Google employee fired 4 objections to PC culture Inquisition

Aug 1, 2004
The fired Google engineer wrote his memo after he went to a 'shaming,' 'secretive' diversity program
James Damore and Stefan Molyneux.

Fired Google engineer James Damore is standing by the controversial memo that lost him his job.

Damore said he wrote the memo, which criticizes Google's approach to diversity, after attending one of the company's diversity programs and finding it "secretive" and "shameful."

Damore made the comments in his first major interview since being fired, to alt-right YouTube personality Stefan Molyneux.

You can watch the full 45-minute interview below.

Damore said: "I went to a diversity program at Google. It was ... not recorded, totally secretive. I heard things that I definitely disagreed with in some of our programs. I had some discussions there. There was lots of just shaming and, 'No you can't say that - that's sexist,' and, 'You can't do this.'

"There's just so much hypocrisy in the things they are saying. I decided to create the document to clarify my thoughts."

Damore lost his job Monday after a turbulent 72 hours at Google. The saga began when he released the memo, titled "Google's Ideological Echo Chamber," internally. It accused the firm of holding a left-wing, progressive bias and took issue with the effectiveness of its main diversity programs.

The document is dated July, but it was leaked to journalists on Sunday after more Googlers read the document and expressed their disgust on Twitter. CEO Sundar Pichai described Damore's views as "offensive" and "not OK."

During the interview, he said he wrote the memo to fill his time during a 12-hour work flight to China.

He also said he had received more messages of support than criticism.

He said: "There may be a lot of negative responses in the public. But very few of them actually send me messages. They just want to virtue signal to all their followers: 'I'm a great person, I share your morals. This person is bad.' But they don't really want to have a debate on why I'm wrong or even confront me - they just want to show how self-righteous they are.

"I've gotten a ton of personal messages of support, which has been really nice. I got that at Google before all of this leaked. Lots of upper management was shaming me."

Damore had been mostly silent over the past four days, saying only that he planned to take legal action against Google. On Monday, he filed a complaint with US federal labor officials. Speaking with Molyneux, Damore didn't comment on any legal action against Google or on what he plans to do next.

But during the conversation he continued to back his viewpoints from the memo. At one point he said, "I'm not saying any female engineers are in any way worse than the average male engineer." But that message may be compromised by the fact that Molyneux has published videos with titles such as "Why Feminists Hate Men: What They Won't Tell You!" and "Why Feminism Hurts Women: What They Won't Tell You!"

Damore said he was also prompted to write the memo by other Google employees "not in this groupthink" who felt "isolated and alienated." He said more conservative employees were thinking of leaving Google because they thought the company had a left-wing bias that was "getting so bad."

"I really thought it was a problem Google itself had to fix," he said. "Hopefully they do."


Read the original article on Business Insider UK Copyright 2017
What is the summary of what he said that got him the axe?

expressions of objections to da methods Google was trying to commit itself to "diversity" thru a 10 page cited interno manifesto memo that ended up being leaked by coworkers.
Titled “Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber,” the memo argues that the reason women are underrepresented in the tech industry has to do with "biological causes" between men and women. Its author, James Damore, was a senior software engineer at Google (a mid-level position at the company); Damore, who holds a doctorate in systems biology from Harvard and had worked at Google since 2013, hasconfirmed to multiple outlets that he was terminated for “perpetuating gender stereotypes.”

Damore’s memo specifically criticizes the company for its ongoing diversity and inclusion initiatives, which include encouraging its employees to take classes in unconscious bias. He uses primarily stereotyped misconceptions about men and women to argue that “gender gaps [do not always] imply sexism,” and declares that “discriminating just to increase the representation of women in tech” is “misguided and biased” as well as “unfair, divisive, and bad for business.”

Notably, the memo complicates an already unflattering moment for Google: The company has pledged to improve its recently updated internal diversity metrics — which paint an unsympathetic picture of yet another tech company whose employees are predominantly white and male — while also facing wage discrimination scrutiny from the US Department of Labor for systematically underpaying its female employees.

Reactions from Google employees and the public at large have been wide-ranging. Many people are utterly appalled, and have expressed outrage not only over the memo’s dangerous anti-diversity sentiments and faulty logic, but the fact that Damore felt confident posting such a screed to an internal forum for all of his colleagues to see. He even used his own name, which was quickly leaked to the press.
Meh, spamming your manifesto to your co-workers emails and creating a hostile work environment is a pretty dumb idea, and it makes your company look bad. Not surprised they fired him.

apparently attending one these "sensitivity" meetings set off his eloquent rant.
because supposedly what he was saying in his document was sexist as well

That's not news though, sexism in the workplace isn't some new radical concept.

All I'm really seeing from this online is one group saying "muh free speech" like any place of business will allow you to internally bad mouth them and another group calling dude all kinds of names.

He should have just quit if it was that serious. I don't know what he thought was gonna happen.
If you work in tech/Silicon Valley, you better take this line to heart:

"Think as you do. Act as they do."
His argument is that Google promoted "open" discussions among employees except things of this nature.
He didn't think a memo with citations (all proven correct) would have him fired without a discussion.

and yes, I'm well aware that these arguments can easily be made for race/ethnicity as gender... but how can you fight science with emotion?
Just LOL @ dude not knowing Google is left wing. Go program for Hobby Lobby, bro.

Every company has diversity training. We all think it's hogwash, but you sit through it and get back to work. Then happy hour.

Alt rights be snowflaking on another level.
He had his right to free speech, Google had their right to fire him for using their company and mailing list as a vehicle to promote his beliefs.

Sounds sensitive as ****, though. Too many of these kids jump from college to a career and never learn how to carry themselves as an adult.

The people feeding into this couldn’t care less about the kid, just finding another way to push their message that’s made them feel ‘isolated.’❄️

It’s corny.
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