Has being a hipster become......dare i say?..........Mainstream?

for the life of me i never understood what a hipster is..like what makes a hipster a hipster?
I guess I'm getting too old..but then again dudes my age are buying into the whole trend...
who really cares?

Im not worried about what the next man is doing...Im too busying creating my own ****
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hipsters defending hipsters lmao , 

hipster's thrive on being exclusive and STOP



"i love arcade fire"

*arcade fire wins grammy*

"it's like i don't even know arcade fire anymore"
At the end of the day, it's not the fad itself that's annoying.

It's the fact that people who commit to these trends are attention
. It also seems like many subscribers to these fads lack a distinctive personality, good looks, and/or athleticism (obviously not all, but the majority).

The same is true not just for "hipsters" but for hypebeasts, emo, goth, etc. going back probably to the start of human history, catapulted by the death of shame, and multiplied by the internet-look-at-me era.
hipsters defending hipsters lmao , 

hipster's thrive on being exclusive and STOP

"i love arcade fire"

*arcade fire wins grammy*

"it's like i don't even know arcade fire anymore"

That's what you got out of the video? After everything he said... what you got from that was "hipsters defending hipsters"?
Hipsters: cool white people.

They only had Jocks and Preps until now.

na hipsters are still the same
its just now you got hypebeast wanting to be hipsters and gets a lil harder to tell em apart

plus these odd future dudes and their nut huggers saying everything is hipster aint helping :lol
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Part of being a hipster is walking the line between both the ironic veneration and complete naivete of African American mid 80's early 90's urban street culture. It's almost a feti****ation. They can talk about how much they liked OB4CL growing up, but are lost when you refer to it as the Purple Tape because their experience with it is limited to iTunes.

I was at the store in south side Williamsburg one time and a hipster was like, 'Why do so many people wear Cardinals hats? Like HELLO! We're in New York, wear a Yankees or Mets hat!' not realizing that certain fitteds have gang associations.
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Go to Williamsburg Brooklyn and you'll know what a Hipster is.

But I do agree with OP. Their culture has def become mainstream. Just look at Amare Stoudamire. Dude is a 6'10 walking hipster :lol
If we're going to define what hipsters are, then what are you all?

This entire thread is an exercise in attempting to identify yourself by ensuring that you're NOT this other thing.
Look at Ninja schooling FutureMD
Ninjahood is claiming that his decision to wear Nike's and whatever 80s gear is because he's an independent agent and not subject to the very degree of marketing and cultural identity he chooses to adopt.

You have posters in this thread claiming that since they grew up in the 80s, they're more "original" as in they didn't "learn" how to do what they even did in the first place. 

Yeah, NO ONE else but you is "original"

How do you even wake up and look yourself in the mirror and let that come out of your mouth?
umm me and all da other 80's babies CAN claim independence and individuality because da decade that preceded us bare little no NO resemblance..da 70's is a VERY different decade from da 80's, same with da 90's....after da mass adoption of da internet in

da late 90's early 2000's its like originality came to a SCREECHIN halt...imagine telling someone from da 80's that their whole childhood heros, culture, style, aura, wouldn't go away like da 70's and 60's did..
i would've laughed in your your face.

my generation was very much about looking ahead. i remember going to sneaker stores and remember cats gettting CLOWNED for having kicks that were from last year... da idea of retro and wearing thinks that was "old" was considered backwards

people developed their OWN style in da 90's...you could go 20 blocks in NYC and people would look TOTALLY different..like NIGHT and DAY. you could take da train to queens and not find ONE person rocking nikes, everyone would be puma'ed out.

you could go to my hood in da heightz and everyone would look like variant antony santos, oro solido, groupo niche band members...go to Brooklyn and its a WHOLE nother world...regional individuality was VERY MUCH alive...

i remember when only queens cats would say "son" like that was straight queens. "yo b" that was all harlem...etc.

you way outta your league tryin to talk to me about what was poppin homie. i got years on you doggie

silly putty or w/e MD just got a wikipedia cheat sheet or google so you can que up w/e u feel like you wanna know... 80's babies had to LEARN it ourselves from da streets and what we liked wit no help. so yea 80's babies and up who predate da internet

of course imma vouch for having more original style..thats pretty obvious..

ya 90's-2000's born cats DONT EVEN HAVE A IDENTITY what do ya do? what is ya hallmark? what did ya create style wise on ya own?
Look at Ninja schooling FutureMD
Ninjahood is claiming that his decision to wear Nike's and whatever 80s gear is because he's an independent agent and not subject to the very degree of marketing and cultural identity he chooses to adopt.

You have posters in this thread claiming that since they grew up in the 80s, they're more "original" as in they didn't "learn" how to do what they even did in the first place. 

