Good Guy Lucifer Is An Underrated Meme

Scumbag RKO2004

Says he will come back to answer questions posed to him.


Comes back and refuses to answer questions posed to him.

this had me dying lol.
Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

Anton, i feel like you are really projecting your own experience my man.

I remember you sharing your own reason for the rejection of church, but i can observe that it really hits close to you with the examples that you use, especially with the african thing.

Religion for you appears to have hurt you personally in the past.

You just have to remember not everyone has faced the oppression you have had.

Let me not get started with everyone else's unresolved issues with their family of origin and family history tied in with their cultural history.
You're right, religion has hurt me with a wonderful family, success, friends, and everything I've ever needed in life-

The African thing is more disappointment than sadness and no I wasn't fondled by a Catholic priest as kid

My rejection of Judeochristian religions is the equivalent of an African American not flying the confederate flag in their crib or a Jew not walking around with a swastika. I'm also critical of Chinese people being Christian and many of my Asian friends share the same sentiment, and I'm not Chinese same goes for Native Americans-Rape and steal my land, and then make me worship your Gods, I suppose I'm supposed to be ok with that

This is only a fraction of the reason why I reject Judeochristian religions, I'm NOT gay at all contrary to popular belief and I have basically nothing to gain personally by speaking out against some of the ignorant homophobic rants in religious texts so this kinda puts a hole in your theory that somehow I reject religion because I was PERSONALLY harmed---same goes for the misogyny and I'm not a woman if anything I have everything to gain by strictly enforcing misogynistic laws in the bible and the Koran.
Originally Posted by slickp42189

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by slickp42189

yea i know, and i already agreed to that, but even in that hypothetical situation you still couldnt say i would be the popular religion of that time, i couldve been a faithless pedophile who cares about nothing more than gross stuff, or i couldve been a king who denounced the popular religion to fit my personal agenda, etc
I suppose you could have rejected the religion, and became the first Catholic priest

I should have said most likely been the popular religion of the time, but what I'm sure of in that hypothetical situation is you would not be a Christian because no one has told trained you to become one
haha, no, not because "no one has told trained" me, i wouldnt because it didnt exist, thats still irrational to say i wouldnt be Christian because someone hasnt trained me to be Christian, at this point youre no longer arguing Christian's inability to think for themselves, youre arguing that I am unable to think for myself, which is impossible
That is a bingo

Until you convince me that you would most likely become a Christian if you lived in a predominantly Muslim country, this is the only conclusion I can come to-you don't have to agree with it but it's the way I see it
This thread cray.
Non believers ,let the believers cook and vice versa.
Spoiler [+]
I think that it may be a little foolish to not believe in a higher power of some sort. Wether what it is exactly that is a different story.

Religion though? Ahhhhhhh

Believe me, I live in Utah with Mormons and let me tell you......
The only thing we all will be able to agree on is that we'll never agree 

Let's just wait it out and see what happens 
Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

I think that it may be a little foolish to not believe in a higher power of some sort. Wether what it is exactly that is a different story.

Religion though? Ahhhhhhh

Believe me, I live in Utah with Mormons and let me tell you......

If that higher power is knowledge, then yeah, it is foolish to not believe in it. It's when people mislead others suggesting that religion can lead to true knowledge of self, and then the world that we live in, is where many problems begin. All belief in religion really does, is keep to people suspended in fear of the unknown.
It is also a divisive tool, one that confuses, separates humanity based upon belief systems that have not been proven to be factual. It's really an insidious way of controlling the weak minded, the poorly educated, those who have not developed a firm sense of self. This is the reason that the religious among us come off as children in times of duress. They'll point fingers, call names, group together, then burn villages, rape, maim, enslave, ban, dehumanize people under the guise of a god fearing people.

If the behaviour weren't so dangerous, it'd be comical.
Originally Posted by SoVerSoTowel

This thread cray.
Non believers ,let the believers cook and vice versa.
Spoiler [+]

Nah they rather Tom & Jerry it 
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by SoVerSoTowel

This thread cray.
Non believers ,let the believers cook and vice versa.
Spoiler [+]

Nah they rather Tom & Jerry it 
Agreed. NT was never this religious or anti-religion, atheist, whatever in the past. Dont know what happened honestly.

And it's the same dudes in every thread
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

Anton, i feel like you are really projecting your own experience my man.

I remember you sharing your own reason for the rejection of church, but i can observe that it really hits close to you with the examples that you use, especially with the african thing.

Religion for you appears to have hurt you personally in the past.

You just have to remember not everyone has faced the oppression you have had.

