Harvey Weinstein = Hollywood dumpster fire.

Of all the ppl being offenders in this I don't think LCK is the one that should be getting it the hardest.

Rapists and pedophiles first.

Weirdo masturbating pervs some time later.

CK is getting the same treatment Spacey is getting and Spacey attempted to rape a 14 yr old.

Social media feminists don't wanna hear this ****

I'm also noticing innappropriate/uncomfortable comments are getting lumped in with innappropriate/uncomfortable situations which are getting lumped in with what should be the main focus here...rape/molestation attempts where someone was physically touched or attempted to be touched without their consent...

will b interesting to see how this continues to unfold
tyler perry and will smith the only gay black men with any power the **** is that article even trying to say?
Hilarious how any of this Hollywood stuff is “shocking” or breaking news to anyone. Who’s that naive?

Then I hear cats saying “please no! not ______”
Yeah him too! Loool.
Social media feminists don't wanna hear this ****

I'm also noticing innappropriate/uncomfortable comments are getting lumped in with innappropriate/uncomfortable situations which are getting lumped in with what should be the main focus here...rape/molestation attempts where someone was physically touched or attempted to be touched without their consent...

will b interesting to see how this continues to unfold
Yeah, I was just thinking this whole thing can't sway to the Louis CK offenses and away from Weinstein/Spacey crimes.

Weinstein has been silent since his whole let me get treatment ****. Spacey gave a denial, apology cuz I was drunk if it had happened, and came out.

These other guys have been mute and don't have to say more since there hasn't been a ton mire evidence against them.

CK actually admitted whay he's done. Its not acceptable behavior but it aint a crime. Dude movie premiere is done, FX deal over, and probably gonna be ghost for a year. Same things basically happened to Spacey.

If they're pulling a no holds bar on every for offender for making any woman or man feel violated, Hollywood really will be a ghost town.

They haven't even got to the rampant pedophiles and rapists. Just a handful.
Yeah, if louis wasn’t physically assaulting or forcing women to do stuff then he’s a notch below these rapists and attackers. What he’s done is still bad and creepy though.
Yeah, I was just thinking this whole thing can't sway to the Louis CK offenses and away from Weinstein/Spacey crimes.

Weinstein has been silent since his whole let me get treatment ****. Spacey gave a denial, apology cuz I was drunk if it had happened, and came out.

These other guys have been mute and don't have to say more since there hasn't been a ton mire evidence against them.

CK actually admitted whay he's done. Its not acceptable behavior but it aint a crime. Dude movie premiere is done, FX deal over, and probably gonna be ghost for a year. Same things basically happened to Spacey.

If they're pulling a no holds bar on every for offender for making any woman or man feel violated, Hollywood really will be a ghost town.

They haven't even got to the rampant pedophiles and rapists. Just a handful.


Everyone tryna whine about that one time this director whispered in your ear that he wanted to leave da baws sacc hanging out is gonna distract from the fact that there were kids that got touched and people ****** without consent.

Every day a Louis CK type story is the focus, is more time the real perpetrators have to send out those hush checks and get their affairs in order.

Corey Feldman should just go for the ******* jugular and get to the main event.

"He looked at my feet for too long and started rubbing himself"
there doesn't need to be an either/or, or a who's more despicable, it all has to be addressed if anything is to be done about it
you can't leave the door cracked for low level harassment and not expect it to lead to a bigger issue
he is admittedly guilty of sexual harassment
and again his previous denial or refusal to speak to the issue only further taint his apology/admission because of the consequences his accusers could've faced
What difference does it make if CK is lumped in with Weinstein/Spacey?

When we say "focus"...let's be real here...we're only talking about shame. The freedoms of Weinstein, CK, Spacey, etc...aren't at stake. No charges have been bought upon ANYONE. They just get "removed" from positions with fancy titles and a project or two taken off of Netflix. So what difference does it make if they're all being dragged thru the same mud despite different offenses? If public shame, humiliation, and their pockets tapped a bit is the worse they're going to endure anyway...to hell with their feelings.
With that said, what Brett Rather said to Page publicly was a bit foul. Especially given how young she was.

What difference does it make if CK is lumped in with Weinstein/Spacey?

When we say "focus"...let's be real here...we're only talking about shame. The freedoms of Weinstein, CK, Spacey, etc...aren't at stake. No charges have been bought upon ANYONE. They just get "removed" from positions with fancy titles and a project or two taken off of Netflix. So what difference does it make if they're all being dragged thru the same mud despite different offenses?
Charges have been brought on Weinstein. They're pending.

And yeah I think it matters that we differentiate rapists and pedophiles from masturboratory perverts.

Its like grouping robbery with mass murder. That's stupid and illadvised for a functioning society.

