Gorilla shot after 4yr old falls in enclosure VOL.....RIP HARAMBE

You're associating FOX and other media outlets with the members of this thread. Not the same.
Is Fox not the most watched news outlet? A lot of people have fox like reaponses to this accident.
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People do realize most of these endangered animals are endangered because of humans right?
Although I'm critical of the US, I don't want to live anywhere else. Like you mentioned, colonialism, racism and white supremacy Is a global issue. It's deeper than leaving the US...

Fair enough, hopefully our grandkids can live in a better world :smh:
But it was an accident tho

Yes the mom wasn't paying attention, her kid fell, the zoo did what they had to do to ensure the safety of the child.

Mom and kid probably traumatized for life but that's not enough. Now we have to put the mom in jail to appease the social media activists


Not too long ago, a cop shot dead an innocent man in a dark staircase, you can say that was also an accident, doesn't make it any less negligent on the cops end and doesn't take away from the fact that he should face some sort of consequences and so should this mother....she was negligent, end of story.
Goldfish are domesticated my dude. Like dogs and cats. I was with you kinda up to that :lol:
There's actually research on the harms associated with the goldfish trade. So your home is the natural environment of a dog? Dogs are social creatures one can argue that leaving your dog in a kennel or confinded to your back yard alone isn't humane.

That's wild, I'm gonna look into that goldfish thing. That's genuinely interesting.

Look I'm not debating that, I'm just talking about domesticated animals. Some of them are bred to be indoors only. They wouldn't last in the wild. Goldfish and pits would make it :lol: but stuff like toy poodles, hairless cats, them little short leg dogs. Probably more humane to keep them inside.

Kennels are ****** up :smh:
I've never been a fan of zoos, these are all wild animals, they shouldn't be in captivity...there is a documentary about the whales that were kept in sea world and how captivity literally made one of them go CRAZY....we are extremely arrogant as a species....is disgusting.
Y'all just gonna let that slide as kids will be kids?
Yes. Until we have more details.

What if you are watching your son in the front lawn, he hears the ice cream truck, and bolts for it and ends up getting hit by a car and killed? Unless you use an actual leash on kids who can walk and run, thing like this will unfortunately always happen and can't always be deemed as negligence.
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Not too long ago, a cop shot dead an innocent man in a dark staircase, you can say that was also an accident, doesn't make it any less negligent on the cops end and doesn't take away from the fact that he should face some sort of consequences and so should this mother....she was negligent, end of story.
Yea since negligently shooting someone and losing track of a child and him falling in a gorilla pit is the same.
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have yet to see anybody on the "negligent" side establish a threshold, variables and how they are weighed.... (with the info we have been presented)

Placing one kid in a stroller and commanding the other to stand still and they dont listen, cuz they are 3yrs old and hard headed?

you take measures to protect your kid from harming themselves. Your kid finds a way to get around what you did to protect them in one moment when you are occupied for a few seconds. You are a negligent parent and need counseling and fines and public shaming?
Yes. Until we have more details.

What if you are watching your son in the front lawn, he hears the ice cream truck, and bolts for it and ends up getting hit by a car and killed? Unless you use an actual leash on kids who can walk and run, thing like this will unfortunately always happen and can't always be deemed as negligence.

If you can't catch a 3 year then you weren't watching them
have yet to see anybody on the "negligent" side establish a threshold, variables and how they are weighed.... (with the info we have been presented)

Placing one kid in a stroller and commanding the other to stand still and they dont listen, cuz they are 3yrs old and hard headed?

you take measures to protect your kid from harming themselves. Your kid finds a way to get around what you did to protect them in one moment when you are occupied for a few seconds. You are a negligent parent and need counseling and fines and public shaming?

What do you think she's gonna do next time at the zoo? :D
But it was an accident tho

Yes the mom wasn't paying attention, her kid fell, the zoo did what they had to do to ensure the safety of the child.

Mom and kid probably traumatized for life but that's not enough. Now we have to put the mom in jail to appease the social media activists


Not too long ago, a cop shot dead an innocent man in a dark staircase, you can say that was also an accident, doesn't make it any less negligent on the cops end and doesn't take away from the fact that he should face some sort of consequences and so should this mother....she was negligent, end of story.

Awful comparison. Just plain awful. On so many levels. :lol:
have yet to see anybody on the "negligent" side establish a threshold, variables and how they are weighed.... (with the info we have been presented)

Placing one kid in a stroller and commanding the other to stand still and they dont listen, cuz they are 3yrs old and hard headed?

you take measures to protect your kid from harming themselves. Your kid finds a way to get around what you did to protect them in one moment when you are occupied for a few seconds. You are a negligent parent and need counseling and fines and public shaming?

What do you think she's gonna do next time at the zoo? :D

Hell she prolly wont go to a zoo.

What does any reasonable adult do after they make a mistake? They learn from it and adjust, no?

Why cant you afford this woman an opportunity to learn from this?? I really want to know that, like why do you think she is incapable of using better judgement after a traumatic event involving her child?
Timid knows nothing of hunting. Hunting is actually the most natural and humane action any human can do. Much better to kill the animal quickly then have it farm raised and go through a slaughterhouse.
People are so disconnected from what they consume and pay no respect to the animal.
I know a couple vegans. They all vegans 90% of the time. :lol:
Veganism isn't sustainable but godspeed with that. :wink:
Timid knows nothing of hunting. Hunting is actually the most natural and humane action any human can do. Much better to kill the animal quickly then have it farm raised and go through a slaughterhouse.
People are so disconnected from what they consume and pay no respect to the animal.
I know a couple vegans. They all vegans 90% of the time.

Veganism isn't sustainable but godspeed with that.
This guy gets it
Charlemagne said they watched the kid closely, snatched him up when he got close.

say all eyes on the kid and they have a slow response and he runs and falls in anyway....

every adult at the pool is negligent because they were too slow when the kid bolted for the pool?
Hell she prolly wont go to a zoo.

What does any reasonable adult do after they make a mistake? They learn from it and adjust, no?

Why cant you afford this woman an opportunity to learn from this?? I really want to know that, like why do you think she is incapable of using better judgement after a traumatic event involving her child?

That's been my point from the early pages. Why would you go to an animal prison without knowing the risks? Why would you not supervise one of your children near a cliff with a 400lb gorilla at the bottom? We have to stop treating these animal prisons like their playgrounds. This animal didn't even escape.....

every adult at the pool is negligent because they were too slow when the kid bolted for the pool?

How bout an even easier example. Your walking with your kid down a street. Your kid runs into traffic. Truck can't stop in time, runs over him. Who's fault?
If you can't catch a 3 year then you weren't watching them
I think you're under appreciating how quick things can happen.

Just because something could have been prevented, doesn't necessarily mean it was negligence.
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