Harvey Weinstein = Hollywood dumpster fire.

Netflix suspends 'House of Cards' Season 6 production amid Spacey allegations
“MRC and Netflix have decided to suspend production on ‘House of Cards’ season six, until further notice, to give us time to review the current situation and to address any concerns of our cast and crew,” according to the joint announcement.

The move comes in the midst of an allegation of sexual misconduct against Kevin Spacey, who stars in the political drama and serves as an executive producer.

The show recently began filming its sixth season in the Baltimore area. Netflix had announced Monday that the sixth season would be its last — and said at the time that the decision to end the show was not in reaction to the allegation against Spacey.
Whats stopping anyone from making some **** up and messing up peoples careers ? I don't know what to believe anymore.
That’s pretty terrible also. Falsely accusing industry people you don’t like or wouldn’t help you out.
I saw a tweet I wish I had saved, something like Hollywood isn't necessarily filled with people that are inherently predators or molesters but that this is a natural function of too much power and influence going unchecked not just in hollywood
Our society urges you to keep power to self and not spread to others. Even trickles down to corporate America. Not saying all rich are pedos but your mindset changes when u can buy whatever you want.
I saw a tweet I wish I had saved, something like Hollywood isn't necessarily filled with people that are inherently predators or molesters but that this is a natural function of too much power and influence going unchecked not just in hollywood

It's like that quote from 8MM when they found the snuff film in the deceased dude's vault.

"Why did Mr. Christian want a film of a girl being murdered?"

"Because he could"
It's like that quote from 8MM when they found the snuff film in the deceased dude's vault.

"Why did Mr. Christian want a film of a girl being murdered?"

"Because he could"

The only time I've seen someone besides me mention 8MM on NT

My friend and I in high school would always talk about that messed up movie. Nick Cage Da Gawd was shook in that movie. I would be too if I watched those films.
Oh I remember 8MM but not by name. Its been a min.

Just as that Nic Cage movie I watched that one time. Pretty wild stuff

What did they realistically expect him to do though

People want celebrities to be real and then call them stupid when they are and end up losing everything

bro Seth and the Simpsons be ahead of the curve on LITERALLY everything. They well connected.
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Dont forget about Lou pearlman and Christ Stokes. All of them been playing with boy booty holes.

Hollywood movie industry and music industry just as filthy.
I heard alot about it but could never find it...looks like the doc Feldman helped put out has been released for free now...coincidentally 10 days ago...well before the Kevin Spacey news came out.

So I actually just watched this and I already knew about Bryan Singer but OMFG man...

How that man is still free is incredible. There is INDISPUTABLE evidence that those ****** were running a pedo ring.
What bothers me is the normalcy of it all in those circles ... And this goes back to ancient times ... In some cultures, it was the highest form of royalty to play with young boys ...

I am not trying to suggest any form of paedophilia is more / less disgusting ... But why does it seem to always be homosexual dealings in the upper echelon of the income brackets?

I know studies say homosexuality is more prevalent than what you would even expect, but it seems more the rule rather than the exception in Hollywood ...
there's jubilance in their eyes. I'm sure some of these women liked being used. Probably made them feel powerful too. Being the ones he 'chose'
What bothers me is the normalcy of it all in those circles ... And this goes back to ancient times ... In some cultures, it was the highest form of royalty to play with young boys ...

I am not trying to suggest any form of paedophilia is more / less disgusting ... But why does it seem to always be homosexual dealings in the upper echelon of the income brackets?

I know studies say homosexuality is more prevalent than what you would even expect, but it seems more the rule rather than the exception in Hollywood ...

I was gonna mention this earlier. This **** is actually cultural. In Ancient Greece, pederasty was almost like a rite of a passage.
there's jubilance in their eyes. I'm sure some of these women liked being used. Probably made them feel powerful too. Being the ones he 'chose'

Harvey was choosing all these chicks.

Besides what you're describing is a ho-like mentality.
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