Good Guy Lucifer Is An Underrated Meme

Originally Posted by ninjahood

did someone say religion has em "wired" differently?
. I now see that we're just wired differently and that has nothing to do with my religion or your lack of religion.  
I believe that person was talking about personalities.
10. Satanists are obsessed with heavy metal/
9. Satanists wear all black clothing.
8. Satanists routinely curse other people.
7. The government is run by Satanists (usually evil ones which sacrifice children to molech.)
6. Satanists abuse children and animals during rituals.
5. Satanists lie constantly.
4. Satanists hate jesus or god.
3. Satanists intend to take over the world.
2. There is a literal church of Satan (that is a temple of some sort where we congregate.)
1. Satanists worship a being termed "Satan" or "Lucifer" or "The Devil."


Just give it a listen before tromping in with hate speech, insults, derailments, or pure trollness.
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Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by Iamjusayn

Originally Posted by sillyputty

If someone puts a gun to my head without giving me enough time to react and asks me to profess my love for the almighty god, Thor (blessed be his hammer), would you or would you not do it?

The point is to LIVE TO FIGHT ANOTHER DAY. Get him back tomorrow. 

If your pride (and ignorance) prevents you from escaping a certain death by "standing up", there are only a few words I can call you without hurting your "feelings"

So no. I'm not losing my life over NOT believing in something. Too many have lost theirs defending "nothing" as it is. 

That's ironic, being that you directly benefit from hundreds of people who afforded you the ability to do as much as you currently can do in ATL (
) or wherever you reside, 

Defending civil rights is one things.

I'm not dying to defend christianity or "the lack of belief" or whatever trumped up idea you have for a semblance of religion.

The two aren't even related and don't make the mistake of equating them again. 
attend those schools that slavishly indoctrinate you and many more freedoms.
Because all of us were english majors?
Its funny. How can I be the "indoctrinated" one? You're defending ONE religious position, and not ALL of them. Isn't it you thats a little limited

Its funny how the more education you have, the more liberal you become. Maybe its the increased ability to reason on behalf of others that allows you to embrace more empathetic positions. 

But again, correlation, doesn't equal causation...

They laid their beliefs on the line while being threatened, beaten, killed and disrespected all because they stood by what they believed in (how pridefully ignorant of them). Those must definitely be some bottom of the barrel ignorant humans according to your "runneth at the mouth" atheist facade. I guess it does not apply to them since their was no internet/niketalk/forum back then for them to front about their beliefs so on these grounds, you are safe homeboy.

I am safe.

I'm VERY safe.

I could go to jail in probably 20 countries right now for being a non-believer. Thats how messed up the system is.

However, I will not DIE over the fact someone wants me to temporarily say "yes, Spiderman is god" 


But yeah, if you die for a religion, I'd say you died a pointless death.

And before you try to say those in the civil rights marches died because of christian beliefs, then you're wrong again. Christianity didn't grant us equal rights, understanding secular humanism did. Human rights transcends any other division by granting equal identification and protecting under the law of the land.

This tells me a few things: you are a derelict,

Ad-hominem #1
Where is your proof of this?

you deliberately ignore your history (since you clearly do not know where you are going),

What history?
I'm not going to take a bullet to the head because someone says I don't accept their god. Thats not how you overcome religious indoctrination. When a gun is at my head then we've gotten really far off track from the original mission.

Spiderman commends you, you do not NOT believe what you deem atheist and, you like to argue for the sake of argument.

I don't even understand what you're saying.
Carry on P.Parker. I don't want to disturb you any more. You are clearly proving that you know a whole lot of nothing! 

I don't understand what you're saying. 

*Insert here* "I do not live in ATL", "that's a horrible example", "those are two different types of beliefs"

Quick! Which one are you...Bill nye the science guy or P. Parker? Oh yeah, that's can be anyone you want based off how secure you feel at that moment. Ok, I'm done. You can telepathically motion your cronies to chime in and help you refute. 

If there was ever a poorer worded, expressed, and confusing sentiment...
I'll say it here and now. If you die defending a religion, I think you're an utter fool.

If you wouldn't die defending Thor, Ra, Osiris, Shiva, or the Odin, then you're wasting your time dying for whatever god you THINK exists.

I can't believe you would equate the quest for HUMAN RIGHTS and autonomy to dying for mythology.

