Gun control vol. Alex Jones vs Piers Morgan

I would say that the tyranny has arrived when Habeas Corpus is suspended, you can be arrested for what you post on the internet, the government can officially search you and your belongings without a warrant, seize your assets without a warrant or proof that they are illegal, and arrest you and hold you indefinitely without a trial. Oh wait...
well there you go

so what's good with the revolution? 

Bankers ruining the global economy and nobody ends up in jail. HSBC is "too big to prosecute"

billions of dollars missing from TARP

The patriot act is never going away

warentless wiretaps are never going away

eminent domain. The government can take your home and you can't do ****

Wars so a the vice president and his lackey's can make millions?

the lobbyists and congress out for self?

so.... what's up? instead all you see is senseless and random violence. crazy losers that used to just slit their wrists in the basement. Now they want that high score. Get memorialized for senseless killing.

I guess it's only Tyranny if they come and take away your gun?


why are we changing amendments based off the actions of mentally unstable people?
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not worried about them coming for my yoppa, that's grandfathered in if a ban passes. if they come and try and take guns they're crazy as hell. :lol:

it will be wack though if they stop importing ammo for it.
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Ben Shapiro is a neo con who used to drop dime on people smoking weed in college. He proudly stands by this. But even a blind squirrel gets a nut and he smoked piers.
How did the people in the Middle East decide they were living under a tyranny and chose to take up arms to overthrow the government?
How did the people in the Middle East decide they were living under a tyranny and chose to take up arms to overthrow the government?


i think they always knew, but countries have started to hit their breaking point like syria.
Thats the point though. You take away guns and the criminals...the drug lords are the only ones that have them. That has to do with how they've become so powerful. They'll think twice if they find out they're target is armed. But when nobody has guns? They walk around and do whatever they want, and kill whoever they want.
our military and police force is better than Mexico's, drug lords wouldn't take over here, not to mention they get most of their guns and ammo from here. 

we're the major supplier of guns and ammo that criminals in this country and others get guns, their ammo won't last them forever. if we stopped manufacturing them for normal people, then the ones on the street will decline, from confiscations and other ways of getting them. they can't steal guns that aren't around. 

their won't be an endless supply of illegal guns to use once normal citizens can't have them.  
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stop, manufacturing guns and ammo is far different than growing plants. 

you can't mass produce guns inside a camper in the desert, or smuggle an AR-15 in your *** over the border.  
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Underestimating the profit incentive. There will be submarine shipments of arms if there is a dollar to be made. Slavery is still prevalent around the globe for christs sake.
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Let's say the Cartel does manage to get a super secret sub for gun distribution, the demand for a gun is not going to be like drugs. Rich kids aren't going to go to the city just to by a bunch of guns. Guns aren't an addictive substance and people outside cites won't have a need for them. Most people in the suburbs don't even have them now while their legal.

Their won't be a massive quantity out there, which would drive up the price for a gun on the black market.  Huge supplies of guns are much harder to hide than drugs. 
So gun ownership is concentrated in urban areas as opposed to rural or suburban? I imagine you have a citation for that, right?
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The government doesn't need to "take our guns away" in order to create a totalitarian regime.
You think other countries are going to stop making weapons also? You think people can't smuggle weapons into the United States? What about all of the guns that are already here? Metal has a long shelf life and bullets are easily produced in a camper in the desert. You wanna outlaw guns and have the police go door to door and confiscate them? What happens when a lunatic commits a mass murder and has a copy of the Communist Manifesto or the United States Constitution with him? The government should then start banning books? It is a slippery slope. There is a reason that the United States has remained somewhat free for such a long time and that reason is an armed population. Contrary to the liberal/neocon media's propaganda campaign, the Second Amendment is not about protecting yourself from criminals or killing deer. It is about protecting the populace from armed stormtroopers and jackbooted thugs who wish to install a fascist regime and violate basic human rights, those basic human rights that are being violated on a daily basis in every city in the United States.
Yes, it's much more difficult to smuggle guns in, and the demand for guns for criminal use would be much smaller.  The Cartel and other criminal groups are already to busy smuggling in drugs as it is, they would fail hard trying to smuggle in massive amounts of guns and drugs too. The demand outside of cites won't be as big for guns like drugs, making the market for them much smaller, and the small market would make it less likely for people to risk mass producing them on a grand scale for a small gain. The small amount of guns on the black market would go for such high prices that it would make it less likely for people in cities to afford them who aren't criminals.   

No, the guns now that normal people have won't help protect you from the government storm troopers who can easily take out citizens with drones or other advanced tech that the military has.   
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