Harvey Weinstein = Hollywood dumpster fire.

:lol: @ "I never showed a woman my **** without asking first, which is also true"
I totally see his perverted reasoning :lol:

Son thought he was slick. With him things are always under the pretense of a joke so ppl dont know when he's serious. So he asks a serious question without them knowing, gets the okay and then the other person is left holding the bag.

Its the same weird situation with Spacey dry clapping some dude's *** and he thinks its a joke and goes with it :lol:

When the stories about Louis CK were just a tiny a ripple last year and few people were paying attention to these women he dismissed these allegations
why didn't he just cop to it then? If this whole thing hadn't snowballed he would've kept denying it and his accusers reputation and careers would've continued to tank
Yes, he's done more than most of the accused by at least taking responsibility for the claims against him however minor they may seem to some but this situation is a textbook example of how these guys get away with this type of behavior in the first place
If he had only went with it then he would've had a new bit.

Like literally could shame Cosby with jokes and then segue in to his given permission fapping pervertedness :lol:

Is it harassment if they're gay and its with the opposite sex?
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Getting caught up on the thread. These dudes wild.

If Tom, Pitt, Leo, any Avengers or my fave directors are part of this I'll be broken :lol:

I hope LCK does not get off with that letter
Sad but true
I'm already picturing him leading off with it in a new stand up special, on some "i'm a divorced old man who doesn't know what to do around women, so I go to a classic move" steez

wow you really just wrote this ****** next opening monologue

if you tweet this it will go viral and force him to say something different
Tyler Perry is the only black man with some sort of clout in Hollywood consistently putting out movies.

And who's account is that supposed to be? Why are they credible?

he had that long thread a few months ago about the street ties in the 90's with Madonna, Haitian Jack, the real 50 cent, etc. he got suspended tho.

his mom was a DC urea hip hop/urban music/entertainment journalist
Of all the ppl being offenders in this I don't think LCK is the one that should be getting it the hardest.

Rapists and pedophiles first.

Weirdo masturbating pervs some time later.

CK is getting the same treatment Spacey is getting and Spacey attempted to rape a 14 yr old.
But they're not the ones with the power in Hollywood.

Black men getting a pass for something? In America?


**** outta here.
wow you really just wrote this *****s next opening monologue

if you tweet this it will go viral and force him to say something different
:lol: I don't have social media, but feel free my man.

"i'm a divorced old man who doesn't know what to do around women, so I go to a classic move"
Looooooong Pause
Audience hootin, cheering and hollerin

"and that went pretty well"
Louis CK is an idiot because this thing has been hanging over his head for years and he could have come clean, shown remorse, and dictated the narrative of his story.

Instead he chose to lie and play coy. So he is getting thrown in with serial rapist

But he was a scumbag, so he gets no sympathy from me. He had a chances to come clean and do the right thing.
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