Let me not get started with everyone else's unresolved issues with their family of origin and family history tied in with their cultural history.
You're right, religion has hurt me with a wonderful family, success, friends, and everything I've ever needed in life-

The African thing is more disappointment than sadness and no I wasn't fondled by a Catholic priest as kid

My rejection of Judeochristian religions is the equivalent of an African American not flying the confederate flag in their crib or a Jew not walking around with a swastika. I'm also critical of Chinese people being Christian and many of my Asian friends share the same sentiment, and I'm not Chinese same goes for Native Americans-Rape and steal my land, and then make me worship your Gods, I suppose I'm supposed to be ok with that

This is only a fraction of the reason why I reject Judeochristian religions, I'm NOT gay at all contrary to popular belief and I have basically nothing to gain personally by speaking out against some of the ignorant homophobic rants in religious texts so this kinda puts a hole in your theory that somehow I reject religion because I was PERSONALLY harmed---same goes for the misogyny and I'm not a woman if anything I have everything to gain by strictly enforcing misogynistic laws in the bible and the Koran.
Hey thanks for sharing that.  And I def didn't assume being touched by a priest or that your life sucks because you're not religious. Not at all going in that route.  
If people can see your experience as a rational explanation as to why a person may reject religion, I feel like these threads can be more civil.

Rather than a spit in religion's face, I see your rejection as more of personal empowerment based on you experience and understanding of historical and cultural context of religion.

Trust me if I wanted to troll on you about rejection of your religion I wouldn't go this route.

I am actually trying to show NT that these discussions can be had without personal attack or insult, although I feel like you may have thought I was doing that, and that just because someone chooses not to follow a religion it doesn't make them a monster or a heathen.

In fact I respect someone who can give me a personal reflection on why they hold certain beliefs, whether it is in accepting or rejecting a God.
Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

I think that it may be a little foolish to not believe in a higher power of some sort. Wether what it is exactly that is a different story.

Religion though? Ahhhhhhh

Believe me, I live in Utah with Mormons and let me tell you......

If that higher power is knowledge, then yeah, it is foolish to not believe in it. It's when people mislead others suggesting that religion can lead to true knowledge of self, and then the world that we live in, is where many problems begin. All belief in religion really does, is keep to people suspended in fear of the unknown.
It is also a divisive tool, one that confuses, separates humanity based upon belief systems that have not been proven to be factual. It's really an insidious way of controlling the weak minded, the poorly educated, those who have not developed a firm sense of self. This is the reason that the religious among us come off as children in times of duress. They'll point fingers, call names, group together, then burn villages, rape, maim, enslave, ban, dehumanize people under the guise of a god fearing people.

If the behaviour weren't so dangerous, it'd be comical.

I know that you didn't ask, but I believe in God. What God is exactly, like I said, it is a toss up. I do believe in him tho. And I dunno, maybe God or the higher power is knowledge?
Either way, I believe in individualism and the temple of the body (my body is my temple
). And when it comes to the bible and other religious texts, I have a hard time believing that everything is just 'made up.' And I also have a hard time believing that it is all true. 

Random as hell, but one thing that gets me 
. These Mormons (and other religious groups), think they know everything. So basically, if one day aliens showed up or whatever, it would basically turn their life upside down because according to their beliefs it basically isn't possible. Not only is it not possible, but it is crazy. But then they believe that Jonah denied God, and because of that he was thrown overboard and was swallowed by a whale, in which he lived for however long, finally accepted god, and then the whale coughed him up onto the beach

Hey, i am really not trying to be blasphemous but how much more bizarre is that than aliens coming to earth? I am just saying, be consistent man

And I was get into with these people out here because they are so quick to say that another religion is 'weird' or 'strange.' Like, Buddhism is weird and false etc. But they believe that only they can go to the 'true' heaven and that once they get there they become gods and create their own worlds etc. Man take that bs somewhere. An open minded intelligent religious person is cool but them other cats 

Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

I think that it may be a little foolish to not believe in a higher power of some sort. Wether what it is exactly that is a different story.

Religion though? Ahhhhhhh

Believe me, I live in Utah with Mormons and let me tell you......

If that higher power is knowledge, then yeah, it is foolish to not believe in it. It's when people mislead others suggesting that religion can lead to true knowledge of self, and then the world that we live in, is where many problems begin. All belief in religion really does, is keep to people suspended in fear of the unknown.
It is also a divisive tool, one that confuses, separates humanity based upon belief systems that have not been proven to be factual. It's really an insidious way of controlling the weak minded, the poorly educated, those who have not developed a firm sense of self. This is the reason that the religious among us come off as children in times of duress. They'll point fingers, call names, group together, then burn villages, rape, maim, enslave, ban, dehumanize people under the guise of a god fearing people.