You missed the whole point. You said Civil War, not me. The whole point was to illustrate to you that what you say is your opinion/stance (since you won't call it a belief) is fraudulent. You don't really mean all this stuff you argue about every single day! Stop misusing the Ad hominem term. I can refute what you say and still call you what you are which is a clown. You spend so much time and energy in these threads trying to discredit other posters beliefs and ideologies voraciously as if you really believe in what you say but you don't and you proved it. You are a trend. You ride with whatever is convenient at the time...until it gets real.
You are worse than what you argue against. You are the problem, not them. I have read different post you have typed for long enough and it's clear as day now that you are a flip flop. At least these people who believe in God, etc etc truly stand by and believe in what they say and are willing to stand up tall and firm when it gets real just like the example I gave you above that you deemed Civil Rights. There are plenty of people riding for their beliefs in a god who sometimes get mistreated, beat, or killed all the time. Bottom line is a belief is a belief and when you start to flip for when the situation is too real for you is when you know if it's truly a belief or a facade. An example of a belief (since you will respond by arguing like you don't understand) is when you stand up for yourself at your job to your boss when you know you were not wrong in doing what you were accused of  even while someone whispers (like a lil B) "man if I was you I would just leave it know they don't like people with your skin color" and you end up getting fired for it. Who knows, you might get to sue and "live another day" as you would say but you still stood up when it got "real".
 Another would be if someone raped a little girl you knew and nobody spoke on it to authorities to help the case so you stepped up and gave your side to provide justice even though  you received threats that if you spoke up, you would get hurt/killed. Anything else is a facade bro.  

You on the other hand....well. You want the convenience to have a forum to spew your discrediting disrespectful comments onto others about how silly their beliefs are while at the same time when you are faced with a situation that just got "real", you want to turn into a clown, Mr. Parker, a God fearing believer to save your flip flopping life! That's pathetic and weak. Why don't you stop spending so much time trying to clown other people's beliefs and just play your part, which is a lost soul who does not really "get it" but thinks he does? 

What I have gathered from your responses to me in this thread is that you are that same guy who let's say is an aspiring music artist who finally meets a top level executive posing as a straight male meeting this exec in his office as the exec starts coming at you with homosexual proposals, you respond hurriedly to perform them since you know this will land you that music deal even though you presented yourself as straight. Sound familiar? Sure it does you. Point is that you want to be on these threads pretending to be about that life as if you are more educated to make better educated decisions to not follow god, religion, mythology, etc etc while simultaneously putting others down and/or belittling them but then when it gets real (in your the Internet/Niketalk
), prompting you  to rep what you vehemently argue turn chameleon aka God fearing. 

I'm through responding to you and reading through your nonsense but I do appreciate you taking the time out to reveal your true self. #Silly 
its cause you have your belief (religion or idea of god) attached to you. we dont have any of that. so if someone has me at gunpoint and tells me "say you believe in allah or i kill you" i wouldnt have a problem in saying it cause it has no attachment, meaning or true value to me.

do you think atheism has an attachment, meaning or value to a person? its just a lack of theism. i dont have an atheism god and if i disrespect him im going to athiest hell.

you guys are gonna ride what he said till it dies cause sadly that is the only "argument" youve found out of the 10,000 questions, memes and other things. it had nothing to do with anything, you all just took it out of context and blew it out of proportion to finally have a reason to attack him.
Originally Posted by Iamjusayn

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by Iamjusayn

That's ironic, being that you directly benefit from hundreds of people who afforded you the ability to do as much as you currently can do in ATL (
) or wherever you reside, 

Defending civil rights is one things.

I'm not dying to defend christianity or "the lack of belief" or whatever trumped up idea you have for a semblance of religion.

The two aren't even related and don't make the mistake of equating them again. 
attend those schools that slavishly indoctrinate you and many more freedoms.
Because all of us were english majors?
Its funny. How can I be the "indoctrinated" one? You're defending ONE religious position, and not ALL of them. Isn't it you thats a little limited

Its funny how the more education you have, the more liberal you become. Maybe its the increased ability to reason on behalf of others that allows you to embrace more empathetic positions. 

But again, correlation, doesn't equal causation...

They laid their beliefs on the line while being threatened, beaten, killed and disrespected all because they stood by what they believed in (how pridefully ignorant of them). Those must definitely be some bottom of the barrel ignorant humans according to your "runneth at the mouth" atheist facade. I guess it does not apply to them since their was no internet/niketalk/forum back then for them to front about their beliefs so on these grounds, you are safe homeboy.

I am safe.

I'm VERY safe.

I could go to jail in probably 20 countries right now for being a non-believer. Thats how messed up the system is.

However, I will not DIE over the fact someone wants me to temporarily say "yes, Spiderman is god" 


But yeah, if you die for a religion, I'd say you died a pointless death.

And before you try to say those in the civil rights marches died because of christian beliefs, then you're wrong again. Christianity didn't grant us equal rights, understanding secular humanism did. Human rights transcends any other division by granting equal identification and protecting under the law of the land.

