Glenn Beck.

He focuses a lot on the constitution......  there are many left ******s on tv btw
He focuses a lot on the constitution......  there are many left ******s on tv btw
Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

as for my real comment:
Despite Beck & Limbaugh's lack of formal education, they must be doing something correct, as compared to Olberman who got his show cancelled.

Olbermann got canned because of ratings. People can't handle the truth or at least a liberal perspective. Beck and Limbaugh and Hannity and OReilly pander to the stupidity of WASPs. 


If Olbermann had atleast some sort of liveliness to his personality or his show, instead of the dull, dry humor he provided on his show and when he was on Football Night in America on NBC, he'd still be on air, 
Strictly from a TV/Radio standpoint, Beck, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, and Hannity provide a show that's entertaining, yet informative, now wether you agree its accurate or not, it isn't the point, but that they were killing Olbermann ratings wise. 
Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

as for my real comment:
Despite Beck & Limbaugh's lack of formal education, they must be doing something correct, as compared to Olberman who got his show cancelled.

Olbermann got canned because of ratings. People can't handle the truth or at least a liberal perspective. Beck and Limbaugh and Hannity and OReilly pander to the stupidity of WASPs. 


If Olbermann had atleast some sort of liveliness to his personality or his show, instead of the dull, dry humor he provided on his show and when he was on Football Night in America on NBC, he'd still be on air, 
Strictly from a TV/Radio standpoint, Beck, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, and Hannity provide a show that's entertaining, yet informative, now wether you agree its accurate or not, it isn't the point, but that they were killing Olbermann ratings wise. 
Originally Posted by Rocky437

He focuses a lot on the constitution......  there are many left ******s on tv btw
But they have phd's so they are always right...

O'Reilly went to Boston College and Harvard but Liberals still dont agree with him. It all comes back to where you fall on the issues. Like I said, if Beck was on MSNBC, he would be praised.
Originally Posted by Rocky437

He focuses a lot on the constitution......  there are many left ******s on tv btw
But they have phd's so they are always right...

O'Reilly went to Boston College and Harvard but Liberals still dont agree with him. It all comes back to where you fall on the issues. Like I said, if Beck was on MSNBC, he would be praised.
you're changing my post.

youre speaking in IFs

im speaking with fact.

fact is

16-year-old got into cornell and ph.d. rhoads scholar


pothead pill popping alcoholic.

as for Bill, he didnt go TO harvard, he went to the JFK school of government when happens to be on HARVARDS campus

its cute tho.

i dont agree with him, but at the same time, i can respect the man's intellect.

its funny that youre actually DEFENDING the pill popping pothead alcoholic who dropped out of the only class he's ever been in past high school

thats literally hilarious to me.

who cares who has a show and who doesnt?

thats like arguing the talent of a rapper using record sales.

everyone on fox news ALWAYS enjoys higher ratings than anyone on ANY show....

so that point is irrelevant.
you're changing my post.

youre speaking in IFs

im speaking with fact.

fact is

16-year-old got into cornell and ph.d. rhoads scholar


pothead pill popping alcoholic.

as for Bill, he didnt go TO harvard, he went to the JFK school of government when happens to be on HARVARDS campus

its cute tho.

i dont agree with him, but at the same time, i can respect the man's intellect.

its funny that youre actually DEFENDING the pill popping pothead alcoholic who dropped out of the only class he's ever been in past high school

thats literally hilarious to me.

who cares who has a show and who doesnt?

thats like arguing the talent of a rapper using record sales.

everyone on fox news ALWAYS enjoys higher ratings than anyone on ANY show....

so that point is irrelevant.

where did i say they're always right because they're educated?

please, quote the part of any of my posts that say that....

all i did was provided the educational background of three political TV personalities

YOU have put words in my mouth so YOU can argue with things i never even said.

it's okay, you vouch for drug addicts with high school diplomas


vice president and presidential nominees both having ONE bachelors that took 6 years to get between them?


being educated IS a GOOD thing, ESPECIALLY when you're advocating for AMERICA....

you can't even manage a region of McDonalds without a bachelor's

but people VOTED for dudes to RUN THE COUNTRY without one?

dudes actually entertain beck's intellect....THATS the problem i have...

THATS the point of this post...

you're ACTUALLY defending beck by saying "well, IF the MSNBC people were uneducated drug addicts..."

they aren't, tho, you know why?

that uneducated, "shoot from the gut", we're WINNERS %%#$ doesnt fly on the left....

im not going to listen to you try to EDUCATE me or INFORM me when you dropped out of the ONE college-level class you ever took....

you're not going to be an AUTHORITY on anything, when you didnt even get IN got PUT in ONE CLASS by a SENATOR....

and dropped out.

then "self-educated"?


and youre in here trying hard to defend him...


did i just defend maddow getting tricked on a story? did i defend olberman losing his show?

know why? I DONT CARE

you, obviously, care about glenn beck's image.....

because im in here SLANDERING his intellect cause he has a high-school education and speaks as if he's an authority on ANYTHING


again, for emphasis;

rhoads scholar with Ph.D and dude who got into CORNELL at the age of SIXTEEEN



the fact that many americans ride with beck like my boy Trelvis, SHOWS ME, America doesnt value education and intellect...

like YOU said, yourself, Trelvis, Americans are going to ride with their side regardless, right?

so the left has Ph.D rhoads scholars and teenage ivy leaugers....

and the right has.....

pill popping alcoholic weedheads who self educate...


