Has Allen Iverson's career been underrated?

Durden7- If you really feel that way about Iverson, then nothing we say is going to change your mind.
I would hope we could all come to a consensus on this. In terms of looking at his legacy, the only people you could realistically compare him to are"Tiny" Archibald and Zeke, each of whom command respect in the annals of basketball history. As much as I liked him when I was younger, I can'tsit here and act like a guy would was never above getting his numbers while routinely leading middling teams to the Playoffs without caring for the actualsuccesses of those teams truly deserves all the props he gets. It's sad, because he's not going to be remembered for moments like when he torched theLakers in Game 1 of the 2001 Finals, but more so for his antics during the infamous "Practice" press conference.

I mean really, "Practice?"
Originally Posted by JsindaA

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by JsindaA

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by grittyman20

Originally Posted by Durden7

He has NOT always been successful on the court.

And yes, we ARE talking about a player who had a poor attitude which prevented him from being great.
So now you're trying to tell me that Iverson wasn't a great player? I've heard it all now
What makes him GREAT? He was really good, but I wouldnt call him great. No titles, only came close once (which he carried that team himself) and was one of the most selfish players in decades.

How is he great?

Just because he has a piss poor attitude doesn't take away anything he's accomplished. He's a great player to suggest otherwise is quite stupid

His attitude on the court and the way he carried himself directly affects who he was as a player. He was an awful teammate, took HORRIBLE shots, refuses to listen to any coach other than Larry Brown and simply did not care about the game. He was a GOOD player, but in no way was he even close to GREAT. Save that term for people who actually were great. Calling Iverson great is a slap in the face to all the other players who truly were great.

Theres a good reason why hes only refered to as "The best little man to play the game". He wasnt an all time great, so the media needed a reason to give him praise. Thats what they came up with. hes not called "one of the best to every play", and hes not even listed among the best players at his position. His term of endearment had to be fabricated.

Bottom line is he was good, realllly good but if you had to start a team Allen Iversons name would be no where near your list of guys to choose. If you did, you wouldnt be winning a thing. He's a great poster boy for " me first, team second"

LOL so many fallacies in this post. If this is what you truly believe in your heart nothing I am gonna say will change it

Real talk. Dude is one of the most amazing scorers of all time. That alone makes him great. The fact that you had to compare him to the very best players evershows that he is great. Of course he is not on their level, but that doesn't mean he isn't great. With all that sad, dude is far from underrated,usually he is overrated
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by thesimplestlife

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by grittyman20

Originally Posted by Durden7

He has NOT always been successful on the court.

And yes, we ARE talking about a player who had a poor attitude which prevented him from being great.
So now you're trying to tell me that Iverson wasn't a great player? I've heard it all now
What makes him GREAT? He was really good, but I wouldnt call him great. No titles, only came close once (which he carried that team himself) and was one of the most selfish players in decades.

How is he great?

durden 7, you are obviously stupid. Any avid basketball fan (or any person who claims to know/watch basketball) will tell you that Iverson was great. Hell, maybe even greater than great. Suggesting anything other than this, would be terribly dumb.
Now, to say that he isn't great because he didn't win a ring, is of course, a very dumb (and common) argument. there are many great players who haven't won rings, and there are many mediocre/lame ones who have won one.
In his prime, Allen Iverson was the best player in the league--dude is shorter than 6 feet, and was taking on and abusing guys 6 or 7 inches taller, and 50-70 pounds heavier than him. Sure, he took a lot of shots, but really, he was surrounded with garbage for a lot of his career. He wasn't afraid to drive to the basket like a lot players are these days, nor was he afraid to actually shoot over people.
To me, in his prime, Iverson was like a shorter version of Kobe Bryant, but a more skilled version also. Yall must have forgot how great dude actually was. In fact, I'd probably rate him as the 2nd best player of the late 90s-2000s, after Kobe.
To make the claim that Iverson wasn't great cannot be justified by any means....unless you're some 12 year old kid from like madagascar, who just happened to stumble across basketball two years ago, and as such, decided to adopt the celtics as your favorite team. Otherwise, you have no excuse for such an outlandish statement.
Greater than great? What the hell is that? Dont call me stupid and make ignorant statements like that.

