Guardians of the Galaxy (Film) - 8/1/14 - Starring Chris Pratt, Dave Bautista, Zoe Saldana, Benic

Why does it need to have an after credit scene to tie into avengers though? Both after credit scenes are great for the film and the guardians movie is to show that marvel can do other films that take place in the same universe that have nothing to do with their "classic" heroes. Thanos is the six degrees of separation character anyway and he's in the film. The avengers honestly don't need to meet the guardians. Not anytime soon.

I agree, I don't think the guardians have to meet the avengers at all.

I'm just saying considering that this is probably the last marvel movie before the avengers it would make sense to put in something that would get us excited for next year :nerd:
The avengers need to meet spiderman who lives right down the street from avengers tower before they meet aliens and a human from space
I'll be in the building tonight. I don't know **** about the guardians but after the trailer with Rocket Racoon shooting the machine gun, I knew I had to see it. I'm a suckered for **** like that.
What's the mid credit scene??? :nerd:
Mid credit scene
End credit scene

The avengers need to meet spiderman who lives right down the street from avengers tower before they meet aliens and a human from space

Are you going to buy the rights for Marvel or....?

You went to see ASM2 3x cuz you wanted to support it. So you can't possibly care too much that it's with Sony.
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Mid credit scene
End credit scene

Are you going to buy the rights for Marvel or....?

You went to see ASM2 3x cuz you wanted to support it. So you can't possibly care too much that it's with Sony.

Sony and marvel relationship seems to be on good terms considering oscorp tower was almost in avengers. I like what they're doing with the ASM movies but there's always room for improvement
Just got out the 7pm showing and this movie was my definition of a perfect movie and is on par with Avengers for me. Hell, right now, I feel like it was actually BETTER but let's see how I feel after multiple viewings :lol:

Ive never had all these legit feels in a movie before. :wow: :lol: :smokin :rofl: :frown: :pimp: :D
Just got out of a 7 pm showing myself. Movie was pretty dope. Theater was pretty packed too. Quite a few girls that came out as well. Surprised me simply because they didn't get dragged there like my shorty did. I don't think I can put it ahead of the GOAT, Cap 2. Definitely a dope flick though. Thanos!
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yup. I have been excited to see this for a while and it was worth it. im going to sneak into the next show it was so good
yup. I have been excited to see this for a while and it was worth it. im going to sneak into the next show it was so good

Seriously, me and my boys looked to see if there were anymore showings because we wanted to see it again, after we got out, but they were only doing the 7pm ones :lol:
i wanna see guardians tonight 
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