(i didnt say if, did i? know why? its fact.)
Bill also had a master's from the JFK school of government, however, his response to "the tides are caused by the moon, bill" was "yeah? they are? WELL WHO MADE THE MOON, SMART GUY?"

great use of that "harvard" education, guy


where did i say they're always right because they're educated?

please, quote the part of any of my posts that say that....

all i did was provided the educational background of three political TV personalities

YOU have put words in my mouth so YOU can argue with things i never even said.

it's okay, you vouch for drug addicts with high school diplomas


vice president and presidential nominees both having ONE bachelors that took 6 years to get between them?


being educated IS a GOOD thing, ESPECIALLY when you're advocating for AMERICA....

you can't even manage a region of McDonalds without a bachelor's

but people VOTED for dudes to RUN THE COUNTRY without one?

dudes actually entertain beck's intellect....THATS the problem i have...

THATS the point of this post...

you're ACTUALLY defending beck by saying "well, IF the MSNBC people were uneducated drug addicts..."

they aren't, tho, you know why?

that uneducated, "shoot from the gut", we're WINNERS %%#$ doesnt fly on the left....

im not going to listen to you try to EDUCATE me or INFORM me when you dropped out of the ONE college-level class you ever took....

you're not going to be an AUTHORITY on anything, when you didnt even get IN got PUT in ONE CLASS by a SENATOR....

and dropped out.

then "self-educated"?


and youre in here trying hard to defend him...


did i just defend maddow getting tricked on a story? did i defend olberman losing his show?

know why? I DONT CARE

you, obviously, care about glenn beck's image.....

because im in here SLANDERING his intellect cause he has a high-school education and speaks as if he's an authority on ANYTHING


again, for emphasis;

rhoads scholar with Ph.D and dude who got into CORNELL at the age of SIXTEEEN



the fact that many americans ride with beck like my boy Trelvis, SHOWS ME, America doesnt value education and intellect...

like YOU said, yourself, Trelvis, Americans are going to ride with their side regardless, right?

so the left has Ph.D rhoads scholars and teenage ivy leaugers....

and the right has.....

pill popping alcoholic weedheads who self educate...


(i didnt say if, did i? know why? its fact.)
Bill also had a master's from the JFK school of government, however, his response to "the tides are caused by the moon, bill" was "yeah? they are? WELL WHO MADE THE MOON, SMART GUY?"

great use of that "harvard" education, guy

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by Rocky437

He focuses a lot on the constitution......  there are many left ******s on tv btw
But they have phd's so they are always right...

O'Reilly went to Boston College and Harvard but Liberals still dont agree with him. It all comes back to where you fall on the issues. Like I said, if Beck was on MSNBC, he would be praised.
I think O'Reilly gets a lot of unfair flak, but as far as Conservative commentators I think he generally takes valid stances on things.  I think people jump all over the heavy handed way he runs his show (where even if he is interviewing someone its mostly his opinion), as well as some of his soundbytes that are taken out of the context of his actual argument.  The only real issue I have is that he insists that he isn't a conservative, but rather, "traditionalist"

Beck, on the other hand, was on CNN and people still knew he was a fear-mongering ratings *@#!#.  If you don't think that what he does is pander to the lowest, uninformed, most counterproductive level of American political discourse then you are kidding yourself.
^ Repubs can relate better to pill popping idiots. They vote for him because "he's just like me".

Also agree that arguing ratings when discussing a TV show doesn't really mean much.
^ Repubs can relate better to pill popping idiots. They vote for him because "he's just like me".

Also agree that arguing ratings when discussing a TV show doesn't really mean much.
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by Rocky437

He focuses a lot on the constitution......  there are many left ******s on tv btw
But they have phd's so they are always right...

O'Reilly went to Boston College and Harvard but Liberals still dont agree with him. It all comes back to where you fall on the issues. Like I said, if Beck was on MSNBC, he would be praised.
I think O'Reilly gets a lot of unfair flak, but as far as Conservative commentators I think he generally takes valid stances on things.  I think people jump all over the heavy handed way he runs his show (where even if he is interviewing someone its mostly his opinion), as well as some of his soundbytes that are taken out of the context of his actual argument.  The only real issue I have is that he insists that he isn't a conservative, but rather, "traditionalist"

Beck, on the other hand, was on CNN and people still knew he was a fear-mongering ratings *@#!#.  If you don't think that what he does is pander to the lowest, uninformed, most counterproductive level of American political discourse then you are kidding yourself.
Originally Posted by 2SeatPort

Beck, on the other hand, was on CNN and people still knew he was a fear-mongering ratings *@#!#.  If you don't think that what he does is pander to the lowest, uninformed, most counterproductive level of American political discourse then you are kidding yourself.

its funny because he's just as uneducated and counterproductive as the people he panders to are...

