Greatest Wrestler Of All Time vol. Know Your Role

hogan was the man, but i'm pretty sure that when wrestling was at its peak audience, austin and the rock were on top.

without hbk/austin/rock, wwe might be tna status right now, or even wcw status.
The memories
did you really forget Cactus Jack?! smh....

and to get this done Lets break it out. Guys like Hogan, Warrior, Davey Boy and the countless other Huge Men that were on Winstrol, Test and eveything elsethey were one made them into superheros which people loved to see because Lets face it they werent like that.

Hogan: Couldnt wrestle plain and simple. He knew the big right hand, a bear hug, the boot, and the Leg Drop and thats about it. On the Mic he was golden. Himbeing able to excite people by "hulking up", shaking his head and talken rough got people juiced and He had a lot of appeal in hollywood and americain general.

Rock: See Hulk Hogan

Ultimate Warrior: Couldnt Wrestle, Couldnt Do anything in an Interview, And by all the backstage !+@ was horrible at everything else inbetween.

Rowdy Roddy Piper: Wrestling was ok, big time brawler. Give him a Mic and Dude has such a lost art of making something personal to where you really do hatesomeone. Anyone comparable would be Jericho right now. He was able to Make Hogan with WM. Ill say it again, if there was No Piper Hogan wouldnt have been asbig as he was at the time. He made people HATE him deeply and Hogan was that hero, he put hogan over at WM1 and other things he did with eveyrthing he did.(before the hogan nut huggers speak out Im specifically talking about the WM and how WWE jumped off)

The real workers were the ones who are the greatest. Going back to Jake the Snake Roberts, Flair, Steamboat, BrainBusters, Curt Henning, Dynamite Kid pregetting jacked up, Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Randy Savage, Tito Santana, Ted Diabase, and others. They Made things.

None the less I still go with what I said Earlier. Bret is The Greatest Wrestler of all time.
Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

hogan was the man, but i'm pretty sure that when wrestling was at its peak audience, austin and the rock were on top.

without hbk/austin/rock, wwe might be tna status right now, or even wcw status.

There was a time when NITRO raped RAWISWAR every week....that was with Rock, Austin and HBK...and all it took was a Hogan heel turn and the NWO to do it. Rockand Austin could never truely go back to heel status once they turned face no matter how hard they tried...Hogan made you love to hate him one night, then markout for him the next just by putting on the yellow and red....he proved that in WCW and WWE.
Anyone who doesnt say Hulk Hogan is either under the age of 18 or is just a complete moron.

@ the people saying The Rock and Stone Cold.

G.O.A.T. Is Bret Hart...hands down...when it comes to mic skills, The Rock was the greatest and stone cold was the catalyst for the whole attitudemovement...but Bret Hart has and always will be my fav...jus dl'ed the last Rock dvd...
he was too damn funny
Rock: See Hulk Hogan
i disagree, the rock can work. he was sound in the ring, and at the very least, he was ten times the ring technician that austin, or hogan was.

There was a time when NITRO raped RAWISWAR every week....that was with Rock, Austin and HBK...and all it took was a Hogan heel turn and the NWO to do it.
true, but when the nwo was running things, hbk was carrying the company on his back, austin was fueding with the hitman, and rocky was a smilingface who was getting booed. as soon as hbk retired, and austin started fueding with vince, the tides shifted.

i am not denying what hogan did, what i was saying is that it doesn't mater who you pick, everyone played a big role. there is no wrong answer. and idon't remember hogan getting booed, from what i recall, the nwo were cool, and everyone liked them, even though they were heels.
@ saying hogan and warrior, they couldn't work, aint gonna front use tolike them as a kid

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