Halo 4 Thread| The Pit Returns Aug.20

2.Itz Me Pizzo 23 - xxpizzo
3. Sam Menace - Menacin Methods
4. LiteSkinned129 - CURBSIDEPROPHET
8. Never Had Much - Putting In Work
9. thethe daCANNON - VA757VA
11. nickthestick2st - Nickthestick91
12. DWILLS925 - DJ236
15.OMGitsFrankDizl - Mrkittles20
16.AEA18- AEA09
17.THE HO TRAIN25 - rck2sactown
18.S R II R B G - Macc E-Money
19..Realitycheck911- Realitycheck911
20. TheLastEmper0r (with a zero) - 23rdWonder
21. Faint Dj3 - Derryj3
22. Gator Boy 24 - Mamba MVP
23. xRaydiation - poorniko
24. xKeepitFrisco - jay2dajay
25. genocydal - Evolution Fight
26. Onslaught23 - Shoot3rmcfly
27.blueghost3500 (Zero)
28.Vintage Sole- Sole Vintage
29. mikejs210 - mikejs210
30. R GANGSTA J - WrightOne86
32. j killionaire - JOE BILLIONAIRE
33. Sixty9m3 - jay kickz till i die
34. DeeDaPunisha- DeeDaPunisha
36.Okaykk - Push That Tush
37.XxDiesel33xX- Myjaysgetrocked
38. stuntastic1414 - purplenurple1414
39.fernanSLEEZ- beezylocks

Snipers is coming out in 5 days on a temporary basis. I predict that with the fact that being shot does not unscope someone that the playlist will be a disaster.
Only real complaints thus far:

You don't start with enough health. Like someone else said, just give us 20% more health.

Theres like 5 maps for slayer. And it feels like I'm playing on Haven like 80 percent of the time, even though it is my favorite map.

My classes getting reset out of the blue more than once :stoneface:

why are they f-ing around with us and not make team snipers and swat permanent playlists instead of making them temporary. what the hell
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That snipedown video is a reason why there needs to be ranks. I mean he is good but not 25-0 good against players at his level.

The halo 4 population is almost half what it was last week already. I think Call of Duty + no ranks are taking effect now. I might take a break from the game until the ranks implemented or just play halo 3 :smh:

why are they f-ing around with us and not make team snipers and swat permanent playlists instead of making them temporary. what the hell
I heard hes the best again by a wide margin. They started testing MLG V1 settings yesterday, and they might remove the DMR entirely. One can only hope.
That snipedown video is a reason why there needs to be ranks. I mean he is good but not 25-0 good against players at his level.

The halo 4 population is almost half what it was last week already. I think Call of Duty + no ranks are taking effect now. I might take a break from the game until the ranks implemented or just play halo 3
Trueskill is currently in place its just hidden, he probably just doesnt play Flag alot so his trueskill is low or so 343 says. I can see it working though cause in some playlists I play parties of good people all the time . Come January it wont be visible in game either, only on Waypoint which is also stupid

Yeah that drop off is nuts, I dont really mind it though cause I can still find games.
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Still going through campaign on Legendary... a lot harder than the previous Halo's.

But I am back to being used to the Halo controls so that's a plus... that was my main reason behind it.

I'm running with bumper jumper still because I don't think that I will really be using the jetpack like that.

Either run promethean vision the hologram since that loadout starts with the DMR.
He embarrassed that team so bad, it almost seemed staged/setup. Did they really not get a single kill the entire game?! :x
I didnt have much trouble with the H4 campaign, they should have made the knights push up more. They stand stand and strafe and there were entirely too many Light Rifles around. H2 was the hardest one for me by far, Brutes just would not die.
We need in game Visual Ranks ASAP....im tired of these non competitive games,, everything is social and 343 talking about you will have to go to waypoint to see your rank...wtf?
avent touched this game since BO2 dropped. Trying to debate if i want to get rid of it or just keep to play from time to time because any halo match can be pretty fun
We need in game Visual Ranks ASAP....im tired of these non competitive games,, everything is social and 343 talking about you will have to go to waypoint to see your rank...wtf?
true skill is in the game right now and it's pretty strict, actually these are in fact your ranked playlists. In certain playlists I can't even play with some of my friends cause we'd just match full parties of people who are way better than them every game. All I get are try hard games in the playlists that I frequently play. Come january they need to seperate ranked and social. Lord knows how they made the same mistake Bungie made with this. Reach was all social and now this game is all ranked. It makes no sense, letting people bring guests into ranked playlists makes no sense.
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i played a crapload of BO2 last week, especially this weekend because of double XP. i'll def be jumping back and forth between these games, but feel like H4 has the better netcode right now. BO2 hit registry was all over the place, but i have faith in them patching that stuff. looking forward to enjoying both games over the next 6 months+
We need in game Visual Ranks ASAP....im tired of these non competitive games,, everything is social and 343 talking about you will have to go to waypoint to see your rank...wtf?

