I got a week and a half before i'm officially done with classes, heading to new orleans for the weekend, then I start my first of two externships on 1/2/14

**** is bout to get real.
I graduate in May with a masters of business administration in business policy and strategic leadership. I'm not going to spew out my accolades.  I feel privileged to have gone to college the last 6+ years of my life and have zero college loans to deal with. It's refreshing to know that there are people on this forum who aspire to attain more than just shoes.  I may not deal with the camp outs and lines anymore, but there is a good chance I'm up at around 7:45 every Saturday with my laptop open. 
Halfway done with my USC MBA.PM program. So far, it's a great program and I'm glad my GMAT was good enough to get accepted. If anyone is thinking of applying there, pm me if you got questions!
Ricky, if you want some info on the enrichment program thing your moms was interested in PM me.

I know a ton of people that do/want to do/used to do very similar things.
Recently moved to a company w full tuition reimbursement, very excited to go back to school. Currently getting my application prepared for a masters of engineering at UMD, going PT it should take 2 yrs, then hopefully MBA not long after.

After I completed undergrad, I knew I wasn't finished w school, just didn't know what to study, thankfully my professional experience helped direct me. The path is lit, now it's all about execution
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Just finished my first semester. A test :smokin, a presentation :smokin, and a 35 page paper :x , but it feelsgoodman
one more to go...

that 2 year plan. 

Anyone have any insight/experience with the Masters in Nutrition at UMASS Amherst ?

I have a scholarship good for full tuition. Currently getting a bachelors in Nutrition at Johnson & Wales and was looking into the benefits of a Master's degree.
#$%^&@ GMAT :smh:

Looks like I'm gonna have to apply for Fall 2015 now.

The GMAT is a pain in the butt. I was so glad when it was finally over...

I'd definitely recommend the Manhattan GMAT books. GMAT Club forums are a great place to get some information about it too. I'd highly recommend that site.
For me, the key to getting a good score was taking practice tests and simulating testing conditions, I took 4-5 practice tests before the real thing and that ended up helping me the most.
Not a graduate student but just got accepted into Nursing school for Registered Nursing, I start in January. Any Nursing students or graduates with any advice for a first year student?
Hey do you mind updating and letting us know how it goes? I start nursing school in august. 
Random, but why does EVERYONE in grad school (Non-professional school) seem to get all A's or at least a 3.5 and up each semester?  LOL.. Inflated grades, easy coursework? I mean, what's the deal?  To me, that waters down the worth of the degree.
Random, but why does EVERYONE in grad school (Non-professional school) seem to get all A's or at least a 3.5 and up each semester?  LOL.. Inflated grades, easy coursework? I mean, what's the deal?  To me, that waters down the worth of the degree.

So your mind goes to it being inflated instead of adults taking an expensive, extra money/time for an advanced, professional degree more seriously? what would be the point of a 2.5 gpa with a mba?
Taking a year off ti get experience before trying to go to grad school for my masters/doctorate in counseling psych. Still going to take the GRE though.

Anybody have experience in I/O Psych or Forensic Psych? Giving it some thought more and more these days.
Hey guys so a shortage of funds really killed my "apply everywhere" mentality so I am just applying to my number one school. I will be applying to the University of Michigan in hope of doing a dual program, but I have been advised to apply to three programs, which are:

1. Master's in Urban/Regional Planning (This is the one I am doing for sure)
2. Master's in Health Services Administration (Great practical finance but I want more policy)
3.Master's in Public Policy ( Great policy school, but I want more practical finance)

Basically what I am goin to do is if admitted into all three I am doing urban planning for sure (they flew me up for a recruitment weekend about 3 weeks back), and I will declare my dual-master's in whomever between the MPP and MHSA offers the most money, and then just take my cognate/elective courses in the program that finishes third. GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL!! Hate to put all of my eggs in one basket but I am confident! Pray for me, I will be doing likewise :smokin

Tell me how that goes with your application in Policy Analysis. I'm thinking about applying there, already have an app to The University of Maryland submitted, and nearly done with one to George Washington. @firered18
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So your mind goes to it being inflated instead of adults taking an expensive, extra money/time for an advanced, professional degree more seriously? what would be the point of a 2.5 gpa with a mba?

Exactly! Graduate school isn't like undergrad where they try to weed people out to find the people that are best suited for that major. The people that are in grad school already have an idea of what they want to accomplish and where they want to be. They aren't trying a new subject or taking pointless core courses that are unrelated to their major. In a MBA program we do have to take cores but they are all business related so it doesn't feel like a struggle. I don't have to take sociology or anthropology course which I have zero interest in and don't want to even be bothered with. But a marketing, ethics, or law class I can deal with since it is interrelated.

Anyway, I'm doing a part-time MBA at Baruch now and wrapping up my second semester. Finished with 23 credits so far. I'm on pace to graduate next May and have an internship lined up this summer at a top 10 accounting firm. One more final though on Monday. :D
I was fortunate that my program didn't require a Master's Thesis... :pimp:

Couple more days I'll know my final GPA
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