Grey market discussion thread (Let's keep the discussion mature) Rules on pg 1 please read before yo

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Could this be happening? 
Can someone explain what about the production dates is wrong? are you saying that these dates are wrong? I know I asked earlier but what are the production dates on the royals supposed to be?
Hi my friend, nothing wrong with these two dates. But I saw at least 3 paired of fake royal blue 1s are all using these two dates on toe label, and I did say pay more attention is all I can tell.
Could this be happening? 
now that's a really a "NIKE Town"

the authorized stores that mixes legit & counterfeits are the shadiest... one person gets a legit pair, another gets a CF one

or you can get legit spizike & then get CF 11s.

thats why many sites gets mixed reviews
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Could this be happening? 

Ummmmmmmm. I stated this before that this has been happening. Too many facts to ignore people. And you don't think Nike knows? Told folks earlier its too much and too big to stop. And this definitely would explain some flaws that we see from retail stores. I said before....."what if a gm or counterfeit person switched inventory while on its way to the states?" Nike would never know because once the shipment gets from overseas, there is no check for authenticity. It goes to warehouses, etc for distribution. And if you don't think it is happening, you better read and do some research on stories at what happens at the docks. I live in the port city of Charleston, sc and I hear a ton of unbelievable stories from drugs to people in crates to smuggling cars and to yes.....ripping of retail inventory before it gets to the actual store.
JDfrench your last post was golden - repped

I disagree with GaMezUP on some of his statements but I think overall he's right about the main point that you simply can't argue with. Use any semantics you want to describe these GM kicks and call them what you want but we all know what they aren't. I personally don't care if people want to wear brown paper bags on their feet, to each their own right. But my issue is with those who try to resell these GM claiming they're the real deal and straight con people. Some may not care if they wear unauthorized, but some do. I agree with the autograph analogy. If you collect sports memorabilia and someone sells you an item that wasn't actually signed by that athlete but was an artful forgery would you want that in your collection. Even though nobody would know it's forged, you still know, and if your're a true collector you don't want any part of that. I personally signed up for NT this year to get educated on the current state of sneaker community cause of all the nonsense going on. So I think that's what these forums should be used for, not trying to change each others beliefs. You also have to remember there are folks who rock and those who stock, I guarantee you 100% that those who stock and are just collectors wouldn't want GM, and would be very disappointed if they found out that the DB3 they got for $600 on Ebay are GM pairs. Here's my litmus test, if you can take a GM pair to a true expert who compares them to an authorized pair and he truly can't tell wich one is which and the inside construction is identical, then maybe only then can you call them Authentic.

Nobody in here is calling GM shoes authentic, so your point is pretty irrelevant as far as this thread is concerned.

And of course people who stock shoes don't want GM shoes. Your stating the obvious. Of your a stock collector then you should educate yourself and know the difference or don't buy on eBay, period. This is how the game is now. ADAPT. GM shoes are clearly not going anywhere regardless of anyone's opinion or amount of debate proposed.

Most people buy GM shoes and beat them into the dirt, I don't know 1 person that "collects" GM shoes...

And lastly, the majority people in here don't support selling GM shoes as Authentic. I speak out against people whenever they claim they do.

The signature analogy holds no water because the debate isn't over the authenticity of the shoes. no one is their right mind will openly try to argue GM shoes are authentic. Nothing unauthorized can be authentic. It's just and identical pair to the authentic, produced by the same people, in the same factory, with the same material. In many cases the only difference being a piece of paper somewhere saying Nike produced this shoe.
Blame Nike/JB for the grey market surge, they choose to limit production on shoes to maximize profit and the grey market fills the void for consumers that want the shoe but not for the aftermarket prices. Nike/JB profits on every shoe they sell yet they choose to not let the supply match the demand. They're legalized drug dealers of you may, giving consumers a taste but not satisfying the thirst to keep you coming back for more. Not to forgive consumers, because they ultimately hold their fate in their own hands, but to see a big business exploit these weaknesses is downright disgusting.
I don't
JDfrench your last post was golden - repped
Nobody in here is calling GM shoes authentic, so your point is pretty irrelevant as far as this thread is concerned.

And of course people who stock shoes don't want GM shoes. Your stating the obvious. Of your a stock collector then you should educate yourself and know the difference or don't buy on eBay, period. This is how the game is now. ADAPT. GM shoes are clearly not going anywhere regardless of anyone's opinion or amount of debate proposed.

Most people buy GM shoes and beat them into the dirt, I don't know 1 person that "collects" GM shoes...

And lastly, the majority people in here don't support selling GM shoes as Authentic. I speak out against people whenever they claim they do.

The signature analogy holds no water because the debate isn't over the authenticity of the shoes. no one is their right mind will openly try to argue GM shoes are authentic. Nothing unauthorized can be authentic. It's just and identical pair to the authentic, produced by the same people, in the same factory, with the same material. In many cases the only difference being a piece of paper somewhere saying Nike produced this shoe.[/quote

I don't understand the point of your rant? you basically supported everything I had stated in mine lol I wasn't coming at anyone specific, just touched on some issues concerning GM kicks
I don't understand the point of your rant? you basically supported everything I had stated in mine lol I wasn't coming at anyone specific, just touched on some issues concerning GM kicks

JDfrench your last post was golden - repped
Nobody in here is calling GM shoes authentic, so your point is pretty irrelevant as far as this thread is concerned.

And of course people who stock shoes don't want GM shoes. Your stating the obvious. Of your a stock collector then you should educate yourself and know the difference or don't buy on eBay, period. This is how the game is now. ADAPT. GM shoes are clearly not going anywhere regardless of anyone's opinion or amount of debate proposed.

Most people buy GM shoes and beat them into the dirt, I don't know 1 person that "collects" GM shoes...

And lastly, the majority people in here don't support selling GM shoes as Authentic. I speak out against people whenever they claim they do.

The signature analogy holds no water because the debate isn't over the authenticity of the shoes. no one is their right mind will openly try to argue GM shoes are authentic. Nothing unauthorized can be authentic. It's just and identical pair to the authentic, produced by the same people, in the same factory, with the same material. In many cases the only difference being a piece of paper somewhere saying Nike produced this shoe.
Does anyone know what the difference between a gm( doernbecher 4) vs a realese date pair? I can't spot any differences in the two :nerd:
I want someone with a Pair of XVII's to do a caparison...

Who's trying to drop that 1600 yuan?
I want someone with a Pair of XVII's to do a caparison...

Who's trying to drop that 1600 yuan?
Def gm pair. Dude is funny.

Absolutely, yet he calls them authentic because he's an idiot...

Does anyone know what the difference between a gm( doernbecher 4) vs a realese date pair? I can't spot any differences in the two :nerd:

Someone posted a link a few pages back to a page with the difference between real and GM royals and on that page there was also the differences between the GM DB 4's. They actually had a lot of minor differences.
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