Originally Posted by 2SeatPort

Beck, on the other hand, was on CNN and people still knew he was a fear-mongering ratings *@#!#.  If you don't think that what he does is pander to the lowest, uninformed, most counterproductive level of American political discourse then you are kidding yourself.

its funny because he's just as uneducated and counterproductive as the people he panders to are...

Olbermann got fired for a behind the scenes pissing match with executive.. Exactly the same reason he got fired from ESPN..

It really had nothing to do with ratings... If that were the case everyone else on the channel would have been canned first..

Furthermore, a liberal station will never... I repeat NEVER have as good ratings as a Conservative station will during prime time..

The reason is that the demographics are different (young vs. old) (Who is more likely to watch prime time news? Older people) Hence why Olbermann and Maddow win the young demo but get absolutely crushed in the Older demo... What will people from 18-50 watch nightly.. Sitcoms or Political Commentary?? You guessed it... Sitcoms..

It is not like Conservatives outnumber Liberal 6 to 1 in this country (or 3 to 1, or even 2 to 1 for that matter)... It is that liberals who tend to be younger would rather watch something else especially from 8pm - 10pm.. If it were the other way around and Conservatives were the young ideology, they'd get their @#!#$ whooped in ratings every night..

Who knows if the current youth vote changes that or not in 20-30 years....
Olbermann got fired for a behind the scenes pissing match with executive.. Exactly the same reason he got fired from ESPN..

It really had nothing to do with ratings... If that were the case everyone else on the channel would have been canned first..

Furthermore, a liberal station will never... I repeat NEVER have as good ratings as a Conservative station will during prime time..

The reason is that the demographics are different (young vs. old) (Who is more likely to watch prime time news? Older people) Hence why Olbermann and Maddow win the young demo but get absolutely crushed in the Older demo... What will people from 18-50 watch nightly.. Sitcoms or Political Commentary?? You guessed it... Sitcoms..

It is not like Conservatives outnumber Liberal 6 to 1 in this country (or 3 to 1, or even 2 to 1 for that matter)... It is that liberals who tend to be younger would rather watch something else especially from 8pm - 10pm.. If it were the other way around and Conservatives were the young ideology, they'd get their @#!#$ whooped in ratings every night..

Who knows if the current youth vote changes that or not in 20-30 years....
essential, i was practically GIVING them that argument, tho

that olberman doesnt have a show anymore...


lol, he got into cornell at 16...

that > glenn beck's existance
lol @ glenn beck survived the become a "tv celebrity"?

lol, like flavor flav, huh?



sorry to disrespect Flav like that....

essential, i was practically GIVING them that argument, tho

that olberman doesnt have a show anymore...


lol, he got into cornell at 16...

that > glenn beck's existance
lol @ glenn beck survived the become a "tv celebrity"?

lol, like flavor flav, huh?



sorry to disrespect Flav like that....

Originally Posted by rashi

Who cares if they have Ph.D's and went to Ivy league schools. You think that makes them more credible?

actually, by definition, yes, they ARE more credible...

why even have college OR education?


beck couldnt even get on as an intern at fox news......


"oh, it says here that you're self-educated"


"we'll give you a call back, glenn"
Originally Posted by rashi

Who cares if they have Ph.D's and went to Ivy league schools. You think that makes them more credible?

actually, by definition, yes, they ARE more credible...

why even have college OR education?


beck couldnt even get on as an intern at fox news......


"oh, it says here that you're self-educated"


"we'll give you a call back, glenn"
Im not defending Beck, Olbermann, or anyone. Like I said in my original post, I dont like any of them. Only thing I watch on Fox News is Red Eye, only thing I watch on MSNBC is all their prison shows they run late at night.

I agree that Glenn Beck is a moron, but it has nothing to do with his education level. Olbermann's rants are equally disturbing. Just because one person is educated doesnt make them smart, just like a person who isn't educated isnt automatically dumb. It doesnt work that way. I know plenty of stupid people who graduated college. I know alot of smart people who didnt.

Using enphans logic, if you arent in college by 16 or have a phd then you arent qualified to speak about politics. Take your liberal blinders off and you will see Fox News=MSNBC. They are the exact same just different sides of the argument.
Im not defending Beck, Olbermann, or anyone. Like I said in my original post, I dont like any of them. Only thing I watch on Fox News is Red Eye, only thing I watch on MSNBC is all their prison shows they run late at night.

I agree that Glenn Beck is a moron, but it has nothing to do with his education level. Olbermann's rants are equally disturbing. Just because one person is educated doesnt make them smart, just like a person who isn't educated isnt automatically dumb. It doesnt work that way. I know plenty of stupid people who graduated college. I know alot of smart people who didnt.

Using enphans logic, if you arent in college by 16 or have a phd then you arent qualified to speak about politics. Take your liberal blinders off and you will see Fox News=MSNBC. They are the exact same just different sides of the argument.
George Bush went to Yale, we all saw how credible he was...
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