Good Guy Lucifer Is An Underrated Meme

Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

so this isn't a meme thread?

Im saying...i was expecting to have good ole laugh...but oh no its another religion thread
Originally Posted by slickp42189

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by slickp42189

but then again, i wouldnt have had any of my experiences. . . . . . if i hadnt been through what i went through two years ago i would still be an Atheist. . . . . .  we can go through possibilities but i think even sillyputty wouldnt have brought any hypotheticals into an argument because they are hypotheticals not facts, neither you or i know if i would still be Christian

I know for a fact you wouldn't be a Christian, that's my point---there are time periods in human history where it would have been pretty much impossible for you to be a Christian, you're a Christian because somebody told you to become a Christian, you aren't thinking for yourself

I'm not sure what experiences you're talking about but I'll take a wild guess-You were in a dire situation, survived it and gave God credit for his divine intervention completely ignoring the many people who live on this planet who weren't so lucky. Am i right or am I right?
wow, you sound like my friends dad, he has a serious god complex because hes a neurosurgeon and like him you insist youre right about something you cant be any more wrong about, youre in the medical field arent you? or at least a student
anyways you dont know, and for you to go on like that is not helping you at all, not to mention youre not right at all, i havent been in a life or death situation, ive never tried any drug other than alcohol and second hand smoking unintentionally, i already told you i dont pray so idk why you even thought of that scenario. . . . . . you should just stop, you cant prove it man, its impossible to prove i dont think for myself when my very reason for being Christian is purely selfish, at best your argument is that i was born into a predisposition to Christianity and unfortunately for you thats where it ends

Are you serious? I have to prove to you that you would NOT have been a Christian if you lived in a time period where Christianity didn't exist or wasn't introduced to people? That's like asking me to prove that people in biblical times weren't riding around in benzes blasting Drake's new album

Until you can convince me that you would have an equal chance of becoming a Christian if you lived in a majority non-Christian country, saying you do not think for yourself is a fair conclusion don't you think?

And that scenario was a guess admittedly based on stereotypes, calm down bro
AntonLaVey wrote:
I know for a fact you wouldn't be a Christian, that's my point---there are time periods in human history where it would have been pretty much impossible for you to be a Christian, you're a Christian because somebody told you to become a Christian, you aren't thinking for yourself

I'm not sure what experiences you're talking about but I'll take a wild guess-You were in a dire situation, survived it and gave God credit for his divine intervention completely ignoring the many people who live on this planet who weren't so lucky. Am i right or am I right?
Boi stop.
You sound like a christian using that word.

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

AntonLaVey wrote:
I know for a fact you wouldn't be a Christian, that's my point---there are time periods in human history where it would have been pretty much impossible for you to be a Christian, you're a Christian because somebody told you to become a Christian, you aren't thinking for yourself

I'm not sure what experiences you're talking about but I'll take a wild guess-You were in a dire situation, survived it and gave God credit for his divine intervention completely ignoring the many people who live on this planet who weren't so lucky. Am i right or am I right?
Boi stop.
You sound like a christian using that word.


You know what you're right, if my man lived in West Africa before Jesus Christ was born he would still have been a Christian---You win

I can't prove that the God didn't give Moses the Ten commandments on an IPAD---I have no proof
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

AntonLaVey wrote:I know for a fact you wouldn't be a Christian, that's my point---there are time periods in human history where it would have been pretty much impossible for you to be a Christian, you're a Christian because somebody told you to become a Christian, you aren't thinking for yourself

I'm not sure what experiences you're talking about but I'll take a wild guess-You were in a dire situation, survived it and gave God credit for his divine intervention completely ignoring the many people who live on this planet who weren't so lucky. Am i right or am I right?
Boi stop.
You sound like a christian using that word.


