Guardians of the Galaxy (Film) - 8/1/14 - Starring Chris Pratt, Dave Bautista, Zoe Saldana, Benic

July 28 2017 for the guardians 2's lookin like that leaked release date list is right 8)

Civil War aint hapening. War of Kings aint hapenin. TBT that was my guess for Guardians as well. Even if that wasnt the easiest one to guess 1/7 aint ****.
What's war of kings storyline???
Just a synopsis of important stuff
Inhumans vs. Kree vs. Shi'Ar but really Black Bolt vs. Vulcan with the Guardians trying to play damage control. Oh and there's like a cosmic version of a nuke in it.
Would've been 100X better if they saved that group pic for the film and didn't include it in the trailer man. I was geeked when I first saw it, but wish I was surprised.
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chris bosh is missing in the group pic.
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Would've been 100X better if they saved that group pic for the film and didn't include it in the trailer man. I was geeked when I first saw it, but wish I was surprised.

It was quite the opposite for me. Even though I saw it in trailers/commercials, when that scene comes on and that music hits, it's just one of those magical moments in cinema where I tear up. Word to President Whitmore's speech in Independence Day :smokin
Would've been 100X better if they saved that group pic for the film and didn't include it in the trailer man. I was geeked when I first saw it, but wish I was surprised.

They had to show that pic to let everyone know that this is really happening. I remember my taking my ex to see the film and she was anti-comic book everything, used to call me a dork the whole 9. When that exact group pic came on screen when we went to go see avengers opening night, I looked over at her and she was smiling from ear to ear and started clapping, the the rest of the audience started clapping with her :wow:

You should see how much marvel stuff she has now. A stuffed hulk doll she sleeps with, tons of marvel t-shirts and tank tops and her favorite one being the "I only date superheroes" shirt with Thor on it :rolleyes :lol:
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They had to show that pic to let everyone know that this is really happening. I remember my taking my ex to see the film and she was anti-comic book everything, used to call me a dork the whole 9. When that exact group pic came on screen when we went to go see avengers opening night, I looked over at her and she was smiling from ear to ear and started clapping, the the rest of the audience started clapping with her

You should see how much marvel stuff she has now. A stuffed hulk doll she sleeps with, tons of marvel t-shirts and tank tops and her favorite one being the "I only date superheroes" shirt with Thor on it
Yeah I guess they did, but I miss being surprised. These studios are showing everything in the trailers nowadays and it's ridiculous.
I want to know everything you know. Word for word.

If you want spoilers

Thanos is as intimidating as he usually is in the comics. He is decked out in more gold. He is so far the most powerful being in the universe. You can tell just off looks and voice alone.

Josh Brolin sounds exactly like how you would imagine Thanos to sound like.

Thanos is seen once in the movie and communicates through holograms throughout the rest of the movie.

In the scene where he is seen The Other/Cthon or whatever his name is tries to be an intermediary between Ronan and Thanos. Ronan gets impatient and knocks his *** out. Thanos turns around to listen to Ronan.

There is a scene (I think it was Groot but it might be Drax) they beat soldiers to death with the dead bodies of other soldiers

Cosmo is one of the Collectors prizes. The intergalactic museum of the collector gets blown up when one of Collector's assistants grabs the gem. The power of the gem causes the museum to explode. The guardians survive it. So does Cosmo.

The Gamora/Nebula fight scene was bomb. The Korath/Quill fight scene was also bomb

Rocket is a true tactician like he was in the AnL run.

Drax's revenge is not over. Thanos is the next person in his sight

No end credit scene in the screener version

I guess not most. A lot tho. Few other things I am forgetting
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If you want spoilers
Thanos is as intimidating as he usually is in the comics. He is decked out in more gold. He is so far the most powerful being in the universe. You can tell just off looks and voice alone.

Josh Brolin sounds exactly like how you would imagine Thanos to sound like.

Thanos is seen once in the movie and communicates through holograms throughout the rest of the movie.

In the scene where he is seen The Other/Cthon or whatever his name is tries to be an intermediary between Ronan and Thanos. Ronan gets impatient and knocks his *** out. Thanos turns around to listen to Ronan.

There is a scene (I think it was Groot but it might be Drax) they beat soldiers to death with the dead bodies of other soldiers

Cosmo is one of the Collectors prizes. The intergalactic museum of the collector gets blown up when one of Collector's assistants grabs the gem. The power of the gem causes the museum to explode. The guardians survive it. So does Cosmo.

The Gamora/Nebula fight scene was bomb. The Korath/Quill fight scene was also bomb

Rocket is a true tactician like he was in the AnL run.

Drax's revenge is not over. Thanos is the next person in his sight

No end credit scene in the screener version
I guess not most. A lot tho. Few other things I am forgetting
Can't wait
Two other things I forgot to say this number 1 aint a spoiler and its opinion based so I'll just say it. Most "fitting" soundtrack. Not saying its the best but every song fits if that makes sense. Didnt go into it since this aint a genre of songs I am familiar with.

The Orb glows purple (you might have caught that in one of the trailers), leading him to believe it is the space gem, but he said it is used to destroy stuff so it could be the power gem. Doesn't look like it is following comic book rules
Didn't read the spoilers, but I'm hyped. Midnight Thursday for me. Gonna stay away from this thread until then.
Also not a spoiler, just remembered dude said Drax is one of the best characters in the film and supplied a few of the funniest moments.

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