Gorilla shot after 4yr old falls in enclosure VOL.....RIP HARAMBE

Timid trying real hard to bring race into this 
How much are gorillas going for these days?
9000 for a crappy one and 40000 for an illegal baby is what google tells me at a glance.

Id say giving her a 15k fine would be about right.
You can't just fine somebody for something because you say so. Speeding gets you a fine. Accidentally falling into a gorilla enclosure isn't a fine. The zoo would have to sue her for damages and prove negligence. Which isn't going to happen because there's a witness who just said she turned her back to put another child into a stroller. Just because Stillin is saying negligence doesn't actually make it that

Negligence is failing to use reasonable care. She turned her back to strap another kid in. She didn't go across the park and leave him for an hour
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You can't just fine somebody for something because you say so. Speeding gets you a fine. Accidentally falling into a gorilla enclosure isn't a fine. The zoo would have to sue her for damages and prove negligence. Which isn't going to happen because there's a witness who just said she turned her back to put another child into a stroller. Just because Stillin is saying negligence doesn't actually make it that

Negligence is failing to use reasonable care. She turned her back to strap another kid in. She didn't go across the park and leave him for an hour

That's not how oarental negligence investigations go buddy lol
What is a race card? I wish I had one to use when the cops always pull me over for BS or when that employer who interviewed me last week told me he wasn't expecting to see a black dude show up for the interview, because my government name sounds white and I sounded white on the phone. I didn't get the job, I wish I had a race card to get the job..

This never happened....because if it did, you would have taken your story straight to HR. Regardless if you got the job or not.
I'm surprised that it's not a fine tbh

most office buildings have a fine for smoking

they could have easily put up a fine for entering restricted areas 
You can't just fine somebody for something because you say so. Speeding gets you a fine. Accidentally falling into a gorilla enclosure isn't a fine. The zoo would have to sue her for damages and prove negligence. Which isn't going to happen because there's a witness who just said she turned her back to put another child into a stroller. Just because Stillin is saying negligence doesn't actually make it that

Negligence is failing to use reasonable care. She turned her back to strap another kid in. She didn't go across the park and leave him for an hour

Yeah it's pretty easy to prove negligence here Vincent Gambini
I think the only fair thing to do is make her pay for a new gorilla itself as a fine.
Her negligence cost people money at the end of the day.

You can fall asleep at the wheel and not be a bad person.
If you happen to wreck someone else during the event.....YOU BEING INJURED YOURSELF, IS NOT PAYMENT ENOUGH.

I don't care as I do not know her and wont ever meet her.
However, if I was the guy who paid for the gorilla, id be livid.

If I even had my day at the zoo ruined by such drama, id never go back.

Agreed. Like I mentioned earlier. Not all negligence is equal. Had she lost the kid, or even if the kid fell in but was able to rescued without shooting the gorilla, you can chalk it up as a life lesson learned and even say "that's what God wanted here"

Not holding her accountable enables negligence and stupidity. That zoo has been around for over 100 years. No incidents until the mother of the year went there Sunday.

It's no need to shame her, no need to wish bad upon her, and no she shouldn't lose her kid. But she should have to pay for a new gorilla. It may have been a brief lapse in judgement on her part, but the damage was substantial.

If my son were to go around breaking windows or egging cars, or even if he unintentionally broke something of value, I'm going to have to pick the tab up for it. Sucks but that's just how it works.
Can someone positively confirm/deny that is Isiah Dickerson in the Chuck E Cheese video though?

Of course they can't. :lol:

Just like nobody can pinpoint just who these witnesses are that are saying the mom was on her phone. Cats are hearing stuff on the Internet from randoms and are hoping and praying it's true so it fits their narrative.

Pretty damn corny if you ask me. The fake outrage in here is absolutely incredible. :lol:
But seriously, child services should make sure the kid is in a safe home, but any thing further than that is OD imo

A large fine might ruin this family economically, only hurting the kids the most. Mistakes happen, something really unpleasant happened as a result, but some folk are a lil to blood thirsty to see the mom suffer too.
They could set it up where the fine is paid in portions. It's more a paying for the damages caused type of thing as opposed to a punishment where you better have it paid off within a certain time or else.

I wouldn't be opposed to having her make payments in installments. Even if the payments were small and it takes a long time to pay it off. That way it won't impact her family financially while at the same time giving her the opportunity to repair the damage she caused.
This never happened....because if it did, you would have taken your story straight to HR. Regardless if you got the job or not.
I made a complaint and they told me I need proof that he said that. Why would I make this up? Dude pretty much sat down with me and told me that he was expecting a white dude to interview for the position. I could tell that he wasn't interested in hiring me once he saw my face.
You can't just fine somebody for something because you say so. Speeding gets you a fine. Accidentally falling into a gorilla enclosure isn't a fine. The zoo would have to sue her for damages and prove negligence. Which isn't going to happen because there's a witness who just said she turned her back to put another child into a stroller. Just because Stillin is saying negligence doesn't actually make it that

Negligence is failing to use reasonable care. She turned her back to strap another kid in
. She didn't go across the park and leave him for an hour


Lesson of the Cincinnati gorilla killing: The zoo is not a playground

The killing of an endangered western lowland gorilla at the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden on Saturday after a child fell into the enclosure was a tragic event. Was there another way to go? Probably not at that moment. But there may be precautions that the zoo — all zoos — can take to prevent a similar occurrence in the future. And parents need to be more careful as well. The zoo is not a playground.

“It’s really complex,” said Wayne Pacelle, CEO of the Humane Society of the U.S. “People get into enclosures, and that’s where parenting and supervision, as well as architecture and design, have to be in the forefront of our thinking.”

All zoos and all parents should learn from the tragedy at the Cincinnati Zoo.

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At the end of the day, At least one life was saved. Would suck if the gorilla killed the baby (everyone who was there traumatized) and they shot Harambe. I guess what im saying is at least a life was saved. Very sad though
At the end of the day, At least one life was saved. Would suck if the gorilla killed the baby (everyone who was there traumatized) and they shot Harambe. I guess what im saying is at least a life was saved. Very sad though
You mean 3/5th of a life. In America, the gorilla's life is more valuable...
I'll continuously bring race into the discussion, no matter how uncomfortable it makes folk feel, because the only reason why the mother is being ripped is because she's black. She made a mistake, no one is perfect. Black people aren't afforded the opportunity to make mistakes, which is why most prisons and jails in the US are disportionately filled with blacks. People ready to lock her up for making a mistake. Typical...
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People who hunt and kill animals are worse than this mother...
I'm not a selective animal rights person. I'm against harming animals period. Let's stop allowing people to hunt animals for sport. Leave goldfish alone and let them live in their natural environment.
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