Guardians of the Galaxy (Film) - 8/1/14 - Starring Chris Pratt, Dave Bautista, Zoe Saldana, Benic

Drax lowkey had some of the funniest lines in the movie.

"why would I rub my finger on his neck".
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Tried to g just now both theaters parking lots were full
And only seats left were in the front row
Guess I'm not seeing it tonight
Try again tomorrow
Does anyone know what gem it is? It glows purple like the space gem but if it were the space gem Ronan would've just warped to Xander.

Probably not doing it like the comics /:
Then what's the Aether? Thought that was the power gem?

The Dark Elves wanted to use it to bring the universe back into darkness. Reality?
Movie was really, really good!

I am not sure I'd put it over Cap2 for comic book movie of the year but movie is a must see.

One thing GotG accomplished is making the funniest Marvel film to date without it falling flat or taking you out of the moment. First trailer was definitely misleading with how the comedy was approached, there was still plenty but more toned down.

Best way to describe the film is that it is just fun to watch. Plain and simple.
If there was a nitpick for the film, I feel Gamora and Drax were underpowered. I'll leave it at that until the film officially releases tomorrow.

Mid-credit scene could be better too, not even sure if it counts as one.
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Just got out the movie! Wow marvel!! [emoji]128076[/emoji][emoji]128079[/emoji][emoji]128079[/emoji][emoji]128079[/emoji] everything you could want from a marvel flick great job.
I think they didn't want to tie anything other than the infinity stones to this movie.... Although I thought we were going to see some avengers age of ultron clips like how they treated us to the first avengers clips after cap first avenger.
Gotta be the most heartfelt Marvel film to date, great job at making the audience care for every single one of the protagonists...Rocket and Groots chemistry, Drax being kowkey hilarious, Gamora being GAMORA! And Peter just doing the funny so effortlessly...for a second they almost went the cheesy route when he saved Gamora but then with 1 line he saved the scene.


And Thanos for the 5 seconds he was on screen, was an absolute bad ***, dudes presence made the hair on my arms stand up...cannot **** wait to see them team up wth the avengers and see how Rocket reacts to Stark :rofl:

Móvie was 9/10 IMO
Some people seem so sure of an Avengers/GotG team up. That would be a fan boy's wet dream but will be way too many characters to juggle imo

I would settle for Gamora having a small role in Avengers 3. It would make the most sense since she has the biggest tie to Thanos.
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howard the duck is definately gonna get a movie real soon.....its disney after all
Just came back from my showing....and I have some discrepancies.

Let me start by saying that the film is great. Really entertaining film that makes each character have a purpose. Chris Pratt was awesome as star lord. Zoe Saldana was great as gamora and Batista was super dope as drax. The special effects were great and the story was engaging. Lee Pace as Ronan was badass and Karen Gillan was still sexy underneath all that make up as nebula.

My gripes though...THE HUMOR WAS TOO FORCED. Man, I mean some of the jokes were funny but a lot of lines had me cringing. I liked Bradley Cooper's voice as rocket in trailers and in the beginning but it just got annoying after awhile. Speaking of rocket, how many times did he fire a gun in the film? :stoneface: the movie also felt liked it peaked 30-40 mins after they showed thanos. I mean he was the best part of the film honestly. That's not an indictment on the film but more of a testament to how well they did him. His smile is about to be a signature thing for him in these films. I didn't like how they kept trying to emphasize that they cared about each other toward the end. "You said it yourself *****, we're the guardians of the galaxy" o....k....

But that's neither here not there. Guardians is an awesome film and marvels most ambitious movie. I'm not ready to call it the best marvel film though. It's not even the best film in phase 2 :rolleyes but again just my opinion. I loved them showing the celestial though but when the after credit scene rolled someone in my theatre screamed "What? Howard the duck??" And everyone started booing :lol: Cosmo the space dog was welcomed though. Again great effort and film by marvel and I was thoroughly entertained.....

Let's discuss what infinity gem we saw in the film though. I was under the impression that the gem in Thor 2 was power but maybe it was reality because this one in guardians may have been power. Eh they don't want to go into detail with each stone. They just want to establish that they're powerful and shouldn't be in the wrong hands. Well....super ready for Avengers 2 :smile:
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Anyone catch the Elf from Thor TDW and the Chitauri soldier in the Collector's place?

Winter Soldier

Days of Future Past

are still the top Marvel films for me too.

Age of Ultron will most likely jump to 1st though.
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Loved the movie from beginning to end. Definitely one of the best Marvel movies to date. :smokin
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Movie was awesome! everything was on point, my only gripe would be how human most of the aliens look (Kree..)
Will be watching again
Any Easter eggs? Besides seeing chitari and elves in the Watchers room?
lamekilla lamekilla I agree that they tried hard to make it seem like they cared for each other as a team. But it wasnt terrible. Didnt seem so forced that it would lower my score of the movie, but I felt they could've done a better job with that. Hell them getting to know each other wouldve been a better 3rd act. Either way, I cant wait to see everyone's return. I wanna know what they'll do with Nebula.

I didnt think the humor was too forced like in the first trailer. Even that scene from the trailer was WAY better in the movie.

Im wondering how they are gonna fit Thanos into Avengers 2 tho. How will it fit into the plot
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Movie was awesome! everything was on point, my only gripe would be how human most of the aliens look (Kree..)
Will be watching again
Any Easter eggs? Besides seeing chitari and elves in the Watchers room?

I really liked the aliens. So far my favorite humanized aliens in any film period. Liked the diversity in skin tone and facial structure. The guard who stole the walkman, Ronan, and Korath all looked completely different. I liked the pink aliens too.
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