[| -- (GTA) Adam Giambrone = FAIL it's over for you sucker -- |]


formerly diplomat tdot
Jun 26, 2002
[h1]Giambrone Admits To 'Inappropriate Relationship': Report[/h1]
2010/02/09 | CityNews.ca Staff



Adam Giambrone’s campaign to become mayor has gotten off to a rockystart as a very personal problem has become public knowledge. 

The32-year-old TTC Chair has apologized for what he calls an"inappropriate relationship" with a young woman; a connection he claimsconsisted of text messages and public conversations.

The aforementioned young woman, Kristen Lucas, 20, told a very different story to the Toronto Star.The university student claims the relationship, which lasted about ayear, was sexual. She told the paper she and Giambrone had a late-nightroll in the hay on a couch in his City Hall office.

Lucasalso claims Giambrone divulged inside information, including theconfidential scoop about the TTC fare hike months before the publicheard about the idea.

The affair occurred while Giambrone wascommitted to his longtime live-in partner. According to alleged textmessages between Giambrone and Lucas published in The Star,Giambrone said the relationship with McQuarrie was strictly politicaland not romantic. Lucas claims Giambrone didn't tell her he was in arelationship when they became involved.

According to the report, the relationship with Lucas ended early last month.
Giambrone reportedly plans to continue his mayoral campaign.



Adam Giambrone is seen in this undated photo with Sarah McQuarrie whom he has referred to as his long-time, live-in partner.
[h3]Giambrone will stay in mayor's race despite affair[/h3]
Updated: Tue Feb. 09 2010 1:25:26 PM


Mayoral hopeful Adam Giambrone has admitted he has had an"inappropriate" relationship with a young woman, but sources close tothe Toronto councillor says he has no plans to drop out of the race.

Giambrone will indeed continue his run for the city's top job, hiscampaign manager John Laschinger confirmed to the media Tuesdayafternoon.

The confirmation came hours after the Toronto Star published anapology from the 32-year-old TTC chair on Tuesday alongside aninterview with a 20-year-old woman who claims to have had sex with thecouncillor in his city hall office.

Giambrone, however, never says his relationship with universitystudent Kristen Lucas was sexual. He told the paper their relationship"consisted of text messages and conversations in public places only."

Giambrone said he met the girl's mother when he dropped her off at home."

He also said he realized the relationship was a "mistake" and tried to end it months ago before breaking off all contact.

An office assistant who answered Giambrone's city hall officeTuesday morning told ctvtoronto.ca that the councillor will not bedoing any interviews today.

When asked if the councillor had plans to comment on the report she said, "Not that I know of."

Lucas purportedly provided the Star with text messages and Facebookcorrespondence that proved they had personal contact. A search onGiambrone's Facebook page shows he is not friends with anyone namedKristen Lucas.

In one text message exchange, Giambrone reportedly says he is in arelationship with his long-time live-in girlfriend Sarah McQuarriebecause of "political" reasons.

The Star reports that Giambrone sent Lucas a message saying, ""Ilike you because you're smart and interesting. You're also good-lookingnaked."

Lucas also told The Star that Giambrone had told her about the TTC fare hike long before the public knew it was coming.

The paper says Giambrone admitted to asking Lucas not to reveal their relationship.

Giambrone's campaign office also reportedly sent The Star an emailthey claimed was from Lucas. In the email, the young woman supposedlythreatens to tell McQuarrie about their affair. Lucas denied sendingthe email, pointing out that her name was spelled wrong.

Giambrone, who has long been considered to be a rising star at cityhall, became the youngest member of council at age 27. Nonetheless, hesoon rose through the ranks to become the chair of the TTC -- one ofthe most high-profile positions on council.

But lately it seems as if the young politico was coming out of his reserved, guarded shell.

He was quick to respond to a Now Magazine article that ran in December suggesting Giambrone is gay.

Giambrone set the record straight on his Facebook page: "Amused butnot entirely surprised to learn in NOW Magazine that I'm supposedlygay."