This tells me a few things: you are a derelict,
Where is your proof of this?

you deliberately ignore your history (since you clearly do not know where you are going),

What history?
I'm not going to take a bullet to the head because someone says I don't accept their god. Thats not how you overcome religious indoctrination. When a gun is at my head then we've gotten really far off track from the original mission.

Spiderman commends you, you do not NOT believe what you deem atheist and, you like to argue for the sake of argument.

I don't even understand what you're saying.
Carry on P.Parker. I don't want to disturb you any more. You are clearly proving that you know a whole lot of nothing! 

I don't understand what you're saying. 

*Insert here* "I do not live in ATL", "that's a horrible example", "those are two different types of beliefs"

Quick! Which one are you...Bill nye the science guy or P. Parker? Oh yeah, that's can be anyone you want based off how secure you feel at that moment. Ok, I'm done. You can telepathically motion your cronies to chime in and help you refute. 

If there was ever a poorer worded, expressed, and confusing sentiment...
I'll say it here and now. If you die defending a religion, I think you're an utter fool.

If you wouldn't die defending Thor, Ra, Osiris, Shiva, or the Odin, then you're wasting your time dying for whatever god you THINK exists.

I can't believe you would equate the quest for HUMAN RIGHTS and autonomy to dying for mythology.

You missed the whole point. You said Civil War, not me. The whole point was to illustrate to you that what you say is your opinion/stance (since you won't call it a belief) is fraudulent. You don't really mean all this stuff you argue about every single day! Stop misusing the Ad hominem term. I can refute what you say and still call you what you are which is a clown. You spend so much time and energy in these threads trying to discredit other posters beliefs and ideologies voraciously as if you really believe in what you say but you don't and you proved it. You are a trend. You ride with whatever is convenient at the time...until it gets real.
You are worse than what you argue against. You are the problem, not them. I have read different post you have typed for long enough and it's clear as day now that you are a flip flop. At least these people who believe in God, etc etc truly stand by and believe in what they say and are willing to stand up tall and firm when it gets real just like the example I gave you above that you deemed Civil Rights. There are plenty of people riding for their beliefs in a god who sometimes get mistreated, beat, or killed all the time. Bottom line is a belief is a belief and when you start to flip for when the situation is too real for you is when you know if it's truly a belief or a facade. An example of a belief (since you will respond by arguing like you don't understand) is when you stand up for yourself at your job to your boss when you know you were not wrong in doing what you were accused of  even while someone whispers (like a lil B) "man if I was you I would just leave it know they don't like people with your skin color" and you end up getting fired for it. Who knows, you might get to sue and "live another day" as you would say but you still stood up when it got "real".
 Another would be if someone raped a little girl you knew and nobody spoke on it to authorities to help the case so you stepped up and gave your side to provide justice even though  you received threats that if you spoke up, you would get hurt/killed. Anything else is a facade bro.  

You on the other hand....well. You want the convenience to have a forum to spew your discrediting disrespectful comments onto others about how silly their beliefs are while at the same time when you are faced with a situation that just got "real", you want to turn into a clown, Mr. Parker, a God fearing believer to save your flip flopping life! That's pathetic and weak. Why don't you stop spending so much time trying to clown other people's beliefs and just play your part, which is a lost soul who does not really "get it" but thinks he does? 

What I have gathered from your responses to me in this thread is that you are that same guy who let's say is an aspiring music artist who finally meets a top level executive posing as a straight male meeting this exec in his office as the exec starts coming at you with homosexual proposals, you respond hurriedly to perform them since you know this will land you that music deal even though you presented yourself as straight. Sound familiar? Sure it does you. Point is that you want to be on these threads pretending to be about that life as if you are more educated to make better educated decisions to not follow god, religion, mythology, etc etc while simultaneously putting others down and/or belittling them but then when it gets real (in your the Internet/Niketalk
), prompting you  to rep what you vehemently argue turn chameleon aka God fearing. 

I'm through responding to you and reading through your nonsense but I do appreciate you taking the time out to reveal your true self. #Silly 

