H1N1 FLU........UPDATE : Flu may be less potent than first feared (pg 32)

Originally Posted by SelectaClutchStar

Originally Posted by blazinjkid

This is getting ridiculous. Like, Orwellian ridiculous.


^^^Agreed. A 'pandemic', are you kidding me? The World Health Organization can't even keep an even count of how many 'deaths' are actually accounted, it goes up one day, then drops down, then skyrockets up again....blah, blah, blah.
Well I mean it is a pandemic. It has affected people all over the world. Maybe not killed that many people all over, but affected yes.

What you need to remember is that the 24 hour news networks just want ratings. They're over exaggerating so you watch.
Originally Posted by Drunken Cow

Me and my boys just copped some new rich yung fits.


We stay ready.

That*aye*biochemical*aye*warfare*aye*suit is so clean, shawty.*okay!*

I can't even sneeze or cough regular without being shook that I caught something.
Even when I hit the trees and cough I be nervous as hell...

@ this spanish kid in the mall yesterday cocking her head back and coughing like she was spittin bullets. I wanted to take the Air Force ones to herforehead with the quickness.
crap the incas were right, there calendar ends by 2012..
I Am Legend anyone?
cept that instead of cancer, its this thing that the vaccine will mutate with..
I posted this in another thread but I dont think anyone read it

Ok let me say something.

H1N1 is Swine flu and it in and of it self is not very harmful like many here have posted.

However, there is a worry amongst some in the scientific community (Alot of them do not agree with WHO) who think that these virus can recombine. If H1N1 recombines with H5N1 (Bird Flu) which has a kill ratio of about 50% then things will get ugly!!! Swine flu as it stands though is not the end of the world. With that said, Bird flu and Swine flu are both out there now if Swine flu gives Bird flu a means to jump from human to human Tamiful aint gonna save you. Someone who gives me a lot of info is really worried about the virus recombining in Egypt where they recently have been having Bird flu cases. One as recent as April 15th 2009....coincidence?

Here is a good site to check out flutrackers.com..I learned alot of stuff here.
one of my friend's status:

They said that a black man would be President "when pigs fly." Surely enough, 100 days into Obama's Presidency, swine flu.

This is getting serious, maybe i shouldn't ride the Bart today. The last thing I need is to catch this and be on the DL list again.
I never really put much thought behind the word sheep, but gotdamn.
We let the media jerk us around like poodle on a choke chain.
WMD, Financial Crisis, Swine Flu, etc...

and everytime i hear someone cough or sneeze i think .. SWINE FLU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
in Huntsville Alabama the highschools decided to cease any athletic activities, because they are afraid to spread the swine flu.
Originally Posted by ralphsody

crap the incas were right, there calendar ends by 2012..
I Am Legend anyone?
cept that instead of cancer, its this thing that the vaccine will mutate with..

Carriers is an upcoming thriller horror movie written and directed the Pastor brothers (Alex Pastor and David Pastor). The movie follows four friends who try to get away from a worldwide flu pandemic that almost wiped out mankind in a very short time span. It is starring Lou Taylor Pucci, Chris Pine, Piper Perabo and Emily VanCamp.

The trailer of carriers is ->here

"Four friends fleeing a viral pandemic soon learn they are more dangerous than any virus.

A deadly virus has spread across the globe. Contagion is everywhere, no one is safe and no one can be trusted. Four young attractive people race through the back roads of the American Westto the pounding beat of a vacation soundtrack. Their aim is to retreat to secluded utopian beach in the Gulf of Mexico, where they could peacefully wait out the pandemic and survive the apocalyptic disease. CARRIERS follow their getaway through a surreal and dangerous world where laws and rules no longer apply. Their plans take a grim turn when their car breaks down on an isolated road starting a chain of events that will seal the fate of each of them in an inexorable and horrifying voyage of hell through a western landscape populated by only the hideous dead or the twisted living. Their desperate retreat south turns into a deadly battle against infected children, homicidal doctors, crazed survivalists, rabid dogs, and, finally each other. The virus is the least of their problems as horrible choices must be made in the face of lost humanity."

The premise of this post-apocalyptic thriller isn't so farfetched: a deadly mutation of a bird flu in the near future is not so unlikely… And the new virus resulting from such a mutation could infect millions of people around the world, causing a flu pandemic worse than ever! Would be a bleak future…

I doubt that the carriers would have murderous thoughts like in the film though. But still, this is a hell of a movie! Can't understand why the movie doesn't have an official release date yet. Carriers deserves a theater release! Hope that Paramount vantage will really support the movie.

In the new world order there will be no saviors or survivors: there will be only carriers!


Sorry if already posted.
damn after reading through a few posts in this thread I subconsciously covered my mouth/nose with my shirt that i have draped over my shoulder. LOL. Hopefullythis %%@+ doesn't reach DC.
Originally Posted by meshies

damn after reading through a few posts in this thread I subconsciously covered my mouth/nose with my shirt that i have draped over my shoulder. LOL. Hopefully this %%@+ doesn't reach DC.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought I read somewhere that there was a probable case in DC.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by meshies

damn after reading through a few posts in this thread I subconsciously covered my mouth/nose with my shirt that i have draped over my shoulder. LOL. Hopefully this %%@+ doesn't reach DC.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought I read somewhere that there was a probable case in DC.

well WHAT THE $$!@.... any links to the report?
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