Yeah, NO ONE else but you is "original"

How do you even wake up and look yourself in the mirror and let that come out of your mouth?
umm me and all da other 80's babies CAN claim independence and individuality because da decade that preceded us bare little no NO resemblance..da 70's is a VERY different decade from da 80's, same with da 90's....after da mass adoption of da internet in

da late 90's early 2000's its like originality came to a SCREECHIN halt...imagine telling someone from da 80's that their whole childhood heros, culture, style, aura, wouldn't go away like da 70's and 60's did..
i would've laughed in your your face.

my generation was very much about looking ahead. i remember going to sneaker stores and remember cats gettting CLOWNED for having kicks that were from last year... da idea of retro and wearing thinks that was "old" was considered backwards

people developed their OWN style in da 90's...you could go 20 blocks in NYC and people would look TOTALLY different..like NIGHT and DAY. you could take da train to queens and not find ONE person rocking nikes, everyone would be puma'ed out.

you could go to my hood in da heightz and everyone would look like variant antony santos, oro solido, groupo niche band members...go to Brooklyn and its a WHOLE nother world...regional individuality was VERY MUCH alive...

i remember when only queens cats would say "son" like that was straight queens. "yo b" that was all harlem...etc.

you way outta your league tryin to talk to me about what was poppin homie. i got years on you doggie

silly putty or w/e MD just got a wikipedia cheat sheet or google so you can que up w/e u feel like you wanna know... 80's babies had to LEARN it ourselves from da streets and what we liked wit no help. so yea 80's babies and up who predate da internet

of course imma vouch for having more original style..thats pretty obvious..

ya 90's-2000's born cats DONT EVEN HAVE A IDENTITY what do ya do? what is ya hallmark? what did ya create style wise on ya own?
Yeah, this is pretty much a lie.

Ninjahood, where did you get your style?

You didn't "figure out" anything. You yourself said you were watching MOVIES of your friends from the south just to see what was going on elsewhere. How is that different from going on google and checking out whats popping elsewhere?

You swagger jacked from the very people you claim to be independent from.

You can't say "oh well ya'll have the internet" as if that makes you COMPLETELY unique. How the hell does that even make sense? 

You looked at others, and bit their style.

End of story.

How do you wake up and look yourself in the mirror and think that what you did was radically different from anyone who ever lived?

How else would people communicate without the internet, if not in person?

Has the internet made it easier for the world to communicate? Yes, without a doubt...but it has also made it possible for different regions to share what would have been shared anyways, if even at a slower pace. Regional differences STILL exist and those who draw influences would still manage to do that anyways. 

You're not going to skate off thinking that you woke up and started doing whatever it is that you think you do INDEPENDENTLY.

Stop lying. You're no different from kids who embrace japanese culture but don't even have a passport...But here you go thinking you're "original"
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aww are we assumin? cuz thats's what you doing right now...can't wikipedia me huh? lol

movies? where did u get me saying that quote?

anyone who's ever met from this site knows im a odd ball from even my own neighborhood, if you think you're gonna come to da heightz and find a land of little ninjahoods scurrying about

you in for a RUDE awakening b. and its sad cuz you got NO come back from what im saying cuz A.you younger then me so u don't have da spectrum from da era i came from..da idea is foreign to you.

B. you dont know me so all you can do is ASSUME you know what you're talkin bout..and that isn't footling you REALLY wanna be comfy...is it?
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aww are we assumin? cuz thats's what you doing right now...can't wikipedia me huh? lol
What makes what YOU did and what you embraced, unique?

Oh wait, since YOU did it, then its unique. 

You didn't have influences, you just wear what you want because you're a completely independent agent, right?
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This isn't even that serious. We just have a bunch of people thinking they're better than others while simultaneously forgetting their own influences.

"Me? A biter? Nah bro, I'm unique as hell. "
Part of being a hipster is walking the line between both the ironic veneration and complete naivete of African American mid 80's early 90's urban street culture. It's almost a feti****ation. They can talk about how much they liked OB4CL growing up, but are lost when you refer to it as the Purple Tape because their experience with it is limited to iTunes.
PERFECT ******g example...thank you... hipster cats is frauds when you come from da culture their cherry picking, and to contrast, a hypebeast would be da type to go to and tryin to find a wu-wear store in shaolin in 2012 and buy out

all da u-god shirts because ghostface or meth or w/e was trending on twitter and created such a mind **** for em that they go into full scale lemmings mode cuz they feel behind and wanna catch up.
Part of being a hipster is walking the line between both the ironic veneration and complete naivete of African American mid 80's early 90's urban street culture. It's almost a feti****ation. They can talk about how much they liked OB4CL growing up, but are lost when you refer to it as the Purple Tape because their experience with it is limited to iTunes.
PERFECT ******g example...thank you... hipster cats is frauds when you come from da culture their cherry picking, and to contrast, a hypebeast would be da type to go to and tryin to find a wu-wear store in shaolin in 2012 and buy out

all da u-god shirts because ghostface or meth or w/e was trending on twitter and created such a mind **** for em that they go into full scale lemmings mode cuz they feel behind and wanna catch up.
And you're going to evaluate their experience to music, in this case, as being less valid than yours?

You're coming off as an elitist in this sense.

You might as well call everyone who wears a polo shirt a fraud who doesn't understand country club culture or the origins of prep culture.

Lets just all wear white sheets and robes. 

Don't get it twisted, I understand that there might be a context in which a style was developed, but who are you to limit who as access to it? 

You might as well say that certain people, shouldn't do, certain things. Ever. 
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don't feel like quoting Ninja, but it's true.
in the late 70s rock culture and hiphop culture shared the "urban" landscape.
The hiphop crowd was rocking tight black jeans and steel toe boots, but eventually switched them up to timbs and baggy jeans to make it their own.
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