Harriet Tubman to Replace Jackson on $20 bill

You add people to a list when they don't agree with you ? That's beyond Sad 
I don't recall you making ignorant statements about black people but I do know the others on that list have made a large number of ignorant and offensive comments towards black people and other minorities. They're on that list not for having opposing views but for being flat out offensive with their ignorant comments. For example nazi sympathizing, stereotyping cubans as lazy, calling all slaves uneducated, dismissing racism, ...
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I don't recall you making ignorant statements about black people but I do know the others on that list have made a large number of ignorant and offensive comments towards black people and other minorities. They're on that list not for having opposing views but for being flat out offensive with their ignorance and dismissal of racism.
Because i didn't. I got blocked out of a thread because i made a gay remark. Nuff said. 
All of a sudden everyone loves Andrew Jackson :lol:


..Sheee ill take it

We gotta take what we can get and then take what we want.

Still progress..


Take what you DESERVE not what they offer

Cant buy loud with the phone...

You can't buy loud in Da Heightz or anywhere in NY period. Y'all puffing on that whisper. Come to LA gentleman.

Can we be all da way honest thou...by da time this gets released into currency money will be largely obsolete, wit da way smartphones are evolving.


Soo many ignorant dudes in this thread.
Like I said, if there's a positive in this it's that some racist guy in Alabama ruptured an aortic aneurysm.
I'm still reading that Stormfront thread. The white tears are unreal. 

These clowns are so mad about this change they're about to stop using $20 bils 

Also, @ninjahood, since you said "In 2016, nobody looks at black people as 2/5ths of a human"

Can you carefully examine this thread https://www.stormfront.org/forum/t1101474/  and enlighten us if you still believe that?
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I'm still reading that Stormfront thread. The white tears are unreal. 

These clowns are so mad about this change they're about to stop using $20 bils 

Also, @ninjahood, since you said "In 2016, nobody looks at black people as 2/5ths of a human"

Can you carefully examine this thread https://www.stormfront.org/forum/t1101474/  and enlighten us if you still believe that?
Stormfront is full of degenerates living in 1964, it's not that hard. It's representative of the second mouth of America, not the rest of it. There's plenty of problems up north, but let's not go to the x% of a human argument. Regardless this change has really helped make some great pizza, plenty of salt.
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Andrew Jackson did alot of good thou


Him being on Money in da first place can be argued was punishment for opposing da central bank in da 1st place.

Him being a slave holder as reason for da removal is puzzling when George Washington also had slaves & he ain't goin no where...either way cash is on da path for planned obsolescence.[/Video]
Andrew Jackson did alot of good thou
If I'm a great husband but cut my neighbor's leg off and then shoot him in the stomach, does that make me a good person? Same reason I hate Gandhi and his lesser known views.
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If I'm a great husband but cut my neighbor's leg off and then shoot him in the stomach, does that make me a good person? Same reason I hate Gandhi and his lesser known views.

Nobody is perfect but yes that would make you a bad person. :lol:
It's called Debt Slavery. Do you agree or disagree? Slavery has been part of Africa even before Whites stepped foot. Even in many parts of other continents. Point being, you should not categorize one race as the villain, when your own was also part of the cause. You seem racist right about now, chill. Yes we colored people can be racist against Whites, just as they can, to us. It's a two-way street.
This never happened.

From what I said it just seems like I told it like it is and yall started acting like white ppl are the victim cuz I retold an accurate account of U.S history when it comes to slavery. That makes me a racist? Excuse me if I question your judgement on the topic.

It's no surprise you'd come up with tangential remarks to try and ignore what's being addressed.
[thread="647748"] [/thread]
These dudes say slick stuff about Black people and then run off to other threads/forums hiding until they think people have forgotten what they posted.

A lot of people don't remember these posters but as soon as they start with BS I add them to the list.

When I see those blocked members bars in a thread dealing with Black people I can always guess who came running back.

It's like clockwork.

CAbased is also on the list too.

That "Africans had/sold slaves too" is a classic SWS go to.

Like Zik said wouldn't need "good" white folks if 200 years before they wouldn't have stolen them to begin with.

CAbased here

Mr Highness here

X-alt here

Only one missing is that blco dude but I'm sure he's lurking and will post in here soon.

