your mental aptitude.

Again the simple premise of etiquette flies over your head.

I feel sorry for you. :\ All that pent up anger you have, must be frustrating. You should try to be more giving, it'll make you feel better, I promise.

Also no, people who are looking things up to prove a point are fact-checking their point. It's a mark of a good debater, student, researcher, etc....Even if you yourself are knowledgeable about something you still provide a source for others to see. You're clearly demonstrating your lack of etiquette, both as a patron and as a intellectual.

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Just thought I'd leave this here

Jackson woos coach, leaves bad tip
By Richard Johnson
April 28, 2014 | 6:10pm

Modal Trigger

Jackson left a stingy tip while out to dinner with his leading candidate to coach the Knicks next season.
Photo: FilmMagic
Phil Jackson hasn’t found a New York apartment yet, but he has a favorite restaurant — and it has a perfect name. The new president of the New York Knickerbockers goes to the Knickerbocker Bar & Grill. But if he plans to become a regular, he better start tipping better: Jackson, who is getting $12 million a year, left just $25 on the bill of about $140, sources said. This despite getting his appetizers and desserts comped, no less.
Jackson was at the NYU hangout on University Place on Friday night with Steve Kerr, his leading candidate to coach the Knicks next season, for a three-hour dinner. Lots of talk about the triangle offense, I am sure.
“He [Jackson] has been in quite a bit,” a manager told me yesterday. “He’s friends with one of our regulars, Dr. Danny Rudolph.”

So nter waiters/waitresses, if Phil Jackson, Hall of Fame coach, winner of 14 NBA titles left you $25 on a $140 bill and he just so happened to come back to your restaurant would you give him lackluster service?
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