You know what you're right, if my man lived in West Africa before Jesus Christ was born he would still have been a Christian---You win

I can't prove that the God didn't give Moses the Ten commandments on an IPAD---I have no proof

This argument acknowledges people -- as entities --  being reborn in a different flesh instead of the one they already exist in, and therefor is a paradox.
The indisputable fact and only fact in this argument, is that she was born and then became a christian.
AntonLaVey wrote:

You know what you're right, if my man lived in West Africa before Jesus Christ was born he would still have been a Christian---You win

I can't prove that the God didn't give Moses the Ten commandments on an IPAD---I have no proof


You contradict yourself too much, you said that you don't say things are facts like theist do in a other thread, yet you sit here and say that comment. And this is not the first time.
You know nothing, I will be at peace when you admit that, till then I shall not rest.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by slickp42189

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I know for a fact you wouldn't be a Christian, that's my point---there are time periods in human history where it would have been pretty much impossible for you to be a Christian, you're a Christian because somebody told you to become a Christian, you aren't thinking for yourself

I'm not sure what experiences you're talking about but I'll take a wild guess-You were in a dire situation, survived it and gave God credit for his divine intervention completely ignoring the many people who live on this planet who weren't so lucky. Am i right or am I right?
wow, you sound like my friends dad, he has a serious god complex because hes a neurosurgeon and like him you insist youre right about something you cant be any more wrong about, youre in the medical field arent you? or at least a student
anyways you dont know, and for you to go on like that is not helping you at all, not to mention youre not right at all, i havent been in a life or death situation, ive never tried any drug other than alcohol and second hand smoking unintentionally, i already told you i dont pray so idk why you even thought of that scenario. . . . . . you should just stop, you cant prove it man, its impossible to prove i dont think for myself when my very reason for being Christian is purely selfish, at best your argument is that i was born into a predisposition to Christianity and unfortunately for you thats where it ends

Are you serious? I have to prove to you that you would NOT have been a Christian if you lived in a time period where Christianity didn't exist or wasn't introduced to people? That's like asking me to prove that people in biblical times weren't riding around in benzes blasting Drake's new album

Until you can convince me that you would have an equal chance of becoming a Christian if you lived in a majority non-Christian country, saying you do not think for yourself is a fair conclusion don't you think?

And that scenario was a guess admittedly based on stereotypes, calm down bro
what? Christianity was definitely a religion during the pre-colonial Africa period, now if you said i was a citizen of ancient Sumer then yea youre so right because it wasnt a religion then, if you read your claim for what it is it really does sound totally irrational
you said: baby born into Christian family/country = unable to think for itself

 im not trying to convince you i dont have an affinity for Christianity im agreeing with the fact that i have been slanted, but im trying to say that there is no correlation between the ability to think for yourself and being a Christian, the very notion of me claiming Christianity within itself is a choice
Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Boi stop.
You sound like a christian using that word.


You know what you're right, if my man lived in West Africa before Jesus Christ was born he would still have been a Christian---You win

I can't prove that the God didn't give Moses the Ten commandments on an IPAD---I have no proof
This argument acknowledges people -- as entities --  being reborn in a different flesh instead of the one they already exist in, and therefor is a paradox.
The indisputable fact and only fact in this argument, is that she was born and then became a christian.
thats what ive been saying, but please tell me you didnt call me a she dude
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

You know what you're right, if my man lived in West Africa before Jesus Christ was born he would still have been a Christian---You win

I can't prove that the God didn't give Moses the Ten commandments on an IPAD---I have no proof


You contradict yourself too much, you said that you don't say things are facts like theist do in a other thread, yet you sit here and say that comment. And this is not the first time.
You know nothing, I will be at peace when you admit that, till then I shall not rest.

You're absolutely right, I have absolutely no proof that people weren't walking around in Jordans before Jordans were even invented---I can't prove it
I'm contradicting myself, how come I can criticize Christians for saying that God exists for a fact yet claim something that wasn't invented yet didn't exist before it existed!!! How dare I?
Originally Posted by slickp42189

Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

You know what you're right, if my man lived in West Africa before Jesus Christ was born he would still have been a Christian---You win

I can't prove that the God didn't give Moses the Ten commandments on an IPAD---I have no proof
This argument acknowledges people -- as entities --  being reborn in a different flesh instead of the one they already exist in, and therefor is a paradox.
The indisputable fact and only fact in this argument, is that she was born and then became a christian.
thats what ive been saying, but please tell me you didnt call me a she dude
Yo my bad, I'm so confused right now. I know God is not a He nor a She. That's what I know.
Words are powerful. Just as powerful when they are misinterpreted.
Ive stoppped arguing religion with people because I understand we need to give people time to come around. As science and technology has boomed this past decade you can see a huge drop off in religion. Although there is nothing wrong with arguing it, us nonbelievers need to be patient with the believers. They will come around eventually. We'll have to ultimately wait until these generations die off cause I guarantee you the vast majority of the generation born this past decade will not believe in religion. I look at people like my parents who went to church 3 times a week when they were kids, put me in a private school until middle school, made me go every sunday for most of my life. Even though I had to go every wednesday at that private school
 and now they dont even go to church. When I notice people like my parents not going to church I see how much its dropping it off. 

