Has Derrick Rose lost YOUR respect? SRS

Try and leave their salaries out of it, doesn't matter how much they make if they can play they should at least try.

Just to be clear he hasn't lost my respect, that's a bit too dramatic and judgmental for my taste.

It's extremely hard for me to not question his competitive fire though, I think any diehard competitor would have at least made an attempt to get on the court and help their team.

Maybe he got some Andrew Bynum in his blood, plays ball because he's good and not because he loves the game.
If you guys really want D Rose back, boycott watching all Bulls games and attending them until he does. I mean since you are the SOLE reason they are getting paid. Bunch of entitled pricks in here mad cause they hate their job :lol:

What does hating one's job have anything to do with this conversation? Stay on topic.

And hell yeah fans have the right to feel entitled, why shouldn't we? Fans fill the buildings, buy the jersey's, buy the gear, buy the concessions, etc.
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Yes they do. The fans are their employer.

Thank you, and thank you Tr1ll for embedding some common sense into this topic.

"Derrick Rose, or NBA players owe nothing to the fans" is top 5 most moronic statements i've ever read on NT in 10 years.

DCAmerican, JJs, DubA, you should all feel honored to hold such a prestigious title.

No they don't.

If all you people who are hating on Derrick Rose stopped watching the NBA and never bought another ticket.....somebody else will gladly take your place as a fan.

The Chicago Bulls are Derrick Roses employer, not you, if him sitting out affects their bottom line, they'll cut him or not re-sign him eventually.

All you Derrick Rose haters who are on here whining about him, can just shut it and sit on the couch and enjoy watching Noah and KyproNate play til Derrick Rose is ready to play

The company I work for has 100 million customers if I told a single one of them they don't matter because we have 100 million of them I'd be fired.

The NBA is a business first and foremost and the players are employees of said business.

The fans are the customers of said business.

It's sad I had to point this out.

Dude in talking about I buy a lot of Knicks tickets I want to see my employee. :lol:

People can't grasp simple concepts.

It's unfortunate.

You guys are underestimating the fan's worth. Why do you guys think teams sign billion dollar televsion contracts? Why do you guys think the NBA has tried to push the NBA in China, Latin America, and soon India? Fans are the driving force behind the NBA and without us they don't exist.

You're preaching to the choir bro.

I agree they do owe the fans and the game of basketball their effort if the can physically play which he probably can.

But I'm gonna stop short in saying we're they're employers, that again is very extreme viewpoint that I can't agree with.

If we were indeed his employer we could fire him , but obviously we cannot so........we're not.
To say nba players don't owe the fans doesn't make sense to me, especially we're usually the first people they thank when they win awards and such.

But to say we employ them is going to far in the other direction, fans are a vital part of the machine that allows them to be who they are and in some cases become legends but we don't exactly cut the checks.

Gotta be a middle ground in here somewhere , no need to go to extremes to make a point.

You guys are underestimating the fan's worth. Why do you guys think teams sign billion dollar televsion contracts? Why do you guys think the NBA has tried to push the NBA in China, Latin America, and soon India? Fans are the driving force behind the NBA and without us they don't exist.

But guess what you're still going to watch the NBA whether Derrick Rose sits out the rest of the year or not.

Are you really going to stop watching the NBA and buying NBA products because of Derrick Rose sitting? :lol:

Face it you're addicted to the NBA like all of us.....you're on a sneaker forum talking about whether another man should do his job the way you want him to.

Just sit back and enjoy KyproNate, Noah, Captain Kirk and the gang :lol:
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As a fan in general of his, it's frustrating, but I haven't lost respect for him. I haven't experienced an injury anything close to what he has had to deal with, so I can't properly criticize, it'd be baseless.
To say nba players don't owe the fans doesn't make sense to me, especially we're usually the first people they thank when they win awards and such.

But to say we employ them is going to far in the other direction, fans are a vital part of the machine that allows them to be who they are and in some cases become legends but we don't exactly cut the checks.

Gotta be a middle ground in here somewhere , no need to go to extremes to make a point.

You guys are underestimating the fan's worth. Why do you guys think teams sign billion dollar televsion contracts? Why do you guys think the NBA has tried to push the NBA in China, Latin America, and soon India? Fans are the driving force behind the NBA and without us they don't exist.

But guess what you're still going to watch the NBA whether Derrick Rose sits out the rest of the year or not.

Are you really going to stop watching the NBA and buying NBA products because of Derrick Rose sitting? :lol:

Face it you're addicted to the NBA like all of us.....you're on a sneaker forum talking about whether another man should do his job the way you want him to.

Just sit back and enjoy KyproNate, Noah, Captain Kirk and the gang :lol:

Actually I'm not. I've watched one quarter of playoff basketball since the Kings stopped playing. I only watch Kings games, and when they're not playing I don't watch.
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To say nba players don't owe the fans doesn't make sense to me, especially we're usually the first people they thank when they win awards and such.

But to say we employ them is going to far in the other direction, fans are a vital part of the machine that allows them to be who they are and in some cases become legends but we don't exactly cut the checks.

Gotta be a middle ground in here somewhere , no need to go to extremes to make a point.

You guys are underestimating the fan's worth. Why do you guys think teams sign billion dollar televsion contracts? Why do you guys think the NBA has tried to push the NBA in China, Latin America, and soon India? Fans are the driving force behind the NBA and without us they don't exist.

But guess what you're still going to watch the NBA whether Derrick Rose sits out the rest of the year or not.

Are you really going to stop watching the NBA and buying NBA products because of Derrick Rose sitting? :lol:

Face it you're addicted to the NBA like all of us.....you're on a sneaker forum talking about whether another man should do his job the way you want him to.

