Go to google.com RIGHT NOW!

anybody who recognizes this is awesome. 

Really though, Google be on some creative %%%% sometimes.
Wish I could work for them, saw a video in college about their workplace and the benefits are 
Really though, Google be on some creative %%%% sometimes.
Wish I could work for them, saw a video in college about their workplace and the benefits are 
sooo.. none of this is working for me. i dont see what you guys are talking about, even after i sign out of my igoogle account. when i click on ur links, it just sends me to the google homepage. kinda mad right now.

nevermind i got it.

those Kayne ones are
sooo.. none of this is working for me. i dont see what you guys are talking about, even after i sign out of my igoogle account. when i click on ur links, it just sends me to the google homepage. kinda mad right now.

nevermind i got it.

those Kayne ones are
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