Giambrone went on to write "Sarah, my partner, has taken the news in stride (and) with good humour ..."

He then launched his mayoral campaign with an obvious determination to reach out to young voters.

His campaign launch was held at trendy College Street club Revivaland was marked by a tongue-in-cheek YouTube video that showed him doingpush-ups and talking to himself in a mirror.

Dude is a total douche - how'd he score the TTC position with no prior experience at all?

I read the article in the Toronto Star and he comes across as one of those types who sees the 30s as the new 20s - no way the 'Jabroni' is becoming mayor.
The toronto political scene is an absolute joke. We had a friggin' sofa salesman running the show for the love of God. Not good sofa's either...

The city is a rat's nest big time. People don't want to pay the appropriate property tax, the jewish mafia, the ttc and their shenanigans, and then you have guys like Georgio Mammoliti who should be making me a pizza rather than being a public servant (which he isn't).
Originally Posted by 5tan



Am I the only one who sees a slight resemblance to LaToya Jackson?

Anyways Giambrone is a goner - maybe he can take up a new position as a ticket collector.
Originally Posted by Sheddy69

jewish mafia?

and dude, nobody wants to pay taxes period.
OK fine, RUSSIAN mafia...who are jewish.  Its nothing about it being jewish, its just not italian or bikers or something....that's all. 

and taxes?  Of course no one wants to pay them (that's the problem)...but where do you think Cities get their money from? A magic tree? Their mom and dad?  The lack of proportionate property tax is one of the many reasons the city is nearly broke.  Who's job is that exactly for that to not happen?  Jabronie and Mamoliti and all the clowns at Nathan Philips Square. 

Dude isn't even married...the entire think was a joke from start to finish.
Originally Posted by forwardlean

Originally Posted by Sheddy69

jewish mafia?

and dude, nobody wants to pay taxes period.
OK fine, RUSSIAN mafia...who are jewish.  Its nothing about it being jewish,
if you say so...im not very educated on the toronto mafia scene.
and also, i am sure there are plenty of other reasons the city is broke but i am not getting into this discussion when all i really want to know is who can hook me up with Air Jordan 2010s at 50% off FL/Champs....haha pc.
Originally Posted by Sheddy69

Originally Posted by forwardlean

Originally Posted by Sheddy69

jewish mafia?

and dude, nobody wants to pay taxes period.
OK fine, RUSSIAN mafia...who are jewish.  Its nothing about it being jewish,
if you say so...im not very educated on the toronto mafia scene.
and also, i am sure there are plenty of other reasons the city is broke but i am not getting into this discussion when all i really want to know is who can hook me up with Air Jordan 2010s at 50% off FL/Champs....haha pc.
well, the tax bill for my house is $4500 per year (based on income, its like having to earn an extra $8K per year). Its not in Toronto proper, but if it was, generally speaking my house might be worth between $500,000 and $550,000 (its worth 320). If my house was eight kilometers further west as the crow flies I would be paying about $2000 (aka an extra 4 K per year on your salary) a year less in taxes.

Now, imagine that over every house in the city and you're looking at a large delta in revenue for the city. The city can't just raise the mill rate, so they have introduced these new taxes to recoup some of the tax delta, but its not close to being enough.
I actually met this guy a few weeks ago and had like a 10 minute convo with him. He seemed like one of those guys that is just in to himself and wants to 'pad his stats'...word to Ricky Davis.

He did not have have much of a chance of winning the elections anyways due to his age (perceived as being inexperienced) as well as how the TTC has declined under his watch. After the affair became public his chances were pretty much zero. It's not like he committed a crime or anything but female voters are not going to vote for a womanizer.

I like how this 19-year-old came out and spilled the beans about the story. Her parents must be proud. At first glance I thought it was Weekend Girl when I saw her pic on the front page of The Star.
jabroni's live in partner, sarah, has a nice rack

maybe they should just have a menage-a-trois or something
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