Gorilla shot after 4yr old falls in enclosure VOL.....RIP HARAMBE


What are you trying to explain to me about kids then? This is not news to me.
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Why do this? That's not funny. One has nothing to do with the other and this topic in particular has absolutely nothing to do with race. Dudes are thirsty for controversy

You're right, some facts aren't funny. When I watched the news and saw all the protest and Pickett signs for this **** I felt some type of way. But it's easier to ignore it huh?
Y'all are trippin, you'd be surprised to see where kids ended up if you look away for 20 seconds
All I'm saying is that in an environment like a zoo, kids are excited as hell. And most 4 year old little boys are daredevils. But this is also the reason why I will never take my necessary, nephews and son to the zoo all together and I'm the only adult. Nope, too easy to turn your head and help tommy and Billy runs off that quick. I always laugh at the parents with those backpack leashes but I totally get it. I believe in whoopings tho so no need for those with mines. I say it twice it's me and u. U could be attending to 1 child avoiding being negligent and just like that Lil man crawling thru. With the crowd and groups of people it's hard to spot a kid so u screaming his name looking left and right and last place u thinking to look it 15 ft to the left in the gorilla pit. U hear someone scream and by the time u run over there (while gathering the other children) it's too late. Was she negligent? Yes, but she's human. Unless I hear reports of her on Facebook, ig or texting while letting said kids run wild I'm not gonna nail her to the cross.
If I would shoot a human being to protect someone I love, Especially my 2 kids,

i wouldn't hesitate to shoot a gorilla.

These fake animal activists want justice for a gorilla but still frequent zoos. Thinking nothing wrong And probably order hamburgers and eat it in front of the animals.
1. They should have shot that gorilla as soon as it grabbed the kid

2. The kid acted like a soldier
On point :lol:

White child NT be like stupid kid shouldn't have been there in the first place, white parent be letting they kids run wild. Blame the parents.

Black child, oh so yall care more about the Gorilla than Trayvon, parents make mistakes.
White parents= lil Hunter got loose were happy beautiful blue eyes Hunter wasn't harmed. We created a custom leash for Hunter's parents so Hunter won't run away again.
Black parents= Lil Rasheed's parents are crack heads who sell their food stamps on the 1st. Rasheed's father sold dope with the real Freeway Ricky Ross. Let's take Rasheed from his parents and let a white family from Utah adopt him so he can be raised properly. Lil Rasheed is a bad kid we should give him meds and send him to kiddy jail.
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If I would shoot a human being to protect someone I love, Especially my 2 kids,

i wouldn't hesitate to shoot a gorilla.

These fake animal activists want justice for a gorilla but still frequent zoos. Thinking nothing wrong And probably order hamburgers and eat it in front of the animals.

BDW to put things in perspective, if the kid fell to his death breaking his neck, no gorilla involved, I wonder what direction the topic would go. Would some people be defending the parents as hard as they are right now?:nerd:

It would be the same thing. It's all on the mom either way there's no excuses for this.
BDW to put things in perspective, if the kid fell to his death breaking his neck, no gorilla involved, I wonder what direction the topic would go. Would some people be defending the parents as hard as they are right now?:nerd:

Before someone posts some BS
Not a chance.
Some people don't critically think.
Those same people take their crying, hyperactive kid to a movie theater. They get upset at other people when somsone tells them shhh..

Why is my kid failing in school? They ignore the kid 24/7 but for whatever reason, it's the teacher's fault.
It's everyone's responsibility but their own..
yea see man... putting one child in the stroller, other sees an opportunity and jets. Disobedient and curious 3 year old does not equal child neglect, or mom not paying attention to her kids.

"Stand here while i put your sister in the stroller"... next thing ya know the mom is on welfare and living in poverty to pay for a gorilla cuz her 3 year old was hard headed at the Zoo.

you line Ten 3 year olds up...how many of them are not gonna listen to your first order, while being distracted by something fascinated?

The kids that dont listen, their parents are an accident away from this same situation right?
BDW to put things in perspective, if the kid fell to his death breaking his neck, no gorilla involved, I wonder what direction the topic would go. Would some people be defending the parents as hard as they are right now?:nerd:

if the mom,told the kid one thing, he didnt listen and he went in, fell and broke his neck. I would feel horrible for the mom and not be thinking about child neglect. You got to do everything you can to make sure your kids are obedient and dont misbehave. I pray by the grace of God all parents can shoot 100% from the field. But thats not realistic.
Before someone posts some BS
Not a chance.
Some people don't critically think.
Those same people take their crying, hyperactive kid to a movie theater. They get upset at other people when somsone tells them shhh..

Why is my kid failing in school? They ignore the kid 24/7 but for whatever reason, it's the teacher's fault.
It's everyone's responsibility but their own..

You're making too much sense. Accidents happen :rolleyes
If I would shoot a human being to protect someone I love, Especially my 2 kids,

i wouldn't hesitate to shoot a gorilla.

These fake animal activists want justice for a gorilla but still frequent zoos. Thinking nothing wrong And probably order hamburgers and eat it in front of the animals.

This entire reach is perfectly acceptable to assume but negligence when it comes to a kid running off a cliff, isn't?
Its a lose lose situation all around.

Any mother would of said shoot.

Like people have said kids run off alot...this isnt the first time or last sumthin like this is gonna happen.

Criminal charge is too much imo.

Just a freak accident.

Team meerkat
I could see my nephew getting into the gorilla pit. Dude be plotting to do mischievous ish all the time. I remember when he ran from me at nordstroms and ran into the female dressing room to look up skirts. [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
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I could see my nephew getting into the gorilla pit. Dude be plotting to do mischievous ish all the time. I remember when he ran from me at nordstroms and ran into the female dressing room to look up skirts. [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

You gonna turn your back on him near a cliff?
I know there are some younger people in here and maybe that can excuse the lack of comprehension but no one is asking for justice for a gorilla. No one is saying jail the mother.

Do you people understand that there are other forms of intervention? U guys immediately think punishment.

Jesus it's frustrating when u assume intelligent conversation can be had.

Scary thing is some of the most ignorant speech in here is comig from parents.
How old is your nephew, mine is 3 I swear he does dangerous **** on purpose. :smh: Dude stuck his hand in a sliding door, got hurt, started crying, proceeded to stick his hand back in the same door just cause I told him not to. I dunno about having kids man, I'd be on my toes 24/7, now I know why white parents got those leashes. :smh:

Big reason I hear from millenials when the cons on having a kid comes up.
Didn't this happen in the 60's? I think it was a chimp... it was like in NY or somethin. Chimp cradled the boy and took him to a door. Crazy ****
How old is your nephew, mine is 3 I swear he does dangerous **** on purpose. :smh: Dude stuck his hand in a sliding door, got hurt, started crying, proceeded to stick his hand back in the same door just cause I told him not to. I dunno about having kids man, I'd be on my toes 24/7, now I know why white parents got those leashes. :smh:
He's 5, he's super duper smart, but when he gets around me he doesn't behave. I think because I'm a lot younger than my sister, he sees me as a kid and doesn't take me seriously.
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