Off topic but as a kid who went to a catholic school for 7 years I can tell you it is RIDICULOUS how much they brain wash you. If my parents didnt get me out of there I can say my life experiences would have been stunted and I wouldnt have been nearly as ready for the real world if I didnt go to a public school. It makes me sick. And the thing is I wouldnt have even known unless I left. I was livid once they said I was changing schools. And now im sittin here wishing I never went there in the first place.

Anywhoo, I give it maybe a 100 more years until religion, in America at least, will have fallen off for the most part. Its gonna take much longer for the world to realize this because most places arent as advanced as America. The middle east will take a while, most of those fools are still stuck in the stone ages cause of religion. Once the world realizes how much religion is holding us back as a species is when we will really see a boom in growth or advancement.

Again be patient everyone. Religion isnt a bad thing, we just dont need it anymore. Given how little we knew and how undeveloped we were as a species religion was the only way to go to create things like morals or act sane was to make something up and have everyone in fear. Most people are still F'ed in the head. Think of how long we depended on it. Thousands of years. It was only 100 years ago cars were invented. Little after that, radios, televisions, computers etc. We are still at the very very beginning of technology. As it becomes more advanced religion will go down the pooper.
Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by slickp42189

Originally Posted by buggz05

This argument acknowledges people -- as entities --  being reborn in a different flesh instead of the one they already exist in, and therefor is a paradox.
The indisputable fact and only fact in this argument, is that she was born and then became a christian.
thats what ive been saying, but please tell me you didnt call me a she dude
Yo my bad, I'm so confused right now. I know God is not a He nor a She. That's what I know.

Words are powerful. Just as powerful when they are misinterpreted.
... uhh I just think you thought anton was talking about me, since I am a girl.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

AntonLaVey wrote:
You know what you're right, if my man lived in West Africa before Jesus Christ was born he would still have been a Christian---You win

I can't prove that the God didn't give Moses the Ten commandments on an IPAD---I have no proof

You contradict yourself too much, you said that you don't say things are facts like theist do in a other thread, yet you sit here and say that comment. And this is not the first time.
You know nothing, I will be at peace when you admit that, till then I shall not rest.
You're absolutely right, I have absolutely no proof that people weren't walking around in Jordans before Jordans were even invented---I can't prove it
I'm contradicting myself, how come I can criticize Christians for saying that God exists for a fact yet claim something that wasn't invented yet didn't exist before it existed!!! How dare I?

you said pre colonial Africa thats 8th-18th century, Christianity was a religion before then, youre argument was not i couldnt be a Christian before it was a religion, it was i wouldnt be a Christian during the pre colonial Africa period, youre welcome to change your statement and i will agree with you but youre misquoting yourself right now and you have no idea
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by slickp42189

thats what ive been saying, but please tell me you didnt call me a she dude
Yo my bad, I'm so confused right now. I know God is not a He nor a She. That's what I know.

Words are powerful. Just as powerful when they are misinterpreted.
... uhh I just think you thought anton was talking about me, since I am a girl.
yea im mistaken, sorry
Originally Posted by slickp42189

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby


You contradict yourself too much, you said that you don't say things are facts like theist do in a other thread, yet you sit here and say that comment. And this is not the first time.
You know nothing, I will be at peace when you admit that, till then I shall not rest.
You're absolutely right, I have absolutely no proof that people weren't walking around in Jordans before Jordans were even invented---I can't prove it
I'm contradicting myself, how come I can criticize Christians for saying that God exists for a fact yet claim something that wasn't invented yet didn't exist before it existed!!! How dare I?
you said pre colonial Africa thats 8th-18th century, Christianity was a religion before then, youre argument was not i couldnt be a Christian before it was a religion, it was i wouldnt be a Christian during the pre colonial Africa period, youre welcome to change your statement and i will agree with you but youre misquoting yourself right now and you have no idea

