Gun control vol. Alex Jones vs Piers Morgan

This argument is just tired. This isn't even politics, this is common sense we are discussing and it blows my mind how many people don't have it. People kill people guns or no guns. People will find a way to kill in mass amounts if that's what they really want to do guns or no guns. You take a way guns...ok what's stopping them from making bombs? Or how about just obtaining a ******g gun anyway :lol: :lol: you're either killing yourself or going to prison for life anyway. O yea you're mission is to kill a bunch of people too, and you think they're worried about a law? :lol:

This is ******g common sense. The stupidity and constant arguing is just getting annoying.

This was one of the most ridiculous interviews I've ever seen on Morgan's part. Alex seems like a douche, but he's comepletely right and is just giving Morgan a dose of his own medicine.

Why do we need an AR-15? - to protect ourselves from the government.
Answer my question why do we need an AR-15? To protect ourselves from the government.
What gun did Holmes and Lanza use? The AR-15
Answer my question why do we need the AR-15? - to protect ourselves from the government.

How many times did he need to say it? How many times do we all need to say it? Murderers will murder no matter what. We need to protect ourselves from the government.

Honestly I would have been holding myself back from punching Morgan in the face due to his lack of common sense. Although I'm sure Alex wanted to. I wish he did. Actually now that I think about it he even mentioned it. Like he said what are you going to do ban fists? :lol: :lol:

Seriously though, why can't half the idiots in this country just get it for once? To protect ourselves from the government.
This is equitable to america trying to pretend that boo boo is not smelly.

This is a country founded by guns and with guns.

As soon as u get rid of them, say goodbye to the world as u know it. it will become something entirely different.

i really don't think americans are prepared to live like the rest of the world does.
id believe stories from the onion before anything from infowars..

if anyone came up to you in person talking this nonsense you'd tell him to fudge off..

dudes like this and that believe this kind of rhetoric are nucking futs..
He reminds me of black israelites yelling on the corner...

When your #1 argument is based on paranoia and sounds like the same stuff spouted out by a schizophrenic off his meds (in between rants about immigrants and african americans), I'm not listening.

btw, I'm pretty sure Alex Jones was behind 911. He had the most to gain. And here's the kicker -- Piers Morgan was his main accomplice. I have a boatload of non sequiturs that will prove me right.
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In terms of success, video has gone viral and has about 4.5 million views on YouTube. I'm sure Alex spiced it up to increase awareness.
This dude destroyed Piers.

Piers just aggravates me the more interviews I hear with him on this topic. The guy answers his question about why an avg citizen should be allowed to own an AR-15 etc but he doesnt want to hear it.

Also the Virginia Tech mass shooting was done using handguns, but he never mentions that one. He also dances around the violent crime rate of Great Britain vs the US and also the amt of gun violence attributed to handguns vs semi automatic rifles.

He keeps referring to assualt rifles but the semi automatic rifle is not an assualt rifle and he quotes Ronald Reagen statement on Assault rifles but what type of assault rifle was Reagen referring too the true automatic or the assualt rifle the media is hyping up now?
Glad that the crazies are coming out of the woodwork to be the face of guns 

rational, normal gun owners dictating the narrarative would be a bad thing. Keep up nuts up front pleeeease be the loudest ones.

and don't forget that well regulated militia part of the cherished amendment 
Jones looks like a grown up Eric Cartmen, even has that voice.

I don't care if there are guns or no guns, but the comparison of Mexico is stupid, since they are basically run by drug lords that kill at the drop of a hat. How many of the Cartel's killings are factored into the number of deaths, compared to just the average person living there killing people for no reason.

the guns aren't really going to help if a war breaks out with citizens vs the US government,. Even if soldiers help the people, they would do little against drones.  
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Jones looks like a grown up Eric Cartmen, even has that voice.:lol:

I don't care if there are guns or no guns, but the comparison of Mexico is stupid, since they are basically run by drug lords that kill at the drop of a hat. How many of the Cartel's killings are factored into the number of deaths, compared to just the average person living there killing people for no reason.

the guns aren't really going to help if a war breaks out with citizens vs the US government,. Even if soldiers help the people, they would do little against drones.  

Thats the point though. You take away guns and the criminals...the drug lords are the only ones that have them. That has to do with how they've become so powerful. They'll think twice if they find out they're target is armed. But when nobody has guns? They walk around and do whatever they want, and kill whoever they want.
Glad that the crazies are coming out of the woodwork to be the face of guns 

rational, normal gun owners dictating the narrarative would be a bad thing. Keep up nuts up front pleeeease be the loudest ones.

and don't forget that well regulated militia part of the cherished amendment 
"rational, normal gun owners dictating the narrative would be a bad thing." 

Why is that?  Does it mean you know the anti-gun argument is flawed and that people who know what they're talking about would shred that argument like Ben Shapiro did? 

And look this up.   Founding Fathers intended for everyone to be armed so that people could protect themselves, from an external threat, and from tyranny.  Also the well regulated militia aspect of the 2nd Amendment is a dependent clause.  Learn some grammar son.
Normal gun owners don't have 50 AR 15's and 30,000 rounds so yes the argument would be different if some farmer who lives 30 minutes away from the nearest police station was the face of guns

The government has checks and balances and many ways to have non violent change of the guard. The tyranny that needed to be protected was againt the British more than anything.

What I wanna know is who gets to decide when this tyranny arrives? When do we all claim rightfully that we are living under a dictatorship?

There are plenty of psychos who already claim Obama is a terrorist, Marxist, fascist, Non American Fascist who needs to be killed. And those people are stockpiling weapons and ammunition. Listening to pseudo news stations getting them scared and riled up. Waiting for their next civil war
Normal gun owners don't have 50 AR 15's and 30,000 rounds so yes the argument would be different if some farmer who lives 30 minutes away from the nearest police station was the face of guns

The government has checks and balances and many ways to have non violent change of the guard. The tyranny that needed to be protected was againt the British more than anything.

What I wanna know is who gets to decide when this tyranny arrives? When do we all claim rightfully that we are living under a dictatorship?

There are plenty of psychos who already claim Obama is a terrorist, Marxist, fascist, Non American Fascist who needs to be killed. And those people are stockpiling weapons and ammunition. Listening to pseudo news stations getting them scared and riled up. Waiting for their next civil war

did you ever think some people who own guns might be to protect themselves from these nuts?

who cares how many guns someone has? you can only shoot one at a time.
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