Halo 4 Thread| The Pit Returns Aug.20

They implemented new mechanics to try to attract a wider range of players. In the process, they alienated others who've been playing for years. It didn't make a difference because Call Of Duty is still dominating and Halo is garbage now. I'm disgusted that I prepaid for all the upcoming maps.
I used to HATE the level Adrift. But now that I've played it so much since EVERBODY seems to vote for that map I've gotten used to it lol.
Yup, drop pods with random weapons is a complete failed idea. The load outs were bad enough but that sends it over the edge for me. The whole point of halo was that everyone starts equal and then the race for map control begins. Now I fell like its just complete randomness. Snipers and rockets due to random pods or random ordinance choices lol trash. The game went from being chess to candyland.

The ammo distribution is horrible. I sometimes just want to kill myself to re up. The life bars are also terrible. Vehicle balance, or lack there of, ruin some games. If a team grabs the tank, goss, and banshee it's a wrap.

The rankings mean nothing and just encourage people to play all day. Win or lose you gain almost the same amount of points. Spec ops is the best way to earn a large amount of points for half the time. This leads to a lack of competitiveness of the game. Seems like nobody cares or has a mic (yes I know that's not 343's fault)

Don't get me wrong, it's fun, but just not respectable IMO. BTW, I play the same 3-4 maps every game. It's boring now, I feel like I'm done with the game for now
Simple and 100% accurate.
I used to HATE the level Adrift. But now that I've played it so much since EVERBODY seems to vote for that map I've gotten used to it lol.
I still dont like it, but I deal with it. Youre basically forced to like it and the other 2 mid sized maps(if you can even consider them mid sized) cause theyre all you have. Flag on it is a joke though. Score once and just sit back instant spwn in objective allows for perfect defense
The population numbers are pretty sad now.

343 (mainly frank o'connor) are too full of themselves. I am not gonna blame lower ranked guys cause they are just following orders.

If they had implemented ranks then there would still be a significant population even with this trash gameplay. By the time they roll out the ranks halo 4 is gonna have a lower population than halo reach.

I don't really spend that much time on single player but it really irritates me how you need to read the damn books in order to understand some of the stuff in the story.
You know it's bad when you look at how heavily this game has been discounted already. Within the past few weeks I've seen this game being sold for $40 at various retailers, including gamestop and they're the king of price gouging. Black Ops has barely been discounted anywhere and forget about Far Cry 3. People just don't care about this game anymore and it's sad.

343 is feeling themselves because of all this critical acclaim they're getting from the press. It means nothing because gamers know better. I'm happy and sad about this at the same time. I'm happy because this is a sign that video game consumers aren't going to just take whatever you give us and run with it. If we don't like it, then your game is hitting the used bin at Gamestop or just not getting played. I'm also sad though because I really wanted redemption for this franchise after Reach. I guess that won't be happening. Nothing lasts forever though.
does anybody else randomly get kicked to the main menu during the loading screen?
Stopped playing this after I picked up BLOPS2.

Hopefully they release some smaller type maps where grenades can bounce off the floor.

I was expecting so much with this game though.

I'm not really feeling BLOPS2 either, but prefer it over this.

Real talk I know dudes is going to flame, but Reach's gameplay is better than 4 :smh:

Can't believe I'm saying that, but if Reach didn't have that bloom crap with the DMR it would have been good.

If they would have tooken out Armor Lock also, then it would have been real good.

Hopefully when they redo Halo 2 that will "bring back Halo" because I don't see it happening with this game unless they make some major changes and do it quickly.

I also agree that DMR's should be weapon maps that you have to go and get.

I think for Halo 5 they should do away with the ordinance drop crap and go back to map and weapon control like Halo 3.

