man i hate that... @%%# happens in like almost every store i go to except the one right under my crib.. so unless i KNOW what i want i don't even bothergoing into other stores
Originally Posted by General Johnson

I went to the mall last weekend, went into the fitting room to try on a polo and some jeans, came out and a cop just "happened to be waiting right there."

So I go to pay and the dumb *%% cashier or whatever you call them was like

"Was the door to the fitting room unlocked?"

I replied "Yeah..."

She says "Were all of them unlocked"

To which I

and "Was I supposed to check them all? Is that cop here for me?"

She tried to play it off, but I was like "Damn, is it illegal for me to shop or what?"
thats messed up. im almost certain that if someone was going to steal something, they wouldnt break into a fitting room to try it on lol. i getlooks because i always seem to go shopping when i look super homeless. ill go after playing basketball or football and im all dirty and im looking at expensivestuff.
i've been asked if i was going to steal
also, in a gas station, there was a robbery down the street and the guy asked me if i did it. cop comes in togive the gas station idiot the description (was a white guy) and he's like, you sure you didn't do it? i'm mexican, far from light skinned.
Start dressing like a grown #+% man. You wouldn't see Denzel Washington looking mother !$@!%$ getting hassled.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Start dressing like a grown #+% man. You wouldn't see Denzel Washington looking mother !$@!%$ getting hassled.


its just cause of your skin color homie, i was wearing normal clothes, NOTHING baggy at all

o ya and i am mexican by the way
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Start dressing like a grown #+% man. You wouldn't see Denzel Washington looking mother !$@!%$ getting hassled.
F outta here. it shouldn't matter how you are dressed. No one should be following someone around a store just to "check up on them"
Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by LUIS BALLER 88

Brand Central is pretty close to the electronics. Thats probably why they were watching you. I work in Sears loss prevention and I watch anyone that walks into electronics just to see if they show any signs of a shoplifter
Please enlighten me...

I'd like to know how not to look like a shoplifter w/o changing my skin color.


Don't wear baggy clothes, look around like you're going to do something, come in with empty bags, keep leaving and coming back to the samearea, etc. These are all signs of suspicion. I'm not saying everyone is like this, but going by these things I have gotten quite a few shoplifters
People stopped following me but it may be because of how I carry myself. Also if they ask if you need help be polite "no thank you" or "thankyou but I'm fine". I get left alone
When you look like money (as i do) they're more afraid you gonna buy the store...

lol sorry im bored at work.
Originally Posted by jthagreat

When you look like money (as i do) they're more afraid you gonna buy the store...

lol sorry im bored at work.

I get watched at all the time even when i'm dressed professionally
It doesn't bother me that much anymore, because I'm not a thief.

Last week I was in Macy's buying some RL Polos, and some broad came in my space lookin' like she about to wet her pants, and gave me a fullintroduction etc. I simply cut her off before she finished, and said in a cool tone "No thank you".

I do get anoyyed, when you have to tell the employee more than once, that you don't need help.
I reply with a " No thank you for the secondtime".
I am white and live in the midwest and even I get followed around by employees or get a weird look when I walk out of the store without buying something...getused to it because it happens to a lot of people not just minorities or people in baggy clothes.
It's cuz you're BLACK! na i'm just playing.
It's due to the fact that maybe people who share resemblance with you steal at that location too often to not provoke prejudice
I dislike it a lot too. I don't dress suspicious or anything and I don't look suspicious either, but this lady was checking up on me every time I triedsomething on. I mean, how the %%#+ am I supposed to jack some jeans when I'm wearing bball shorts?
and yea it IS a bad idea if they ask you "You need any help?" and you respond "WT* you want!"
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