The highlighted is exactly what is wrong. People shouldn't have to be enslaved to this kind of thing. We're humans and we only have this one life. Some might think there is an after-life, and maybe there is!, but we can only know, with absolute certainty, that we have THIS life. To say that you'll give up your one life for a god, an idea, an abstraction, is madness. Why is it madness? Because, and here we come full circle, there is NO evidence for there being a god. Why would ANYONE want to die for an abstract being we can not detect, whose "holy book" is full of inconsistencies and contradictions, and, in this scenario, we have a choice in the matter of dying or not. 
Honestly, this is some of the worst logic I have ever read. Your entire argument against silly putty can be summed up in one sentence: "I don't respect your opinion because you are not willing to die for your beliefs." and that is the EXACT point a lot of people are trying to make in this thread. It's that kind of FANATIC thought that non-believers find so terrifying and obscene. The fact that anyone would choose DEATH over life due to faith is absolute madness. Sit back and think for a moment. What does it even mean to DIE FOR YOUR BELIEF. I know they drill that thought at church and sunday school but REALLY think about it. What does that mean? I think it's so scary that the church has convinced a population that giving up one's life, the only one we know for sure we have, is somehow "noble", "brave", or a means to validate one's faith. What do you think of those Muslims who take up the call of action and literally die for their belief? Are they "keeping it real"? Your position that dying for faith is noble is one that is misguided and foolish. Whoever in your life circle, that fed that load of crap to you, did you a disservice.
Also note that NONE of your argument has any kind of substance to it. A whole lot of conjecture and ad-hominem attacks for days. Yes, likening him to someone who would consent to gay sex because he wants to "blow up" is an ad-hominem attack. Your "what if" scenarios are ridiculous and do nothing but "attempt" (I can't in good conscience say you really put in a full effort here) to pull the argument in a different direction.

Stop with the "I'm through..." lines. Several of you have dropped that thinking you've "deaded" the conversation. You haven't. No one has. It's a poor attempt to "win" the debate when one has run out of things to argue with. If you're really done, you'd just walk away from this thread.
Originally Posted by cap1229

sillyputty wrote:
cap1229 wrote:
Silly Putty it's your life and you have to live with the choices that you make and so do I. End of discussion. I now see that we're just wired differently and that has nothing to do with my religion or your lack of religion. 
1. Why are you addressing ONLY me? Am I the only non-believer on NT or this thread?

2. Why are you waving the white flag? No one was responding to you, or even challenging you.

3. Stop making it seem like "well i'll just do what I want and you just do what you want". Thats all its EVER been. If you choose to participate in the discussion, don't start backtracking like people are just free to believe what they want. If that was the case, you wouldn't have contributed. Whenever one side doesn't have anything to say its always "well just let us believe what we want, so there!" one was stopping you in the first place. We said our piece. You said yours. Stop acting like people saying things you don't like is grounds for you to declare that your rights have been infringed upon. Thats just skewing the argument on your terms.

4. Its not the "end of discussion." Its just where you choose not to respond any more. Thats a personal decision and has no bearing on what others have to say or should feel.

Oh and for the record, you're not wired differently in this sense. You have common sense, you're just choosing to overlook it. Use whatever method you want to disprove that Thor exists, and then apply it to your god.

 Waving the white flag?

sillyputty wrote:
Iamjusayn wrote:

cap1229 wrote:

You are soooo 
. Are you in any position to come at anyone when you were exposed to be a man that wouldn't stand his ground for his beliefs? I mean really.I'll let you cook though and "preach" online to your followers. Lol I really think you should make an official thread though. Since your all about dropping "knowledge". A collective of "redditors". Get tags and $#%%. I dunno. At least make this amusing.

If someone puts a gun to my head without giving me enough time to react and asks me to profess my love for the almighty god, Thor (blessed be his hammer), would you or would you not do it?

The point is to LIVE TO FIGHT ANOTHER DAY. Get him back tomorrow. 

If your pride (and ignorance) prevents you from escaping a certain death by "standing up", there are only a few words I can call you without hurting your "feelings"

So no. I'm not losing my life over NOT believing in something. Too many have lost theirs defending "nothing" as it is. 

Nobody was responding to me? Oh okay.
You just aren't worth the extra keystrokes to go back and forth with.

Make-up similar to Francesco Schettino. 

Yes. I was not responding to you directly as you make it seem like I was. Your post was caught in a quote of another quote.
Its funny how you keep saying "i'm done" but you keep posting things like this.

I'm clearly worth the keystrokes for you to NOT HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY. 
Originally Posted by Iamjusayn

sillyputty wrote:
Iamjusayn wrote:
That's ironic, being that you directly benefit from hundreds of people who afforded you the ability to do as much as you currently can do in ATL (
) or wherever you reside, 

Defending civil rights is one things.

I'm not dying to defend christianity or "the lack of belief" or whatever trumped up idea you have for a semblance of religion.

The two aren't even related and don't make the mistake of equating them again. 
attend those schools that slavishly indoctrinate you and many more freedoms.
Because all of us were english majors?

Its funny. How can I be the "indoctrinated" one? You're defending ONE religious position, and not ALL of them. Isn't it you thats a little limited

Its funny how the more education you have, the more liberal you become. Maybe its the increased ability to reason on behalf of others that allows you to embrace more empathetic positions. 

But again, correlation, doesn't equal causation...