They had everything so perfect to me with Halo 3 :smh:

As soon as I hit Level 55 in BLOPS 2 and unlock ghost if I don't find the game to be enjoyable after that I'm going my behind back to MW3.
lol i managed to download the crimson map pack for free and didn't even get to play the new maps before they had already taken it back :smh:
[h1]MLG v1 Settings Are Out[/h1]
Posted by Cyren | December 31st, 2012

The first variation of the MLG Halo 4 v1 settings are out, the belows shows the changes from the t4 settings. You can download all the gametypes on OGhostayame fileshare. What do you think of the new settings so far? Post here!
MLG v1 Rules & Changes from t4 to v1[/h1][h1]Map Variants & Gametypes[/h1]
• Adrift
• Dispatch
• Simplex
• Solace

• Dispatch
• Haven

Team Slayer
• Abandon
• Dispatch
• Haven
• Simplex
• Solace

Free for All
• Haven
Game Loadouts[/h1]
i.      Radar
  1. Changed range from 150m to 25m
ii.      Loadouts
  1. Pro BR
    1. Primary – Battle Rifle
    2. Secondary – None
    3. Grenades – 2x Frag
    4. Armor Ability – None
    5. Tactical Package – Resupply
    6. Support – Explosives
    7. Extra
      1. Removed all other loadouts
iii.      Maps
  1. Changed “fixed” non-power weapons to “normal”
    1. Weapons were placed on ground near original location instead of “fixed” on a wall
i.      Suicide Penalty
  1. Replaced 5 Second Suicide Penalty with (-1) Suicide Penalty on FFA and Team Slayer gametypes
ii.      Betrayal Penalty
  1. Replaced 3 Second Betrayal Penalty with (-1) Betrayal Penalty on Team Slayer and Extraction gametypes
  2. Ordnance
i.      Personal Ordnance
  1. Left – Thruster Pack
    1. Replaced Concussion Rifle with Thruster Pack
    2. Down – Hologram
      1. Replaced Railgun with Hologram
      2. Right – Hardlight Shield
        1. Replaced Sticky Detonator with Hardlight Shield
        2. Points Required
[h1] [/h1][h1]General[/h1]
  1. Boltshot – 60 seconds – 4 Max – 0 Spare Clips
  2. Frag/Plasma/Pulse Grenades – 30 seconds – 16 Max
  3. DMR – 60 seconds – 4 Max – 2 Spare Clips
  4. Needler – 30 seconds – 4 Max – 1 Spare Clip
  5. Battle Rifle – 30 seconds – 16 Max – 2 Spare Clips
  6. Covenant Carbine – 30 seconds – 16 Max – 2 Spare Clips
  7. LightRifle – 60 seconds – 2 Max – 2 Spare Clips
  8. Magnum – 30 seconds – 16 Max – 2 Spare Clips
  9. Plasma Pistol – 30 seconds – 4 Max – 2 Spare Clips
  10. Assault Rifle – 30 seconds – 4 Max – 2 Spare Clips
i.      Team Slayer and Extraction Gametypes

Changed from 150 to 100

i.      Capture the Flag Gametypes

Changed from 200 to 150
Weapon/Power-Up Respawn Times[/h1]
ii.       Abandon
  1. Sniper Rifle – 60 seconds – Dynamic – 4 Max – 1 Spare Clip
  2. Railgun – 120 seconds – Static – 2 Spare Clips
  3. Overshield – 120 seconds – Dynamic
iii.       Adrift
  1. Rocket Launcher – 160 seconds – Static – 1 Spare Clip
  2. Sniper Rifle – 120 seconds – Dynamic – 4 Max – 1 Spare Clip
iv.      Dispatch
  1. Sniper Rifle – 120 seconds – Dynamic – 4 Max – 1 Spare Clip
  2. Sticky Detonator – 120 seconds – Static – 2 Spare Clips
  3. Overshield – 120 seconds – Dynamic
v.      Haven
  1. Sniper Rifle – 120 seconds – Dynamic – 4 Max – 1 Spare Clip
  2. Railgun – 120 seconds – Static – 2 Spare Clips
vi.      Simplex
  1. Sticky Detonator – 120 seconds – Dynamic – 2 Max – 2 Spare Clips
  2. Railgun – 120 seconds – Dynamic – 2 Max – 2 Spare Clips
  3. Overshield – 120 seconds – Dynamic
vii.      Solace
  1. Rocket Launcher – 160 seconds – Static – 1 Spare Clip
  2. Sniper Rifle – 120 seconds – Dynamic – 4 Max – 2 Spare Clips
  3. Overshield – 120 seconds – Dynamic

