Ha ha life, funny joke!! (Girl thread, pics this time!!)

Plus sounds like youre mad insecure and got overly pushy after you failed her the night prior. She got scared off.
meh. What's she like from the neck-down? full body shots?
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

So I met this girl at the gym earlier in the week, who is super out of my league, I'll admit it. Somehow get her number, and we were texting all week, ended up going on date last night. She claimed she had a great time, said she wanted to see me again today, mentioned on more than one occasion about if we "eventually become a couple." Even after the date she texted me first, and kept on with this same attitude.

Today comes, and she says she just wants to stay at home, doesn't want to hang out. So I tell her to be upfront with me, and she still try's to put on this facade that I'm a great guy, she had an amazing time, but she is so burnted out from her past relationship, (over a year ago btw) that she isn't ready to date.

Ha ha life, thanks for the joke! Pic for the beasts.
Damn...unless you're leaving something out, from that scenario you need some confidence.  You probably weren't aggressive enough and she maybe she for some strange reason actually does think you're great but you've gotta be a man.  And "burnted"?  Really???
Don't push it, bruh. Just play it cool and see what happens. She's nothing to sweat over, man.
On a serious note, you probably came off as too much of a nice guy, she probably just wants a fling, someone to WIO...seriously bro.

I'll share this somewhat similar story, I met this chick at a friends house once, her man had just gotten locked up, so she was single...we exchanged numbers, blah blah...I speak to her friend to find out more about her and her friend tells me she always dated a-holes, and that she was fed up of dudes that didn't respect her, so I threw my cape on and decided after a week of phone calls and texts that I was gonna invite her over, she comes over I cooked a meal for her and had a bottle of wine, she was blown away...I was in the zone...we ate and ten I popped in a movie, we start making out, feeling up then she tells me she has fake breasts (friend had already spilled the beans about that) I front like I dont know and give her a compliment on how real they look...then I remember what her friend told me about dudes not respecting her, and I stalled!...decided to actually watch the movie, needless to say I never hit it...shorty told her friend which is also my friend, that I might be gay...

Moral of the story, women love aggression no matter what, they like a man who takes control...they want to be respected on their terms, so you play your position as a man and never EVER stall on a woman, that's their job, to set limits.
How exactly was she acting on the date?

If the chemistry during the date was so good that she was talking "eventually becoming a couple" stuff after you dropped her off, then it's pretty clear where you messed up.

Don't worry. You'll do better next time.
Its probably that time of the month bro.
try again in a couple of days but keeping talking to her and smash pleiboi
she might not like you, it happens.

chances are she was hurt from a relationship extra thirsty, wanted to see options and that guys would still pay attention to her / she could have people if she wanted them.

and is content knowing that for the moment but not considering you seriously...

thats my take, could be wrong
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Came in here looking for support ... SMH, but thanks for the laughs.
"Obviously out of my league" Sounds like you have ZERO self-confidence bro... that's not a problem that NT can help you out with. If you yourself don't believe you're good enough to bag these chicks, what makes you think they will believe it?
The same scenario happened to me last week brosef.
Your boy did nothing wrong and was friend zoned by a chick I was talking to for a month. 

I know it hurts but just chalk up the L and keep it moving.
Stay friends though bc. she'll come running once she sees you doing well. Just keep a positive attidude dude. 
As much as OP is historically a huge lame, that girl looks good, don't know why everyone's tripping
1. she should not be out of your league unless you are one ugly dude
2. since she is white and i'm black i would smash almost any decent white girl in a heartbeat

3. she obviously just wants to be friends with benefits, so move in quick before another dude comes and steals her away

4. being that i'm a alcoholic, i would't take any advice coming from me since i have no morals or standards

with that said 

i am drunk right now as we speak
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