I can't wait til visible ranking is back. That was one of the things in halo 2 and 3 that forced me to keep playing and get better. Without it its kind of boring. That and most of the maps are "meh". can't wait for the new maps too.
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true skill is in the game right now and it's pretty strict, actually these are in fact your ranked playlists. In certain playlists I can't even play with some of my friends cause we'd just match full parties of people who are way better than them every game. All I get are try hard games in the playlists that I frequently play. Come january they need to seperate ranked and social. Lord knows how they made the same mistake Bungie made with this. Reach was all social and now this game is all ranked. It makes no sense, letting people bring guests into ranked playlists makes no sense.

True skill is one thing, but I have to disagree with (everything is ranked), Each night I play with my friends, out of maybe 10 games, we lose one. And im consistently getting 15-24 kills a game.

Seeing your numbered rank and knowing what lvl player you are playing against is A BIG DRAW for Halo.
I don't know how much True Skill is effecting match ups because most games are on a social vibe when I play, its getting boring honestly.

I love close challenging games, and I haven't gotten that (OUTSIDE OF REGICIDE!! ...so much fun even tho I still rather have a regular FFA i.e Lone Wolf)
If 343 isn't going to do Visual numbered ranks for the gametypes they might as well haven't put in the SR/Wetwork/Operator crap number in there at all either.

Cause everytime Im playing against someone with a lvl 58 and up, they get destroyed.
true skill is in the game right now and it's pretty strict, actually these are in fact your ranked playlists. In certain playlists I can't even play with some of my friends cause we'd just match full parties of people who are way better than them every game. All I get are try hard games in the playlists that I frequently play. Come january they need to seperate ranked and social. Lord knows how they made the same mistake Bungie made with this. Reach was all social and now this game is all ranked. It makes no sense, letting people bring guests into ranked playlists makes no sense.
True skill is one thing, but I have to disagree with (everything is ranked), Each night I play with my friends, out of maybe 10 games, we lose one. And im consistently getting 15-24 kills a game.

Seeing your numbered rank and knowing what lvl player you are playing against is A BIG DRAW for Halo.
I don't know how much True Skill is effecting match ups because most games are on a social vibe when I play, its getting boring honestly.

I love close challenging games, and I haven't gotten that (OUTSIDE OF REGICIDE!! ...so much fun even tho I still rather have a regular FFA i.e Lone Wolf)
If 343 isn't going to do Visual numbered ranks for the gametypes they might as well haven't put in the SR/Wetwork/Operator crap number in there at all either.

Cause everytime Im playing against someone with a lvl 58 and up, they get destroyed.
I mean I agree with you, and my experience is the same way my win percentage is at the least in the high 80s but these are sadly the facts. These are our ranked playlists whether we want them or not 343 have no plans to make a ranked V social split. Eventually they will have to make the ranks visible in game becuase their current idea is crap. A lot of other small things that added to the competitive enviroment need to be fixed too like the waypoint indicators. Why would those be removed? IDK about everyone else but I acutally watched those to see which of my team mates were shooting, being shot, or as a reference for the call outs they make.

Like you said below how could I forget that they took out the Xs on your body when you die, thus ruining the most useful callout "on my X"
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I mean I agree with you, and my experience is the same way my win percentage is at the least in the high 80s but these are sadly the facts. These are our ranked playlists whether we want them or not 343 have no plans to make a ranked V social split. Eventually they will have to make the ranks visible in game becuase their current idea is crap. A lot of other small things that added to the competitive enviroment need to be fixed too like the waypoint indicators. Why would those be removed? IDK about everyone else but I acutally watched those to see which of my team mates were shooting, being shot, or as a reference for the call outs they make.

Yeah, besides the visual ranks in game REALLY my only other gripe is the lack of death indicator for my teammates, like, I know it shows up on your radar as a yellow X if you are in the vicinity, but im used to the Halo of old with that BIG RED X visible through the whole map
Other than that I love the game
So these dudes are gonna take out Snipers next week and put FFA (aka rumple pit). Worst part is that this FFA playlist will only be oddball and king of the hill.


Just replace that atrocious Regicide playlist with a classic FFA.

I am not surprised that they keep making these dumb decisions since this is the same team that tried hard to copy call of duty and not include ranks. The community will be dead by january/february. :smh:
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