You add people to a list when they don't agree with you ? That's beyond Sad :smh:  
Just sounds like there's an expected group of usual suspects and yes it is sad that it's almost a guarantee that those ppl will come through and start the buffoonery.
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Andrew Jackson did alot of good thou


If I'm a great husband but cut my neighbor's leg off and then shoot him in the stomach, does that make me a good person? Same reason I hate Gandhi and his lesser known views.

I get it...just remember social norms in historical context, mixed bag man for sure.

Central banks thou, he was on it.
Don't even care. I'd actually rather not have any person of color on the bills. Money is the root of all evils, and problems in America. Leave the presidents on currency. So that way there won't be wolves in sheep clothing.
I've always wondered why people cling to the phrase "money is the root of all evil."

If money didn't exist we would still have greed, selfishness, narcissism, etc.  Money didn't create those things.

I also don't see how a person's perception of money would change by who's on the bill.  
That's because clowns are quoting it wrong. It's for the love of money is the root of all evil.

It's shortened because its almost redundant to put the entire phrase. People don't do cruel acts because they hate money, hello.

Don't even care. I'd actually rather not have any person of color on the bills. Money is the root of all evils, and problems in America. Leave the presidents on currency. So that way there won't be wolves in sheep clothing.
I've always wondered why people cling to the phrase "money is the root of all evil."

If money didn't exist we would still have greed, selfishness, narcissism, etc.  Money didn't create those things.

I also don't see how a person's perception of money would change by who's on the bill.  

Yeah thats a given. People have done heinous things before currency was established. You however paraphrased my quote and didn't mention what I stated next. In America... How? The government is motivated by $. Prisons generate money, schools don't. More money invested into prison than education. Theres more to mention, but you get the gist of what I mean.
Can we be all da way honest thou...by da time this gets released into currency money will be largely obsolete, wit da way smartphones are evolving.

what you think people in Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, SD, and ND are using smartphones as currency? 
cant believe Donald Trump said that foul stuff man. I mean I can believe it because its him... but really how can he get away with just saying that like its normal. such an insult... the freaking 2 dollar bill.


Well, Andrew Jackson had a great history, and I think it's very rough when you take somebody off the bill," Trump said during a town hall on the Today show on NBC Thursday morning. "I think Harriet Tubman is fantastic, but I would love to leave Andrew Jackson or see if we can maybe come up with another denomination."

Trump suggested -- as Ben Carson also has  -- that Tubman be put on the $2 bill, which is no longer printed."
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Andrew Jackson did alot of good thou


Him being on Money in da first place can be argued was punishment for opposing da central bank in da 1st place.

Him being a slave holder as reason for da removal is puzzling when George Washington also had slaves & he ain't goin no where...either way cash is on da path for planned obsolescence.[/Video]

I love how this video

a) glosses over what basically amounts to genoice/ethnic clensing with "move indians west of the Mississippi" :lol:

b) trying to

get rid of the national debt

Get rid of national bank

get rid of paper money

all of it was objectively stupid, not to mention trying to bring back the gold standard, which is even dumber.

the video makes it seems like he just a stopped tryign to do thee when in reality his policies led to a massive recession and he had to reverse course. :rofl:

Jackson is a bottom 5 US president maybe the worst.[/video]
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Jackson is a bottom 5 US president maybe the worst.

I could definitely find u worse.

Maybe you should google Eisenhower's

"Operation wet back"
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The amount of ignorant racists on my FB feed is crazy. Just a small sample of the bull that's littering my feed right now......

-But but but Tubman was a terrorist who committed treason against the US. This move supports ISIS

-Andrew Jackson was a great man

-it should only be presidents. Why change something if that's the way it's always been

-Obama is just trying to change our history books to be so the blacks have more power

-this won't change a thing for the blacks

-it should be for important people only

-such and such person deserves to be on the bill more

And on and on and on
I think that Tubman should get the two dollar bill also.

Only because I read somewhere that Tubman is getting the back of the 20 and Jackson stays on the front.

If she's getting both sides of the $20 then I'm all for it but just giving her one side is a move to appease black people.

Give her her own bill if it's really about honoring her. Whether it's the $2 or the $20.
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