They laid their beliefs on the line while being threatened, beaten, killed and disrespected all because they stood by what they believed in (how pridefully ignorant of them). Those must definitely be some bottom of the barrel ignorant humans according to your "runneth at the mouth" atheist facade. I guess it does not apply to them since their was no internet/niketalk/forum back then for them to front about their beliefs so on these grounds, you are safe homeboy.

I am safe.

I'm VERY safe.

I could go to jail in probably 20 countries right now for being a non-believer. Thats how messed up the system is.

However, I will not DIE over the fact someone wants me to temporarily say "yes, Spiderman is god" 


But yeah, if you die for a religion, I'd say you died a pointless death.

And before you try to say those in the civil rights marches died because of christian beliefs, then you're wrong again. Christianity didn't grant us equal rights, understanding secular humanism did. Human rights transcends any other division by granting equal identification and protecting under the law of the land.

This tells me a few things: you are a derelict,

Ad-hominem #1

Where is your proof of this?

you deliberately ignore your history (since you clearly do not know where you are going),

What history?

I'm not going to take a bullet to the head because someone says I don't accept their god. Thats not how you overcome religious indoctrination. When a gun is at my head then we've gotten really far off track from the original mission.

Spiderman commends you, you do not NOT believe what you deem atheist and, you like to argue for the sake of argument.

I don't even understand what you're saying.

Carry on P.Parker. I don't want to disturb you any more. You are clearly proving that you know a whole lot of nothing! 

I don't understand what you're saying. 

*Insert here* "I do not live in ATL", "that's a horrible example", "those are two different types of beliefs"

Quick! Which one are you...Bill nye the science guy or P. Parker? Oh yeah, that's can be anyone you want based off how secure you feel at that moment. Ok, I'm done. You can telepathically motion your cronies to chime in and help you refute. 

If there was ever a poorer worded, expressed, and confusing sentiment...

I'll say it here and now. If you die defending a religion, I think you're an utter fool.

If you wouldn't die defending Thor, Ra, Osiris, Shiva, or the Odin, then you're wasting your time dying for whatever god you THINK exists.

I can't believe you would equate the quest for HUMAN RIGHTS and autonomy to dying for mythology.

You missed the whole point. You said Civil War, not me.


 The whole point was to illustrate to you that what you say is your opinion/stance (since you won't call it a belief) is fraudulent. You don't really mean all this stuff you argue about every single day!

How do I not "mean" something?
I won't die because someone wants me to temporarily accept their belief in whatever "god" they have. I will live to fight another day while your hubris will cause you to take a bullet to the dome. Thus ending the chapter in your "fight"...or whatever.

Stop misusing the Ad hominem term.

You called me "derelict"
If you don't know what "ad-hominem" means, you should look it up. I won't stop using words because you don't know what they mean.

I can refute what you say and still call you what you are which is a clown.

This is a fine example of an ad-hominem, AKA a personal attack besides the central point.
You should be focused on my arguments, not me as an individual.

You spend so much time and energy in these threads trying to discredit other posters beliefs and ideologies voraciously as if you really believe in what you say but you don't and you proved it. You are a trend. You ride with whatever is convenient at the time...until it gets real.

I'm a non-believer until i'm given evidence to adopt another stance. Can you support proof of your supernatural being? I'd like to believe as well. Until you can do that then I have no reason to believe you.

Additionally, the point for rationality has been defenestrated when I am being threatened with my life. If a terrorist tells me to convert to Allah at the drop a dime with a gun to my head, I'll do it.

You wont.

And you know who will live to fight tomorrow? 

I will.

Yet you'll be leaking out of the side of your face wearing your crucifix and I won't be able to do anything for you.

Pick your battles. Fight smarter. Not harder.

That doesn't mean I'm actually a muslim at that point. It means I'm faking it because the penalties of going against the system directly are too much. 

There are countries I could be KILLED in right now for the views I have.


For what? Not believe in THEIR god? You mean to tell me that there aren't closet atheists in Indonesia or Saudi Arabia right now? A country with 200M+/27M+ people? And NONE of them are non-believers? 

The point of this discussion is to do so without violence. If that can't be achieved then the one with the biggest stick wins.

Its not "real" if you lose your life fighting for nothing.

You are worse than what you argue against. You are the problem, not them. I have read different post you have typed for long enough and it's clear as day now that you are a flip flop.

Are you BSmooth202?
At least these people who believe in God, etc etc truly stand by and believe in what they say and are willing to stand up tall and firm when it gets real just like the example I gave you above that you deemed Civil Rights. There are plenty of people riding for their beliefs in a god who sometimes get mistreated, beat, or killed all the time.

I will probably be a non-believer until I die. 

