Gun control vol. Alex Jones vs Piers Morgan

I believe the Ben Shapiro interview was posted earlier. It's a good one, Morgan reveals his ignorance with every subject he interviews, it's sickening,
Gun control and gun ban aren't the same thing.

This is what i dont understand. Pro gun people are acing like the issue is to ban ALL guns when it isn't and some like that nut job in the video the OP posted go on/agree with having issue with no longer being able to defend themselves from a potential government takeover due to said "ban". :rolleyes The main issue is certain types of guns that are seemly designed for military use that are available to the general public and their magazine size, no?

Clearly there is an issue somewhere with gun violence in the US as our armed crime/violence rates show and lots of improvements are needed in many areas with gun control on certain types of firearms given the handful of tragedies the country experienced this year being one of the logical places to start.

Its like a pro gun lobby filibuster to make it so nothing gets done while people are pedant on specific gun history and other BS when the effort should be on how to successfully make the United Sates a safer place for everyone. (Pro gun, Anti gun, Movie goers, Elementary school students and their Teachers, etc)
it's so funny that the NRA convinces people to go nuts and fight every single tiny step towards curbing gun violence

They are all about the $$$$ and they have you minions carrying out their work, making them rich, over some possible dystopian doomsday. every time there is a school shooting the gun manufacturers make stupid amounts of money
This is what i dont understand. Pro gun people are acing like the issue is to ban ALL guns when it isn't and some like that nut job in the video the OP posted go on/agree with having issue with no longer being able to defend themselves from a potential government takeover due to said "ban".
The main issue is certain types of guns that are seemly designed for military use that are available to the general public and their magazine size, no?

Clearly there is an issue somewhere with gun violence in the US as our armed crime/violence rates show and lots of improvements are needed in many areas with gun control on certain types of firearms given the handful of tragedies the country experienced this year being one of the logical places to start.

Its like a pro gun lobby filibuster to make it so nothing gets done while people are pedant on specific gun history and other BS when the effort should be on how to successfully make the United Sates a safer place for everyone. (Pro gun, Anti gun, Movie goers, Elementary school students and their Teachers, etc)
The AR-15 is THE rifle of choice for home defense and it is also a very good hunting rifle.  Gun control does not work like people think it will, thats why the pro-gun people are so against it.  Areas in the US with stricter gun laws have higher crime rates and areas with lax gun control laws have lower crime rates.  Also, the AR-15 is no more military than your granddaddy's hunting rifle.  Just about every single type of civilian firearm has been used by the military.  It's a ******** argument. 

Why am I so against gun control?  I have a right to defend myself and I have a better capability to defend my home with an AR-15 than a pump shotgun with a gimped capacity to appease those in favor of gun control. 

Gun control actually does mean taking away firearms.  It means limiting access and in some cases taking away firearms that are commonly used for self defense.
it's so funny that the NRA convinces people to go nuts and fight every single tiny step towards curbing gun violence

They are all about the $$$$ and they have you minions carrying out their work, making them rich, over some possible dystopian doomsday. every time there is a school shooting the gun manufacturers make stupid amounts of money

I think the majority of Americans side more with Ben Shapiro than Alex Jones on this issue, maybe you should watch that interview
I don't even know what discussion we're having anymore ("we" meaning the country).

I thought the original point was to figure out what steps could be taken to avoid tragedies such as Sandy Hook in the future and then to decide if we, as a society, were willing to accept whatever sacrifices or costs are necessary to carry out those steps. This wasn't even supposed to be a pro-gun vs. anti-gun discussion. This was supposed to be a let's-consider-all-options discussion.

I'm disappointed in all parties involved who immediately made this all about guns, both on the gun control side and on the NRA side. Instead of trying to figure out real solutions, we're off debating guns and guns alone, and no one's willing or visionary enough to try to think of a new and better way forward as a society.

In the next 2 years, there's gonna be another half-dozen shootings, and it'll become apparent again that the boatload of extra guns people are buying and the band-aid gun control laws the government will put in place will have done nothing to stop them.
Gun control and gun ban aren't the same thing.

Correct, but the idea of gun control by taking away the AR-15 is a step towards a gun ban. We dont know what will happen in the future. More steps may be taken where eventually it will be close enough to ban all guns. What if there comes a time where we need more than a pistol? Again we dont know the future. Now that the AR-15 is out of the way it will be that much easier to attack the next gun in line. When really the AR-15 isnt the problem. In your local news you dont hear story after story of murders with the use of an AR-15. Its the use of handguns. Like Shapiro said why not ban all guns if people are killed every night from a hand gun? Because an AR-15 was used in a movie theatre and a elementary school? You dont think the same damage can be done with multiple hand guns in a school or movie theatre where no body is armed?

Its the people not the guns. If tyranny were to occur your going to want something more powerful than a hand gun to protect yourself. The anti-gun people are acting like when we talk about the possibility of our government turning tyrannical that its going to happen within the decade. No. Who knows when, again you cant see the future. Lets say 100 years from now though, your childrens children will be wishing YOU didnt give the government the power to start taking away the guns. That is why its the second amendment, that is why we have amendments, that is why its not supposed to be touched, and that is why America has been so sucessfull. Once you start changing something, the opportunity to do it again will be likely. I can see it now, "stop inner city violence, take away all handguns!"

Not to mention we live in the most powerful country in the world. Again, you may want something more powerful than a hand gun just in case...
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