Iverson was the best player in the league in his prime?? He was the best player in 2000-2001 and thats it.

What does his size have ANYTHING to do with this? People talk him up just because hes small when that has no bearing on this at all. He was under 6 feet, ok, so what? He doesnt get any more credit because he was under 6 feet.

Players now are afraid to drive to the basket? What NBA games are you watching?

More skilled than Kobe? You cant be serious. Im no Kobe fan by any means, but Iverson is no where near Kobes level. So Iverson is a shorter, more skilled Kobe yet you rank him behind Kobe in the decade? I really hope youre adding rings into that comparison. If you are, it also nullifies your previous statement about Iverson not winning a ring.

Iverson didnt have amazing players on his teams, but he didnt have scrubs every year either. He took the 2001 team on his back to the finals, but other than that he didnt take them anywhere.

If Iverson is great id love to know what you classify guys like Russel, Wilt, Jordan, Magic, Kareem, Bird as. Iverson isnt even sniffing their level.

Im obviously not the only one who thinks hes overrated. He had soooo much potential, showed signs of if but blew it because he's dense in the head.
Yea, i think iverson (at his prime) was a more skilled version of kobe bryant (at the time), however kobe bryant had advantages over iverson:height, better players around him, etc. Moreover, kobe has become a better player than iverson was..

the statement still stands..you are obviously stupid. And yes, I think iverson was the best player in his prime..not only in the 00-01 season, but probablyfrom the late 90s to the early 2000s.

What does size have anything to do with this..?? Are you serious? More than any other sport, size matters (height) in basketball. You try shooting over guys6-7 inches taller than you, and 50 pounds heavier...Iverson was bullying these guys.

And yea, Iveson was great. That's not to say that guys like russel, chamberlain, jordan, etc..weren't great or greater. Hell, they could all be betterthan him, I don't know (especially since i wasnt alive to see russel and chamberlain actually play). From what I've seen (90s -2000s), Allen Iversonwas without a doubt, one of the greatest players of his era (semi-post Jordan into the early 2000s).

Potential..? are you kidding me? Dude actually capitalized on his potential. This isn't eddy curry were talking about. No, this is someone who wonrookie of the year, reg season mvp and allstar mvp awards, numerous nba 1st team placements, and a list of other awards...taken from wikipedia

Iverson was selected with the number one pick in the 1996 NBADraft by the Philadelphia 76ers. He was named the NBA Rookie of the Year in 1996-97 season. Iverson is a ten-time NBA All-Star which includes winning the All-Star MVP award in2001 and 2005.

Winning the NBA scoring title during the 1998-99, 2000-01, 2001-02 and 2004-05 seasons, Iverson has become one of the most prolific scorersin NBA history, despite his small (6 ft 0 in) stature, with a career scoring average of 27.1 points per game, being fifth all-time. Iverson was also theNBA Most Valuable Player of the 2000-01 season and led his team to the 2001 NBA Finals the same season."...

obviously, you are a clown...

his off court shenanigans should not diminish what he accomplished as a player.
Originally Posted by CP1708

airmaxpenny1 wrote:
Iverson last real season was 07-08, a season where he averaged 26.4 ppg while shooting 46% from the field, on a 50 win team. And people want this guy to come off the bench...I would feel disrespected if I was Ivo as well.
Teams want him to come off the bench because AI's game is not conducive to winning in the NBA.

Clearly, he is a lot better then many many other guards out there. But he dominates the ball so incredibly much and takes so many off balance 21 footers that a typical offense can not succeed.

It is NOT that the league hates him. It is NOT that there is some vendetta against him, teams just simply realize what his fanboys do not, pounding the ball into the floor for 20 seconds and then throwing up a contested jumper against a bigger defender is not a good look. At all. It does not work. Period.

You are 100% correct.