As much as you'll be a non-believer in Zeus. 

Until the evidence is presented that allows me to adopt the position that Zeus exists, or Yahweh, then I'll believe.

The difference between Civil Rights and ******ed religious endeavors is that there was a clear lack of rights that a certain group had. There wasn't some imaginary set of rules that minorities were fighting for. It was clear as day what they DID NOT HAVE. There was no question that they weren't being treated equally. Their goal was clear...all they wanted was what everyone else had.

Religious people fight over that which can't be seen, proven, felt, or explained. Its all a mental delusion on a grand scheme of which people are willing to die over gains which can't be measured, characterized or even demonstrated. 

The fight for legal recognition, representation, and equality is OBJECTIVELY more profound and tangible than ANY religious endeavor. 

Having a "belief" in something doesn't make it valid.

Otherwise, we'd still be thinking black people are curses sent from god to antagonize white women.
Bottom line is a belief is a belief and when you start to flip for when the situation is too real for you is when you know if it's truly a belief or a facade.
"When it gets real?" 
This is how I know you've been listening to too many gangster chronicles.

"Real" people don't die at the drop of a dime. Its about the long game. Not the sprints. If I have to fake it to infiltrate a system as a poser then I will do so just so I can LIVE ANOTHER DAY.

Now, if there is a situation that I feel I can overcome, I will do JUST that. I'm not no punk out here. You won't hand me a bible and think thats all you need to "conquer" me. But physical intimidation is a major deterrent to intellectual progress and always has been. Ask anyone during the Inquisition or the Enlightenment. Whenever you challenge the power structure, there is always a threat.

Standing up for "every belief" you have is not the smart thing to do. Some battles are worth the physical fight and some aren't.

I REFUSE to be killed over my lack of religious identification...just as you would probably refuse being killed over a Tickle Me Elmo doll in a country where Elmo is the national hero.

An example of a belief (since you will respond by arguing like you don't understand) is when you stand up for yourself at your job to your boss when you know you were not wrong in doing what you were accused of  even while someone whispers (like a lil B) "man if I was you I would just leave it know they don't like people with your skin color" and you end up getting fired for it.

Wrong again.
There is a difference in being falsely accused of something and defending something that has no basis.

My job is my livelihood. Thats how I make money. Money allows me to move throughout the world and enact my will upon other pieces of the materialistic puzzle.

Defending religion is like guessing who has the better book of mythology. Game of Thrones or Narnia or Lord of the Rings?

Its ultimately pointless and has no valid and tangible outcomes for observably real problems and situations. 

Who knows, you might get to sue and "live another day" as you would say but you still stood up when it got "real". 
 Another would be if someone raped a little girl you knew and nobody spoke on it to authorities to help the case so you stepped up and gave your side to provide justice even though  you received threats that if you spoke up, you would get hurt/killed. Anything else is a facade bro.

Speaking out against RAPE or MURDER is not the same as saying "Santa is better than the easter bunny"
Its apparent to me that you honestly think your religious beliefs are actual tangible and real entities...

You on the other hand....well. You want the convenience to have a forum to spew your discrediting disrespectful comments onto others about how silly their beliefs are while at the same time when you are faced with a situation that just got "real", you want to turn into a clown, Mr. Parker, a God fearing believer to save your flip flopping life!

I've never threatened anyone. Thats the point.

I should be free to discuss anything without feeling like I need to harm anyone else or feeling like they might harm me.

If we ever slip into that zone then the ability to have honest dialogue is long gone.

It seems as if you would be more comfortable threatening me for my lack of belief rather than trying to discuss the issues for what they are. 
That's pathetic and weak. Why don't you stop spending so much time trying to clown other people's beliefs and just play your part, which is a lost soul who does not really "get it" but thinks he does? 

This is a massive assumption predicated on YOUR understanding of the world and should be treated as nothing but that.

You have no basis to assert this or even measure such a claim so its erroneous for you to ascribe that conclusion in the first place.

Your only suggestion is for me to stop asking questions and challenging claims not because they are wrong, as you've failed to elucidated why, but rather you think physical intimidation would be the prime deterrent from doing so. How mature. quickly those with theistic beliefs aim to delve back into the stone age way of conducting business. 

We are the product of billions of years of evolution both physically and mentally. Its time we start acting like it. 

What I have gathered from your responses to me in this thread is that you are that same guy who let's say is an aspiring music artist who finally meets a top level executive posing as a straight male meeting this exec in his office as the exec starts coming at you with homosexual proposals, you respond hurriedly to perform them since you know this will land you that music deal even though you presented yourself as straight

You're equating being sexually harassed to defending religion?

You can't keep coming up with these false dichotomies. 