If the behaviour weren't so dangerous, it'd be comical.

I know that you didn't ask, but I believe in God. What God is exactly, like I said, it is a toss up. I do believe in him tho. And I dunno, maybe God or the higher power is knowledge?
The only time that humanity heals itself from errors made in the past, is by moving forward, then learning from mistakes, gaining knowledge, furthering the exploration into the question of WHY.
Those who are in fear of the common people gaining knowledge, are the ones pressing religion upon us, causing strife, fear, and division.
How do y'all not learn anything from the hundreds of previous threads in which you take part in your "religious debates"?

Y'all are really cool until you do this every week.

Experience growth and take the high road, learn how to live and let live. No one is right, and no one is wrong.
Originally Posted by TroyMcClure

How do y'all not learn anything from the hundreds of previous threads in which you take part in your "religious debates"?

Y'all are really cool until you do this every week.

Experience growth and take the high road, learn how to live and let live. No one is right, and no one is wrong.
Basically what I believe
Originally Posted by TroyMcClure

How do y'all not learn anything from the hundreds of previous threads in which you take part in your "religious debates"?

Y'all are really cool until you do this every week.

Experience growth and take the high road, learn how to live and let live. No one is right, and no one is wrong.

That's pretty good. But unfortunately, growth and allowing others to live, is considered a sin to those who wish to thwart any sense of critical thought.
You can't be gay, bi, or straight and in a interracial marriage, without some religious fanatic riling people up, then preventing those of us who do allow others to live and let live, do so without repercussion. 
Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Originally Posted by TroyMcClure

How do y'all not learn anything from the hundreds of previous threads in which you take part in your "religious debates"?

Y'all are really cool until you do this every week.

Experience growth and take the high road, learn how to live and let live. No one is right, and no one is wrong.

That's pretty good. But unfortunately, growth and allowing others to live, is considered a sin to those who wish to thwart any sense of critical thought.
You can't be gay, bi, or straight and in a interracial marriage, without some religious fanatic riling people up, then preventing those of us who do allow others to live and let live, do so without repercussion. 

Who cares what they think or say?
They are obviously ignorant. I am in no way shape or form religious...but you have to feel for those people. It's a "sympathy for the devil" type of thing. Sadly, they know no better. 

Rather than take insult to their thoughts, beliefs, and actions we should just hope that they will one day "see the light". 

In a perfect world, eh?
It's not just about what they think. Their thoughts create ideas that lead to actions that make it worse for everybody else let alone the perpetuation of this ignorance when they indoctrinate children severely damaging them in their formative years.
Originally Posted by TroyMcClure

Who cares what they think or say?
They are obviously ignorant. I am in no way shape or form religious...but you have to feel for those people. It's a "sympathy for the devil" type of thing. Sadly, they know no better. 

Rather than take insult to their thoughts, beliefs, and actions we should just hope that they will one day "see the light". 

In a perfect world, eh?
You sound like the type of person that would just keep driving after witnessing a ten car pile up. "Well, I hope those people are okay. I'm sure someone will come and help them out soon.

If you see something wrong, in your eyes, but choose not to do anything to affect that situation, what does that make you? I don't think insulting others is the way go about doing things (although I don't think pointing out inconsistencies or logical fallacies within their religious framework is an insult) but I believe it is crucial that there is a constant dialogue. We NEED people to go against the grain.
What is to be an atheist? How does it feel?

I'm not particularly religious, but was raised in a manner that I should be( strict catholic upbringing), and I always wonder how do athiests have the steel will to go against religious people or fanatics, and more so want to find out why they do so, what is the reason?

It is easy to believe in a greater being, as it is to follow the alpha in the pack; I see why people are religious and become religious fanatics: fear of death, fear of endless torment, joy of heaven, family who have passed etc, it is almost all too good and/or bad depending how you look at it, but in a weird sense if put in that environment, it is clear as glass. Ironically I don't fit in my theory and I wonder why.

I guess what I am trying to say is some people need religion, as they need that coffee in the morning, it is their drive and hope, kind of an paradox if youre going to heaven why even try? All I'm saying is let the people with a religious affiliation live, this century it's Christianity last it was Protestants before it was the Muslims, Ra, Zeus, Buddha etc. religions like all things end. Rather than fight them to the death on a forum, why not understand why they believe in their god or religion, if it is truly a noble reason to their belief, then let them believe, if it makes them happy.
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