I love AI,one of my personal favorte player evers, first jersey I ever owned and grew up where you anybody who was anybody rocked the answers without questionbut once I got older this fact is impossible to ignore.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

People go out of there way to condemn him. Iverson was everything White America feared, the tattoos, the braids, the swagger, everything. Having there little white children idolize someone who they saw embodying the "thug image," was his greatest downfall. He was the sign of culture changing in a different generation, the merger of Hip-Hop and the NBA. He has been misunderstood since High-School period.

He has been unfortunate because he played awful talent around him on those Philadelphia squads. I laugh when people really say Aaron McKie as an example of a good player Ivo played with. The dude was the definition of a warrior he went out there every %*%$%#! night, and put his body on the line. He was a ****** in a game of monster's but routinely made dudes look foolish.

Dude is pound for pound the greatest player that ever threw on a jersey

if he never plays again, at least I'll have the pleasure of saying I saw his last game
I can only speak for myself, but personally, I would take just about any star player over Iverson during Iverson's prime if I was starting a franchise,other than fellow chuckers like Gilbert Arenas and Jerry Stackhouse. He may have been a better player individually than many of the star players I would takeover him, but it's best to stay away from Iverson if you want to create a winning enviroment. His playing style just doesn't equate to winning in thelong run. Yeah, his playing style would give an impression that he is a winner on some nights when the massive amounts of shots he takes are falling, but thisjust didn't happen consistently. Far from it.

His height, cornrows and crossover made him more popular than he should've been. Also, people should just stop saying that he would've been GOAT if hewas 6'6 or something. The fact is that he got most of his points off his quickness. And he wouldn't have been as quick if he was 6'6.
Originally Posted by thesimplestlife

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by grittyman20

Originally Posted by Durden7

He has NOT always been successful on the court.

And yes, we ARE talking about a player who had a poor attitude which prevented him from being great.
So now you're trying to tell me that Iverson wasn't a great player? I've heard it all now
What makes him GREAT? He was really good, but I wouldnt call him great. No titles, only came close once (which he carried that team himself) and was one of the most selfish players in decades.

How is he great?

durden 7, you are obviously stupid. Any avid basketball fan (or any person who claims to know/watch basketball) will tell you that Iverson was great. Hell, maybe even greater than great. Suggesting anything other than this, would be terribly dumb.
Now, to say that he isn't great because he didn't win a ring, is of course, a very dumb (and common) argument. there are many great players who haven't won rings, and there are many mediocre/lame ones who have won one.
In his prime, Allen Iverson was the best player in the league--dude is shorter than 6 feet, and was taking on and abusing guys 6 or 7 inches taller, and 50-70 pounds heavier than him. Sure, he took a lot of shots, but really, he was surrounded with garbage for a lot of his career. He wasn't afraid to drive to the basket like a lot players are these days, nor was he afraid to actually shoot over people.
To me, in his prime, Iverson was like a shorter version of Kobe Bryant, but a more skilled version also. Yall must have forgot how great dude actually was. In fact, I'd probably rate him as the 2nd best player of the late 90s-2000s, after Kobe.
To make the claim that Iverson wasn't great cannot be justified by any means....unless you're some 12 year old kid from like madagascar, who just happened to stumble across basketball two years ago, and as such, decided to adopt the celtics as your favorite team. Otherwise, you have no excuse for such an outlandish statement.
How was Iverson more skilled than Kobe?....I really wanna hear this
Iversons talent >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mj kobe and whoever elses talent ... I can't even argue about aion NT because too many of y'all don't have a clue about basketball and form your opinions based on the media ... my man was 6foot tall and FRIED to thepoint he's top 5 scoring of all time ...

Of course you take mj and kobe over ai if you're starting a team ... because they were physically gifted ... ai played better than kobe and mj in a bodythat has no business being in the NBA in this day and age ... let me know when the next person who's 6 feet tall averages 30 per game and takes their teamto the ship with a bunch of garbage %+$ scrubs around them ...

I know I get on NT and spew some $#!#+!%! sometimes just to stir !%@% up cuz I'm bored at work, but god damn y'all remedial for actually debating if aiwas good ... smh
Originally Posted by eplaya06

Originally Posted by thesimplestlife

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by grittyman20

Originally Posted by Durden7

He has NOT always been successful on the court.