I don't know how much simpler I could put this

If you were in a place were Christianity had not yet been introduced (eg Christianity was introduced to West Africa and they had their own religions prior to it) or in a time when Christianity simply did not exist , you would not be a Christian you would be whatever religion was popular during that time period or that place-
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by slickp42189

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

You're absolutely right, I have absolutely no proof that people weren't walking around in Jordans before Jordans were even invented---I can't prove it
I'm contradicting myself, how come I can criticize Christians for saying that God exists for a fact yet claim something that wasn't invented yet didn't exist before it existed!!! How dare I?
you said pre colonial Africa thats 8th-18th century, Christianity was a religion before then, youre argument was not i couldnt be a Christian before it was a religion, it was i wouldnt be a Christian during the pre colonial Africa period, youre welcome to change your statement and i will agree with you but youre misquoting yourself right now and you have no idea

I don't know how much simpler I could put this

If you were in a place were Christianity had not yet been introduced (eg Christianity was introduced to West Africa and they had their own religions prior to it) or in a time when Christianity simply did not exist , you would not be a Christian you would be whatever religion was popular during that time period or that place-
yea i know, and i already agreed to that, but even in that hypothetical situation you still couldnt say i would be the popular religion of that time, i couldve been a faithless pedophile who cares about nothing more than gross stuff, or i couldve been a king who denounced the popular religion to fit my personal agenda, etc
Originally Posted by slickp42189

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by slickp42189

you said pre colonial Africa thats 8th-18th century, Christianity was a religion before then, youre argument was not i couldnt be a Christian before it was a religion, it was i wouldnt be a Christian during the pre colonial Africa period, youre welcome to change your statement and i will agree with you but youre misquoting yourself right now and you have no idea

I don't know how much simpler I could put this

If you were in a place were Christianity had not yet been introduced (eg Christianity was introduced to West Africa and they had their own religions prior to it) or in a time when Christianity simply did not exist , you would not be a Christian you would be whatever religion was popular during that time period or that place-
yea i know, and i already agreed to that, but even in that hypothetical situation you still couldnt say i would be the popular religion of that time, i couldve been a faithless pedophile who cares about nothing more than gross stuff, or i couldve been a king who denounced the popular religion to fit my personal agenda, etc
I suppose you could have rejected the religion, and became the first Catholic priest

I should have said most likely been the popular religion of the time, but what I'm sure of in that hypothetical situation is you would not be a Christian because no one has told trained you to become one
Anton, i feel like you are really projecting your own experience my man.

I remember you sharing your own reason for the rejection of church, but i can observe that it really hits close to you with the examples that you use, especially with the african thing.

Religion for you appears to have hurt you personally in the past.

You just have to remember not everyone has faced the oppression you have had.

Let me not get started with everyone else's unresolved issues with their family of origin and family history tied in with their cultural history.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by slickp42189

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I don't know how much simpler I could put this

If you were in a place were Christianity had not yet been introduced (eg Christianity was introduced to West Africa and they had their own religions prior to it) or in a time when Christianity simply did not exist , you would not be a Christian you would be whatever religion was popular during that time period or that place-
yea i know, and i already agreed to that, but even in that hypothetical situation you still couldnt say i would be the popular religion of that time, i couldve been a faithless pedophile who cares about nothing more than gross stuff, or i couldve been a king who denounced the popular religion to fit my personal agenda, etc
I suppose you could have rejected the religion, and became the first Catholic priest

I should have said most likely been the popular religion of the time, but what I'm sure of in that hypothetical situation is you would not be a Christian because no one has told trained you to become one
haha, no, not because "no one has told trained" me, i wouldnt because it didnt exist, thats still irrational to say i wouldnt be Christian because someone hasnt trained me to be Christian, at this point youre no longer arguing Christian's inability to think for themselves, youre arguing if im unable to think for myself, which is impossible
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

They believe religion is the root of all evil, if its up to them anyone who is theist would be tortured until they realized God is not real.
I guess its because all atheist people are so nice and never do anything wrong.
This is that ad hominem nonsense silly mentioned. It's thought processes like this filled with such ignorance that doesn't warrant any serious replies. Why are you assuming all of this nonsense?
What part of my sentence made you think I wanted a serious reply
Oh you was just trolling? Oh.

I leave to celebrate this Giants win and now ppl speculating that silly putty is a girl?
Ridiculous. More of the same of attacking the poster and not the argument.
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