If someone wants to do sex favors, they are COMPLETELY free to do so. There is no gun to the back of their head threatening impending danger...Thats simply what they want to do to get ahead. Thats the rules of that game. They can try else-where.

(and no, I probably wouldn't perform any sexual favors if any physical intimidation was threatened either.)
Sound familiar? Sure it does you. Point is that you want to be on these threads pretending to be about that life
About that life?
Where are you getting this stuff from?


I have ONE life (as far as I can justifiably prove) and I refuse to lose it over an unsubstantiated lie.

as if you are more educated to make better educated decisions to not follow god, religion, mythology, etc etc

I like to think that yes, I am.
while simultaneously putting others down and/or belittling them but then when it gets real (in your the Internet/Niketalk 
), prompting you  to rep what you vehemently argue turn chameleon aka God fearing. 

This is an interesting conjecture.

Would you worship god if you didn't have to worry about hell or being immediately killed for blasphemy?

Its not free will when the other option is eternal torture...or in your case, physical intimidation

I hope you don't skip over that one either.

I'm through responding to you and reading through your nonsense but I do appreciate you taking the time out to reveal your true self. #Silly 

If I had a nickel for every time I heard that...
Lets be honest here.

If you all have a problem with me faking being religious, for a moment, when my life is being threatened, how is that ANY different from you thinking you can believe, for a lifetime, because you don't want to go to hell or be punished?

Do you think you can fool an all-knowing god by believing in it, only to avoid punishment?

...unless you're not a total believer... 

...This is why Pascal's Wager (i.e. "better to believe than to not") fails.
"im through with you"
"i'm not arguing anymore"

"i don't want to hear it"

typical religious responses, when they have nothing to argue for, don't know how to argue, don't have the support for their argument, and are too close-minded to openly listen to the opposing faction

if we let go of our prejudices and give each other a chance, progression as mankind would be a lot easier

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by cap1229

Silly Putty it's your life and you have to live with the choices that you make and so do I. End of discussion. I now see that we're just wired differently and that has nothing to do with my religion or your lack of religion. 
1. Why are you addressing ONLY me? Am I the only non-believer on NT or this thread?
For real why are you addressing only him 

I see you cap
,putty is mine(and antons). 

There is no room for you.

On the real, I prayed this thread would disappear last night and it didnt.

Guess God dont exist.

You don't have enough room to fit me in baby, trust me
Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

its cause you have your belief (religion or idea of god) attached to you. we dont have any of that. so if someone has me at gunpoint and tells me "say you believe in allah or i kill you" i wouldnt have a problem in saying it cause it has no attachment, meaning or true value to me.

do you think atheism has an attachment, meaning or value to a person? its just a lack of theism. i dont have an atheism god and if i disrespect him im going to athiest hell.

you guys are gonna ride what he said till it dies cause sadly that is the only "argument" youve found out of the 10,000 questions, memes and other things. it had nothing to do with anything, you all just took it out of context and blew it out of proportion to finally have a reason to attack him.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Lets be honest here.

If you all have a problem with me faking being religious, for a moment, when my life is being threatened, how is that ANY different from you thinking you can believe, for a lifetime, because you don't want to go to hell or be punished?

Do you think you can fool an all-knowing god by believing in it, only to avoid punishment?

...unless you're not a total believer... 

...This is why Pascal's Wager (i.e. "better to believe than to not") fails.

Putty it doesn't work like that for anyone. Believer or not. God judges your heart.

You can say in your last minute of life "Jesus is my lord and savior and I have 100% faith in God!" and I don't think it will change much.

Its like if you were a rapper. Some of your friends tail off and stop believing in your ability to make it. Then one day you get your big break and they all come running back around. You're going to ask them where they were during the times where you were down and could have used their support.

God knows who you are through the smiles and sad faces. He sees through your works and your words. If your are truly about that life. He'll know. A fair amount of people will not enter the his kingdom. A fair amount of those people may be lifetime church goers. Just like a Husband can spend 50 years with his wife and cheat on her and not sell out to her. So can a 50 year church goer cheat on God so to speak.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Lets be honest here.

If you all have a problem with me faking being religious, for a moment, when my life is being threatened, how is that ANY different from you thinking you can believe, for a lifetime, because you don't want to go to hell or be punished?

Do you think you can fool an all-knowing god by believing in it, only to avoid punishment?

...unless you're not a total believer... 

...This is why Pascal's Wager (i.e. "better to believe than to not") fails.

Putty it doesn't work like that for anyone. Believer or not. God judges your heart.

You can say in your last minute of life "Jesus is my lord and savior and I have 100% faith in God!" and I don't think it will change much.