And yes, we ARE talking about a player who had a poor attitude which prevented him from being great.
So now you're trying to tell me that Iverson wasn't a great player? I've heard it all now
What makes him GREAT? He was really good, but I wouldnt call him great. No titles, only came close once (which he carried that team himself) and was one of the most selfish players in decades.

How is he great?

durden 7, you are obviously stupid. Any avid basketball fan (or any person who claims to know/watch basketball) will tell you that Iverson was great. Hell, maybe even greater than great. Suggesting anything other than this, would be terribly dumb.
Now, to say that he isn't great because he didn't win a ring, is of course, a very dumb (and common) argument. there are many great players who haven't won rings, and there are many mediocre/lame ones who have won one.
In his prime, Allen Iverson was the best player in the league--dude is shorter than 6 feet, and was taking on and abusing guys 6 or 7 inches taller, and 50-70 pounds heavier than him. Sure, he took a lot of shots, but really, he was surrounded with garbage for a lot of his career. He wasn't afraid to drive to the basket like a lot players are these days, nor was he afraid to actually shoot over people.
To me, in his prime, Iverson was like a shorter version of Kobe Bryant, but a more skilled version also. Yall must have forgot how great dude actually was. In fact, I'd probably rate him as the 2nd best player of the late 90s-2000s, after Kobe.
To make the claim that Iverson wasn't great cannot be justified by any means....unless you're some 12 year old kid from like madagascar, who just happened to stumble across basketball two years ago, and as such, decided to adopt the celtics as your favorite team. Otherwise, you have no excuse for such an outlandish statement.
How was Iverson more skilled than Kobe?....I really wanna hear this
He was more skilled than kobe, in that, at that time (iverson's prime...I would say around 99-01), he was the best scorer in the league.
-Moreover, he was a great defender, especially when playing the passing lanes
-He was always a better dribbler than Bryant, and consequently, he was better at breaking down a defense, whether 1-on-1 or by penetrating.
-He was very quick
-He led a bunch of scrubs to the finals, all the while helping his coach win coach of the year, and mckie win 6th man of the year
-In effect, he was doing everything Kobe was doing and could do (shoot, dribble, play defense) as good as, or better than kobe, all the while being 6-7 inchesshorter. Maybe his actually shot percentage was lower, but like kobe, he never allowed defenders to alter his shot, no matter how much bigger they were thanhim.
-Dude was a 10x allstar, winning two allstar mvps (2001 and 2005).

Of course, this is all debatable and I even think that Kobe Bryant has become a better player than Iverson was. However, at that time, Iverson was the bestplayer in the league....skill wise, at least.
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

Iversons talent >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mj kobe and whoever elses talent ... I can't even argue about ai on NT because too many of y'all don't have a clue about basketball and form your opinions based on the media ... my man was 6foot tall and FRIED to the point he's top 5 scoring of all time ...

Of course you take mj and kobe over ai if you're starting a team ... because they were physically gifted ... ai played better than kobe and mj in a body that has no business being in the NBA in this day and age ... let me know when the next person who's 6 feet tall averages 30 per game and takes their team to the ship with a bunch of garbage %+$ scrubs around them ...

I know I get on NT and spew some $#!#+!%! sometimes just to stir !%@% up cuz I'm bored at work, but god damn y'all remedial for actually debating if ai was good ... smh
Thank you. Someone who actually understands the physics of basketball.
Originally Posted by thesimplestlife

Originally Posted by eplaya06

Originally Posted by thesimplestlife

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by grittyman20

Originally Posted by Durden7

He has NOT always been successful on the court.

And yes, we ARE talking about a player who had a poor attitude which prevented him from being great.
So now you're trying to tell me that Iverson wasn't a great player? I've heard it all now
What makes him GREAT? He was really good, but I wouldnt call him great. No titles, only came close once (which he carried that team himself) and was one of the most selfish players in decades.

