Harvey Weinstein = Hollywood dumpster fire.

This guy lol


I already said it.

Real life Keyser Soze. **** is scary and just unbelievable he's done those videos. Like he's really trying to appeal to the fans of Frank Underwood like we down with real life murder to get away with crimes :lol: :smh:
Dude was walking upright and unassisted less than a year ago. Son going for that frail old man angle to get a lighter sentence :lol:

Give that man an Oscar if he beats the case

User name to post ratio off of the charts.:rofl::rofl:. Clown using a Walker like he just had hip replacement surgery.

Nowhere near the same energy for this as with Cosby or R Kelly but that's "aboutism" right? :lol:

Dude bout to walk scott free like some of us been saying.
Gotta wait until it happens. Deadlocked doesn't mean the jury doesnt believe just that half or a few aren't fully in on convicting him of all charges.

Kellz trial pending and it been a wrap for Cosby.

It would be some **** that this movement started with Weinstein and by the end the most famous men to end up in jail were black :smh:
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