Ha ha life, funny joke!! (Girl thread, pics this time!!)

May 14, 2002
So I met this girl at the gym earlier in the week, who is super out of my league, I'll admit it. Somehow get her number, and we were texting all week, ended up going on date last night. She claimed she had a great time, said she wanted to see me again today, mentioned on more than one occasion about if we "eventually become a couple." Even after the date she texted me first, and kept on with this same attitude.

Today comes, and she says she just wants to stay at home, doesn't want to hang out. So I tell her to be upfront with me, and she still try's to put on this facade that I'm a great guy, she had an amazing time, but she is so burnted out from her past relationship, (over a year ago btw) that she isn't ready to date.

Ha ha life, thanks for the joke! Pic for the beasts.
average white girl
edit: just saw who OP is, you were scared about that place in the woods, don't be scared to piihb
Hair has to much body and shine, easy pass.

why did she waste your time, hope you didnt pay for dinner.
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

You must be one ugly looking dude if that thing is out of your league.
I just spit out my drink 
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

You must be one ugly looking dude if that thing is out of your league.


Girl must know OP was too chicken to go down that scary %$! driveway.
And average looking white girl? IDK where the hell you guys live, but you do not want to see an average looking white girl around here. You don't even want to see above average.
She wanted take home.. you failed her mission.. meeting at the gym was a dead give away. You have to go against better judgement and be more aggressive/proactive in certain instances.

She set the stage, even took to feigning interest in a relationship so as to make your connection seem stronger.. when that occurs, you offer homemade dessert and let her make threads on how dude from the gym never called again.
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