How is he great?

durden 7, you are obviously stupid. Any avid basketball fan (or any person who claims to know/watch basketball) will tell you that Iverson was great. Hell, maybe even greater than great. Suggesting anything other than this, would be terribly dumb.
Now, to say that he isn't great because he didn't win a ring, is of course, a very dumb (and common) argument. there are many great players who haven't won rings, and there are many mediocre/lame ones who have won one.
In his prime, Allen Iverson was the best player in the league--dude is shorter than 6 feet, and was taking on and abusing guys 6 or 7 inches taller, and 50-70 pounds heavier than him. Sure, he took a lot of shots, but really, he was surrounded with garbage for a lot of his career. He wasn't afraid to drive to the basket like a lot players are these days, nor was he afraid to actually shoot over people.
To me, in his prime, Iverson was like a shorter version of Kobe Bryant, but a more skilled version also. Yall must have forgot how great dude actually was. In fact, I'd probably rate him as the 2nd best player of the late 90s-2000s, after Kobe.
To make the claim that Iverson wasn't great cannot be justified by any means....unless you're some 12 year old kid from like madagascar, who just happened to stumble across basketball two years ago, and as such, decided to adopt the celtics as your favorite team. Otherwise, you have no excuse for such an outlandish statement.
How was Iverson more skilled than Kobe?....I really wanna hear this
He was more skilled than kobe, in that, at that time (iverson's prime...I would say around 99-01), he was the best scorer in the league.
-Moreover, he was a great defender, especially when playing the passing lanes
-He was always a better dribbler than Bryant, and consequently, he was better at breaking down a defense, whether 1-on-1 or by penetrating.
-He was very quick
-He led a bunch of scrubs to the finals, all the while helping his coach win coach of the year, and mckie win 6th man of the year
-In effect, he was doing everything Kobe was doing and could do (shoot, dribble, play defense) as good as, or better than kobe, all the while being 6-7 inches shorter. Maybe his actually shot percentage was lower, but like kobe, he never allowed defenders to alter his shot, no matter how much bigger they were than him.
-Dude was a 10x allstar, winning two allstar mvps (2001 and 2005).

Of course, this is all debatable and I even think that Kobe Bryant has become a better player than Iverson was. However, at that time, Iverson was the best player in the league....skill wise, at least.

If I wasn't posting from my bb......
Originally Posted by JsindaA

Originally Posted by thesimplestlife

Originally Posted by eplaya06

Originally Posted by thesimplestlife

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by grittyman20

Originally Posted by Durden7

He has NOT always been successful on the court.

And yes, we ARE talking about a player who had a poor attitude which prevented him from being great.
So now you're trying to tell me that Iverson wasn't a great player? I've heard it all now
What makes him GREAT? He was really good, but I wouldnt call him great. No titles, only came close once (which he carried that team himself) and was one of the most selfish players in decades.

How is he great?

durden 7, you are obviously stupid. Any avid basketball fan (or any person who claims to know/watch basketball) will tell you that Iverson was great. Hell, maybe even greater than great. Suggesting anything other than this, would be terribly dumb.
Now, to say that he isn't great because he didn't win a ring, is of course, a very dumb (and common) argument. there are many great players who haven't won rings, and there are many mediocre/lame ones who have won one.
In his prime, Allen Iverson was the best player in the league--dude is shorter than 6 feet, and was taking on and abusing guys 6 or 7 inches taller, and 50-70 pounds heavier than him. Sure, he took a lot of shots, but really, he was surrounded with garbage for a lot of his career. He wasn't afraid to drive to the basket like a lot players are these days, nor was he afraid to actually shoot over people.
To me, in his prime, Iverson was like a shorter version of Kobe Bryant, but a more skilled version also. Yall must have forgot how great dude actually was. In fact, I'd probably rate him as the 2nd best player of the late 90s-2000s, after Kobe.
To make the claim that Iverson wasn't great cannot be justified by any means....unless you're some 12 year old kid from like madagascar, who just happened to stumble across basketball two years ago, and as such, decided to adopt the celtics as your favorite team. Otherwise, you have no excuse for such an outlandish statement.
How was Iverson more skilled than Kobe?....I really wanna hear this
He was more skilled than kobe, in that, at that time (iverson's prime...I would say around 99-01), he was the best scorer in the league.
-Moreover, he was a great defender, especially when playing the passing lanes
-He was always a better dribbler than Bryant, and consequently, he was better at breaking down a defense, whether 1-on-1 or by penetrating.
-He was very quick
-He led a bunch of scrubs to the finals, all the while helping his coach win coach of the year, and mckie win 6th man of the year
-In effect, he was doing everything Kobe was doing and could do (shoot, dribble, play defense) as good as, or better than kobe, all the while being 6-7 inches shorter. Maybe his actually shot percentage was lower, but like kobe, he never allowed defenders to alter his shot, no matter how much bigger they were than him.
-Dude was a 10x allstar, winning two allstar mvps (2001 and 2005).