Its like if you were a rapper. Some of your friends tail off and stop believing in your ability to make it. Then one day you get your big break and they all come running back around. You're going to ask them where they were during the times where you were down and could have used their support.

God knows who you are through the smiles and sad faces. He sees through your works and your words. If your are truly about that life. He'll know. A fair amount of people will not enter the his kingdom. A fair amount of those people may be lifetime church goers. Just like a Husband can spend 50 years with his wife and cheat on her and not sell out to her. So can a 50 year church goer cheat on God so to speak.

If God judges your heart you then most Christians are burning in hell for all eternity like Putty and I, FACT

Without fear, Christianity would lose most of its followers, you can deny it all you want but it's the truth
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Lets be honest here.

If you all have a problem with me faking being religious, for a moment, when my life is being threatened, how is that ANY different from you thinking you can believe, for a lifetime, because you don't want to go to hell or be punished?

Do you think you can fool an all-knowing god by believing in it, only to avoid punishment?

...unless you're not a total believer... 

...This is why Pascal's Wager (i.e. "better to believe than to not") fails.

Putty it doesn't work like that for anyone. Believer or not. God judges your heart.

You can say in your last minute of life "Jesus is my lord and savior and I have 100% faith in God!" and I don't think it will change much.

Its like if you were a rapper. Some of your friends tail off and stop believing in your ability to make it. Then one day you get your big break and they all come running back around. You're going to ask them where they were during the times where you were down and could have used their support.

God knows who you are through the smiles and sad faces. He sees through your works and your words. If your are truly about that life. He'll know. A fair amount of people will not enter the his kingdom. A fair amount of those people may be lifetime church goers. Just like a Husband can spend 50 years with his wife and cheat on her and not sell out to her. So can a 50 year church goer cheat on God so to speak.

If God judges your heart you then most Christians are burning in hell for all eternity like Putty and I, FACT

Without fear, Christianity would lose most of its followers, you can deny it all you want but it's the truth

Quick tid bit about myself. I don't believe because I don't want to go to hell. I believe because I feel there is something greater for us all beyond what we see and live.

No I wouldn't want to be without God, so I try to form a greater bond with him and continue to work on obeying his laws. So yeah, I fear God and fear being outside of his presence in the afterlife. Its the fear I had for my mother and grandparents. Its a respect fear. Without respect, where would we be?

Without the fear of going to jail and being punished, how many more criminals would we have?

It is what it is in terms of how I'm viewed and depicted. But I really do love God and have faith that there is something greater awaiting after this world. This is a very dark world no matter how bright that sun is.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by sillyputty

1. Why are you addressing ONLY me? Am I the only non-believer on NT or this thread?
For real why are you addressing only him 

I see you cap
,putty is mine(and antons). 

There is no room for you.

On the real, I prayed this thread would disappear last night and it didnt.

Guess God dont exist.

You don't have enough room to fit me in baby, trust me

 As if,
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Putty it doesn't work like that for anyone. Believer or not. God judges your heart.

You can say in your last minute of life "Jesus is my lord and savior and I have 100% faith in God!" and I don't think it will change much.

Its like if you were a rapper. Some of your friends tail off and stop believing in your ability to make it. Then one day you get your big break and they all come running back around. You're going to ask them where they were during the times where you were down and could have used their support.

God knows who you are through the smiles and sad faces. He sees through your works and your words. If your are truly about that life. He'll know. A fair amount of people will not enter the his kingdom. A fair amount of those people may be lifetime church goers. Just like a Husband can spend 50 years with his wife and cheat on her and not sell out to her. So can a 50 year church goer cheat on God so to speak.

If God judges your heart you then most Christians are burning in hell for all eternity like Putty and I, FACT

Without fear, Christianity would lose most of its followers, you can deny it all you want but it's the truth

Quick tid bit about myself. I don't believe because I don't want to go to hell. I believe because I feel there is something greater for us all beyond what we see and live.

No I wouldn't want to be without God, so I try to form a greater bond with him and continue to work on obeying his laws. So yeah, I fear God and fear being outside of his presence in the afterlife. Its the fear I had for my mother and grandparents. Its a respect fear. Without respect, where would we be?

Without the fear of going to jail and being punished, how many more criminals would we have?

It is what it is in terms of how I'm viewed and depicted. But I really do love God and have faith that there is something greater awaiting after this world. This is a very dark world no matter how bright that sun is.

Can I ask you a question?

Do you pray and ask God for discernment before you debate in these threads?
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

For real why are you addressing only him 

I see you cap
,putty is mine(and antons). 

There is no room for you.

On the real, I prayed this thread would disappear last night and it didnt.

Guess God dont exist.

You don't have enough room to fit me in baby, trust me

 As if,

that's what i thought, u want no parts of my lower horn
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