i.      Removed SAW from in between Ring 3 and Gold 2

ii.      Removed Plasma Pistol from Ring 1

iii.      Removed Assault Rifle from Gold 2

iv.      Replaced Rocket Launcher under bridge with Plasma Pistol

v.      Replaced Respawn Point from beach-side of Oak Tree with Overshield
  1. Set to spawn every 120 seconds on a Dynamic Timer
vi.      Added Railgun to Ring 3 Pocket
  1. Set to spawn every 120 seconds on a Static Timer
vii.      Added Assault Rifle to inside Gold 1

viii.      Added Plasma Pistol to under bridge
  1. Adrift
i.      Removed DMR from Large Metal Crate at Red/Blue Base

ii.      Replaced BR in Red/Blue Attic with DMR

iii.      Added LightRifle under Red/Blue Flag Stand

iv.      Added aesthetic feature under Red/Blue Sniper

v.      Added geometry to Blue Big Tunnel to symmetrically balance out lines of sight with Red Big Tunnel

vi.      Moved Flag Stand towards back of each corresponding base
  1. Dispatch
i.      N/A
  1. Haven
i.      Removed BR under Red/Blue Street with Carbine

ii.      Replaced DMR on Red/Blue Street with Carbine

iii.      Replaced SAW on Mohawk with Railgun
  1. Set to spawn every 120 seconds on a Static Timer
iv.      Added DMR under Red/Blue Base

v.      Added DMR under Open Ramp

vi.      Added DMR to Closed Ramp

vii.      Added two BRs under Mohawk

viii.      Moved Plasma Grenades from under Needlers to under Windows

ix.      Moved Sniper Rifle on Open Ramp down closer to the floor
  1. Simplex
i.      Replaced SAW on Top Middle with Overshield
  1. Set to spawn every 120 seconds on a Dynamic Timer
ii.      Added LightRifle to Bottom Gold

iii.      Map Variations
  1. Removed Inclines from Bottom Middle that led to Top Middle
  2. Altered Bottom Purple
  3. Added Bottom Gold
  4. Added cover to Bottom Middle
  5. Added Railgun to Top Purple
    1. Set to spawn every 120 seconds on a Dynamic Timer
    2. Added Sticky Detonator to Top Gold
      1. Set to spawn every 120 seconds on a Dynamic Timer
    3. Solace
i.      Replaced SAW with Overshield
  1. Set to spawn every 120 seconds on a Dynamic Timer
ii.      Replaced Magnums with Boltshots
Map Overheads[/h1]
About time. If this isnt good then IDK what to say, cause I've had my hopes riding on this for a while now.

Still instant respawn
. MLG just needs to man up and use the modded gametypes that are out there.
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Real talk I know dudes is going to flame, but Reach's gameplay is better than 4 :smh:

I feel the same way.. Reach was wayyy more addictive than halo 4. The new armors are wack.. They kinda look like power
Rangers with the default armor

Armor lock was :smokin tho

I feel like the only ones who didn't like it were the ones who didn't use it. It was wayy overpowered.. But that's what made it awesome
I love the overpowered armor lock. Halo Reach was just social games so idk why dudes took it too seriously when Armor lock was abused.
Jetpack was way more annoying than Armor Lock in Reach. 4 people jetpacking and team shooting
Jetpack was way more annoying than Armor Lock in Reach. 4 people jetpacking and team shooting:stoneface:

Lol jet pack was the dumbest thing.. You would start shooting someone.. And they would just fly straight up.

Like OMG it's a flying man !!!!

And I would just shoot em
Lol jet pack was the dumbest thing.. You would start shooting someone.. And they would just fly straight up.
Like OMG it's a flying man !!!!
And I would just shoot em
the same thing could be said about dudes that would armor lock right away and you could just wait there and then stick them after they got out of it lol
You guys still playing this game?

Gave up and went onto BLOPS:2

I'll give this game another shot again though.
You guys still playing this game?

Gave up and went onto BLOPS:2

I'll give this game another shot again though.
I havent in a minute. Now that MLG settings are out, I will hop on to see if people are running customs but other than that nah.
still playing here.

level 127 now
i wonder when true skill rank is gonna be out
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