Of course, this is all debatable and I even think that Kobe Bryant has become a better player than Iverson was. However, at that time, Iverson was the best player in the league....skill wise, at least.

If I wasn't posting from my bb......
it's cool man. you can respond, or you don't have to...it doesn't really matter. All I was saying is that Iverson was/is a moreskilled player than Bryant. You may disagree, but like I said before, its debatable. Even if you do believe Kobe is more skilled than Iverson, it isn'tto the degree where it isn't at least debatable. Either way, I think that both are some of the most skilled players I've seen play. The originalstatement that Iverson wasn't great, was totally false, and as such, I called the poster out about it. That (Iverson's greatness) really isn'tdebatable.
AI more skilled than Kobe? That's just flat out false. Natural talent maybe? Sure...but skilled?
I wouldn't even say ai natural talent is better then kobe

Listeve don't even believe what he just said just trying to start some stuff
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

I wouldn't even say ai natural talent is better then kobe

Listeve don't even believe what he just said just trying to start some stuff
ahahah. just trying to start some stuff? nah man, it's not even like that. I truly believe iverson was/is more skilled/talented than bryant.That's not to say that kobe isn't skilled/talented. Sure he is, I just think Iverson was a little more. I will be the first person to say that kobeis the best player in the league, right now. However, there was a time when Iverson was that player. That's all I'm saying
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

I wouldn't even say ai natural talent is better then kobe

Listeve don't even believe what he just said just trying to start some stuff

It's certainly more impressive. And when I say natural talent I just mean his god given athletic ability. To be that size and do what he does is certainlyamazing.
Originally Posted by thesimplestlife

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

I wouldn't even say ai natural talent is better then kobe

Listeve don't even believe what he just said just trying to start some stuff
ahahah. just trying to start some stuff? nah man, it's not even like that. I truly believe iverson was/is more skilled/talented than bryant. That's not to say that kobe isn't skilled/talented. Sure he is, I just think Iverson was a little more. I will be the first person to say that kobe is the best player in the league, right now. However, there was a time when Iverson was that player. That's all I'm saying
when you say skilled...exactly what do you mean?

I mean there are things in Kobe's repertoire that Iverson never had. Like a post game for instance.What skill did Iverson have that Kobe didn't?Iverson's career was based around dribble penetration and that's primarily it.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Originally Posted by thesimplestlife

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

I wouldn't even say ai natural talent is better then kobe

Listeve don't even believe what he just said just trying to start some stuff
ahahah. just trying to start some stuff? nah man, it's not even like that. I truly believe iverson was/is more skilled/talented than bryant. That's not to say that kobe isn't skilled/talented. Sure he is, I just think Iverson was a little more. I will be the first person to say that kobe is the best player in the league, right now. However, there was a time when Iverson was that player. That's all I'm saying
when you say skilled...exactly what do you mean?

I mean there are things in Kobe's repertoire that Iverson never had. Like a post game for instance.What skill did Iverson have that Kobe didn't? Iverson's career was based around dribble penetration and that's primarily it.
i agree with that statement. There are a lot of things in kobe's arsenal that iverson never had. Iverson never had a post game because thatwould have been physically impossible for him to have. It's not so much that Iverson had skills that Kobe never had, but rather Iverson and Kobe sharedcertain skills, which I think Iverson was better at. I.E. dribble penetration, breaking down defense, vision for passing lane steals, better handle,keeping/adapting his shot to/because of certain defenders..etc.
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