GoT. A spoiler discussion thread

Do you guys think Bran is powerful enough to tap into wight Viserion? :nerd:

Nope cause Bran cant project himself around the NK and the NK will prolly ride Vise.

NK has shown he can harm Bran when he tries to project himself around him
You gotta pay closer attention.

Littlefinger didn't telegraph anything. There was no fake scroll to get Brienne gone.

Its the meeting to prove the wights are real.
That part didn't quite make sense to me.

LF tells Sansa to use Brienne to protect her from Arya (or something along those lines) and Sansa seems to agree.

Next scene, Sansa sends Brienne off to King's Landing.
Nope cause Bran cant project himself around the NK and the NK will prolly ride Vise.

NK has shown he can harm Bran when he tries to project himself around him

Good point.

NK vs Jon mid-air dragon battle seems inevitable for season 8. :nerd:
So season finale will be about bringing the wight to King's Landing?

The WW now have two ways to get across the wall (dragon or around Eastwatch), so I don't think that'll necessary be how the season ends.

I do think they need to go into Bran's role a little bit more. It would be cool if they reveal something about the history of the NK and the Wall.
I could see that.

Bran would have to sacrifice himself in the process or something. But he seems so out of touch with the present that I don't think he'd care.

Might be able to warg out fast enough to survive. Not really sure it's been touched upon if you die while warged into somebody if they die
I don't know if the writers are smart enough or are making their messages super obvious.

Last ep Dany talks about the dragons being her children. This so Jorah tells Jon to keep the sword and pass it down to his future children. Few scenes later we get the successor talk with Tyrion and Dany, again its mentioned she can't have kids.

Then with Jon she says again I can't have children or wss that code for "You can hit this raw"?
That part didn't quite make sense to me.

LF tells Sansa to use Brienne to protect her from Arya (or something along those lines) and Sansa seems to agree.

Next scene, Sansa sends Brienne off to King's Landing.
I honestly have no idea what LF was intending by bringing up Brienne at all. She swore an oath to both of them and if it came to it would try to stop one from killing the other.

She can't do anything until that point though. She's no spy to be able to keep up with if/when that happens.
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so who all is going to the party at King's Landing next week?

are we going to have Cersei, Jaime, Tyrion, Mountain, Hound, Brienne, Jon, Dany, Jorah, Tormund, Varys, LF, Drogon, Bronn, and Podrick in the same room?
I don't now of the writers are smart enough or are making their messages super obvious.

Last ep Dany talks about the dragons being her children. This so Jorah tells Jon to keep the sword and pass it down to his future children. Few scenes later we get the successor talk with Tyrion and Dany, again its mentioned she can't have kids.

Then with Jon she says again I can't have children or wss that code for "You can hit this raw"?

They're setting up that miracle incest baby
My only beef, in a show with magic, dragons and zombies I know, is where the **** did they get the giant chains from. Like there were other egregious ex machinas but that one was tew much for me :lol:

:lol: man, on first watch i didn't think about that but I was thinking "damn, i didn't know the wights can swim...i wonder how many it took to swim down and chain up that damn dragon. why didn't they just swim after Jon at HardHome then?" lol not even thinkin about where the **** did those big *** chains come from?!
I honestly have no idea what LF was intending by bringing up Brienne at all. She swore an oath to both of them and if it came to it would try to stop one from killing the other.
I went back and rewatched it.

LF says, "If one was going to harm the other, wouldn't [Brienne] be bound by honor to intercede?" Sansa replies, "She would."

My interpretation now is this: LF says it as if to imply that Brienne would protect Sansa if Arya tried to harm her. But what he really meant, and the way Sansa takes it, is that the only way to harm Arya is if Brienne isn't around. So Sansa sends Brienne away so that she can be free to kill Arya.

I still think that doesn't make sense, but it's the best I can come up with.
- The show has too much fan service now. Characters who we've always wanted to see meet up finally doing so and having those "hey I know that person, too" conversations.'
- This episode takes jetpacking to a new level. How long were they on that rock with no food? a couple hours? Gendry made it back to Eastwatch, sent a raven to Dragonstone, and Dany went there with a dragon in what must have been hours. C'mon bruh
- Uncle Benji coming out of nowhere? WTF was that?
- At first I was confused as to why the WW didn't just walk up to them when they made it up the rock. I was like 'the water must have re-froze by now', just overwhelm them! I guess WW are dumb but the Night's King must understand that water can freeze over time right?
- Why is Arya so weird now? Doesn't she understand that Sansa wrote the letter under duress? I get that she's mad Sansa wasn't loyal but it was years ago and Sansa was scared and she thought it would save her brother.
- Dani and Jon? Really?! Can this show be anymore cliche?
- LOL @ their dumb plan of capturing a WW working.

I guess my beef is that its getting to far away from what made the show/books great. I feel like the writers are just giving the fans what they want now that the source material has run out. I wish there was a 9th season b/c so many things seem rushed.
theres no shot rheagal survives.

not when we got an ice dragon and drogon set up for the perfect match.

also it would deem cerseis scorpion thing pointless. you know they're gonna set a trap for danny and kill that dragon making the audience realllllly hate cersei again if not more.

also...this is a bit of a stretch but this is what i thought the entire time watching that Arya Sansa scene.

the way arya was standing and walking just everything about her mannerisms, to me screamed LF. the entire time i was like yo LF is a faceless man and it's him not arya. it's a huge reach but if you watch the scene again Arya seems very LFesque
- Why is Arya so weird now? Doesn't she understand that Sansa wrote the letter under duress? I get that she's mad Sansa wasn't loyal but it was years ago and Sansa was scared and she thought it would save her brother.

The timing is a little off but Sansa never did answer to Arya for all the ****ty things she did in season 1. Like Bran, Arya has changed, both for better and for worse. One thing she has learned is never to give an inch.

Although it happened years ago (or however much time has passed in the GoT universe), Sansa is still displaying many of the traits from season 1 that made her a problem to Arya and the Stark family. Going to LF for advice about your sister or talking down to Brienne are some examples.

- LOL @ their dumb plan of capturing a WW working.

I don't think capturing the wight was necessarily dumb. I think thinking that it'll convince Cersei is.

also...this is a bit of a stretch but this is what i thought the entire time watching that Arya Sansa scene.

wouldn't that only be possible if LF killed Arya?

but when was the last time we saw the two of them at the same time? not this episode. :nerd:

actually, what is more believable is that Arya already killed LF and was posing as him when Sansa went to him for help. Now that would make some sense. Which is why LF (well, Arya) tricked Sansa into sending Brienne to KL. ?

edit: now i'm like 60% convinced that Arya already killed LF and is posing as him. next episode, they would have to reveal it, or at least hint at it. the same way they started this season with a flashback to Arya killing some people, they could end the season that way too.
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