But that's just me.
there doesn't need to be an either/or, or a who's more despicable, it all has to be addressed if anything is to be done about it
you can't leave the door cracked for low level harassment and not expect it to lead to a bigger issue
he is admittedly guilty of sexual harassment
and again his previous denial or refusal to speak to the issue only further taint his apology/admission because of the consequences his accusers could've faced
What difference does it make if CK is lumped in with Weinstein/Spacey?

When we say "focus"...let's be real here...we're only talking about shame. The freedoms of Weinstein, CK, Spacey, etc...aren't at stake. No charges have been bought upon ANYONE. They just get "removed" from positions with fancy titles and a project or two taken off of Netflix. So what difference does it make if they're all being dragged thru the same mud despite different offenses?

Every day a Louis CK type story is the focus, is more time the real perpetrators have to send out those hush checks and get their affairs in order.

It's getting to the point where there are too many to keep up with and the fame of the person involved is going to overshadow the heinousness of the act.

Yes beating off in front of chicks is weird and disgusting to do. But I think that is much less of a story of dudes like Sheen and Spacey actually raping kids, ******* up their entire lives. And admittedly those are bad examples, bc they are huge names who will get a lot of attention anyway, but you get my point.
It's getting to the point where there are too many to keep up with and the fame of the person involved is going to overshadow the heinousness of the act.

Yes beating off in front of chicks is weird and disgusting to do. But I think that is much less of a story of dudes like Sheen and Spacey actually raping kids, ****ing up their entire lives. And admittedly those are bad examples, bc they are huge names who will get a lot of attention anyway, but you get my point.

I don't get why you're making the comparison in the first place. I don't understand the concept of one case "overshadowing" the other. They are both stories. Attention isn't something that is capped and can't get be given to more than one subject. If over the next month we find out every A-list actor of the past 25 years has beat off in front of a woman uninvited...Weinstein's mess won't suddenly be forgotten.
With that said, what Brett Rather said to Page publicly was a bit foul. Especially given how young she was.

Charges have been brought on Weinstein. They're pending.

And yeah I think it matters that we differentiate rapists and pedophiles from masturboratory perverts.

Its like grouping robbery with mass murder. That's stupid and illadvised for a functioning society.

But that's just me.

He doesn't have "pending" charges. If he did he'd have been arrested. The Manhattan DA reported that they plan to present evidence to a grand jury FOR rape charges. That is a completely different thing.
If the DA brings a case to the grand jury in nyc its usually a done deal but as far as semantics go you're right, he hasn't been charged yet.
Attention isn't something that is capped and can't get be given to more than one subject.

Are you sure about this one...in this "timeline" era that most of us consume our information...

If it comes out that Dan Schneider has a shrine of underaged girls feet pics or some **** or told miranda cosgrove that he wanted to suck jam out her toes or something...it definitely overshadows any smaller names that have done much worse non consensual physical stuff

But I also see where y'all are coming from that everyone deserves to be outed for any behavior in this vein
Everyone deserves to be outed for the wrong **** they do.

It all deserves attention.

All offenders should face consequences for their foul actions.

All consequences shouldn't be the same.

And I can't pretend a guy who forcefully makes women stay in a room until he finishes fapping is the same as rapists or attempted rapists of young boys or women.
I disagree Zik... louis ck used his power & position to to inflict upon his victims. It's still sexual assault, perhaps to a lesser degree.

This cnn post explains it pretty well...


Gourguechon thinks there may be something calculated in this choice of sexual harassment.

"It could also be a kind of strange plausible deniability," she said. "It's a kind of disavowal, a kind of pernicious defense mechanism that allows a man to know that he did something on one level, but they are essentially telling themselves a story that they are not doing anything so bad. He could think to himself, 'Well, I didn't rape anyone,' which is true in the broader sense, but it is a twisted defense."

All of the men making headlines for masturbation were in a position of power or authority, raising the question: Is this behavior a form of power-crazy aggression? Not exactly, Cantor said.

"It's more like privilege," he said, because their position allows the men to get away with it.
I disagree Zik... louis ck used his power & position to to inflict upon his victims. It's still sexual assault, perhaps to a lesser degree.
Sexual assault to a lesser agree I won't argue with.

I'm just trying to put my self in those shoes a bit and if a famous (gay) celeb did this when we were just passing through and this happened (albeit in different circumstances cuz I wouldn't say yes if someone asked if they could whip out their ****) I'm not sure how much of a crime there is.

I'd hit the guy and leave. Repeatedly if they locked the door.

And I'm not trying to turn this in to a what I would've done bust since it is acknowledged as a lessened assault I'm wondering how much of an assault it is compared to rape or attempted rape of a minor.
Just read an article this morning. They’re tryna get Jeremy Piven AKA Ari Gold from Entourage. :smh:
He’s already denying everything, but damn.
I completely forgot about this bc i havent watched in so long...but the WWE...and Vince especially...is about to get hit hard....

Vince better come out on some I got 120 days to live **** before the dam cracks. It takes one.

do your googles.
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