Has a stranger ever paid for your food?

Originally Posted by bboi4lif3

I get free food sometimes from chicks I flirt with. I always wanted to pull up at a toll during rush hour & give them a $100 & say I got the next 99 people thats coming.
Where do you dudes live that tolls are a dollar?
At Sacramento Airport getting some Starbucks, guy behind me says "I got his drink" and pays for it.  Then proceeds to thank me

Spoiler [+]
I was in uniform, so yeah
I try to give homeless people change whenever possible. Even if nothing comes my way, still a good deed and helping someone out.
i paid for this old lady's metro train fare today. her dollar wouldn't go through the machine, and the train was pulling up. i swiped my card, and gave her the ticket before the doors closed. she didn't speak english, and compensated me for the dollar (even though i didn't want it lol).
Originally Posted by ME NO PASS

Originally Posted by caleekicks

Originally Posted by YoungCFromThaD

At the Denver airport on a long delay waiting for a flight back home to Detroit. I am at some little restaurant ordering a burrito and a margarita drinking it out of a straw. Guy in a suit looks and says ' What would James Dean say, what would Sammy Davis Jr say about a man drinking out of a straw'. Showed me the art of always asking for a plastic cup no matter what mixed drink it is. I had over 25 dollars already in front of my face and dude said give him 2 more drinks and another meal. Pulled out his black card and said have a great day young man. Still don't drink out of a straw till this day.
Real effing talk. I never drink out of a straw. I even give bartenders the side eye when they do that %@!%.
cool story bro (srs)
^ That actually is a dope story

But where do you dudes live? I've lived in NYC all my life and this has never happened
Not sure but I got hustled last night. Homeless dude was outside of Chipotle. Asked me for a dollar to buy a chicken burrito. Initially I said no because I started a new thing where I'll buy homeless folks food but won't give them cash. I then asked homie what do you want and he said the cheapest thing they got. Based upon this gesture, I decided to buy him the most expensive thing, which isn't much, but I appreciated him not being greedy, so instead of the single chicken taco that he requested, I bought homie a chicken burrito.

I walked outside to give it to him, and my man is eating on a chicken burrito that he had tucked in the corner. Ha. I went to hand homie the bag and I said hol up, where you get that from. He said somebody bought it for him. He definitely did not have nothing in his vicinity when he first hollered at me. I just laughed and say aight, eat this one later then. Gave me dap and was gracious so wasn't no sweat but I def got hustled.
I paid for people food I don't know all the time. Just felt like doing something nice.

In fact, I paid for the table next to me for Chinese today.
Originally Posted by YoungCFromThaD

At the Denver airport on a long delay waiting for a flight back home to Detroit. I am at some little restaurant ordering a burrito and a margarita drinking it out of a straw. Guy in a suit looks and says ' What would James Dean say, what would Sammy Davis Jr say about a man drinking out of a straw'. Showed me the art of always asking for a plastic cup no matter what mixed drink it is. I had over 25 dollars already in front of my face and dude said give him 2 more drinks and another meal. Pulled out his black card and said have a great day young man. Still don't drink out of a straw till this day.

aye mayne ima start dressin up in fatigues and goin into food places and see what i can get for free
Was at a drive thru i Taco Bell and ordered about 40-50 bucks worth of food and as i get to the window the girl says."The young lady that was in front of you paid already". Chick was driving a green 08 jetta so she didn't seem like she was rich but it was
day indeed.
Originally Posted by MECKS

i work retail, and sometimes a customer will have me ring something up separate, then start walking away. ill be like HEY DON'T FORGET THIS BAG! and theyll be like, "that's for you, keep the receipt and tell the manager i paid"

Even if its something little like a soda, or water. It is greatly appreciated. everybody who works retail knows, the rude, crazy, bum people make the job suck.

Ive found that its usually other cashiers, or other retail workers that know what its like to be in that environment.

I'm a do this during the holiday season at Target and stuff. Cop em a candy bar or soda.
when i was at montreal some lady said she ordered too many cheese burgers...she just gave my friend and I 2 each..
In response to this, the next time I go to get fast food, I will pay for a random person's food. If it is a good looking girl I won't do it though, because she might think I am buying it because she looks good. So the next ugly girl I will buy her food.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

In response to this, the next time I go to get fast food, I will pay for a random person's food. If it is a good looking girl I won't do it though, because she might think I am buying it because she looks good. So the next ugly girl I will buy her food.
The part in bold just got me
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