Just sit back and enjoy KyproNate, Noah, Captain Kirk and the gang :lol:

Actually I'm not. I've watched one quarter of playoff basketball since the Kings stopped playing. I only watch Kings games, and when they're not playing I don't watch.

The NBA wont miss a beat without you watching
To say nba players don't owe the fans doesn't make sense to me, especially we're usually the first people they thank when they win awards and such.

But to say we employ them is going to far in the other direction, fans are a vital part of the machine that allows them to be who they are and in some cases become legends but we don't exactly cut the checks.

Gotta be a middle ground in here somewhere , no need to go to extremes to make a point.

You guys are underestimating the fan's worth. Why do you guys think teams sign billion dollar televsion contracts? Why do you guys think the NBA has tried to push the NBA in China, Latin America, and soon India? Fans are the driving force behind the NBA and without us they don't exist.

But guess what you're still going to watch the NBA whether Derrick Rose sits out the rest of the year or not.

Are you really going to stop watching the NBA and buying NBA products because of Derrick Rose sitting? :lol:

Face it you're addicted to the NBA like all of us.....you're on a sneaker forum talking about whether another man should do his job the way you want him to.

Just sit back and enjoy KyproNate, Noah, Captain Kirk and the gang :lol:

Actually I'm not. I've watched one quarter of playoff basketball since the Kings stopped playing. I only watch Kings games, and when they're not playing I don't watch.

The NBA wont miss a beat without you watching

You're doing a horrible job at trying to prove your point.

Think about it a little bit, and come back a little more prepared next time.
To say nba players don't owe the fans doesn't make sense to me, especially we're usually the first people they thank when they win awards and such.

But to say we employ them is going to far in the other direction, fans are a vital part of the machine that allows them to be who they are and in some cases become legends but we don't exactly cut the checks.

Gotta be a middle ground in here somewhere , no need to go to extremes to make a point.

You guys are underestimating the fan's worth. Why do you guys think teams sign billion dollar televsion contracts? Why do you guys think the NBA has tried to push the NBA in China, Latin America, and soon India? Fans are the driving force behind the NBA and without us they don't exist.

But guess what you're still going to watch the NBA whether Derrick Rose sits out the rest of the year or not.

Are you really going to stop watching the NBA and buying NBA products because of Derrick Rose sitting? :lol:

Face it you're addicted to the NBA like all of us.....you're on a sneaker forum talking about whether another man should do his job the way you want him to.

Just sit back and enjoy KyproNate, Noah, Captain Kirk and the gang :lol:

Actually I'm not. I've watched one quarter of playoff basketball since the Kings stopped playing. I only watch Kings games, and when they're not playing I don't watch.

The NBA wont miss a beat without you watching

You're doing a horrible job at trying to prove your point.

Think about it a little bit, and come back a little more prepared next time.

You're not making any points,

You''re just whining about Derrick Rose on a sneaker forum when you "claim" you haven't watched any of the NBA Playoffs anyways :lol:
The main question is how do his teammates really feel about this situation, especially those that are playing through injuries right now themselves. I'm sure they'll say the company line and say the right things but I wonder how they really feel about this situation.
You're not making any points,

You''re just whining about Derrick Rose on a sneaker forum when you "claim" you haven't watched any of the NBA Playoffs anyways :lol:

Try again bud.

Take a tad bit more time this time to actually contribute something.
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The company I work for has 100 million customers if I told a single one of them they don't matter because we have 100 million of them I'd be fired.

The NBA is a business first and foremost and the players are employees of said business.

The fans are the customers of said business.

It's sad I had to point this out.

Dude in talking about I buy a lot of Knicks tickets I want to see my employee.

People can't grasp simple concepts.
dudes are acting dumb just to argue. 
 they get the concept 
You're not making any points,

You''re just whining about Derrick Rose on a sneaker forum when you "claim" you haven't watched any of the NBA Playoffs anyways :lol:

Try again champ.

The thing is..... I'm not trying anything. I'm just stating facts. I'll let you whine in peace for now about Derrick Rose and the NBA," that you dont watch" :lol:

When you say something really foolish again....I'll chime in :lol:
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You're not making any points,

You''re just whining about Derrick Rose on a sneaker forum when you "claim" you haven't watched any of the NBA Playoffs anyways :lol:

Try again champ.

The thing is..... I'm not trying anything. I'm just stating facts. I'll let you whine in peace for now about Derrick Rose and the NBA," that you dont watch" :lol:

When you say something really foolish again....I'll chime in :lol:

Stating facts :rofl:..


It's like talking to kids.
The company I work for has 100 million customers if I told a single one of them they don't matter because we have 100 million of them I'd be fired.

The NBA is a business first and foremost and the players are employees of said business.

The fans are the customers of said business.

It's sad I had to point this out.

Dude in talking about I buy a lot of Knicks tickets I want to see my employee. :lol:

People can't grasp simple concepts.
dudes are acting dumb just to argue. :stoneface:  they get the concept 

To their credit though, I don't think they're acting dumb..

I honestly think they can't comprehend simple concepts. It seriously is like arguing with kids.
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take two years?



ok doctor

when did it take 2 years to come back from ACL?

Can you name me 5 players who returned to their preinjury level of capability before their second season after the injury?
Would it be reaching to say that Derrick rose is probably secretly hoping Miami makes short work of the bulls in this series.

If the bulls make this go either 6 or 7 its not a good look for Derrick rose imo
To their credit though, I don't think they're acting dumb..

I honestly think they can't comprehend simple concepts. It seriously is like arguing with kids.
Since you claim people hear don't understand simple concepts, riddle me this. As a loyal Kings, do the Maloofs brothers really care about the amount of money you spent on a Tyreke Evans jersey, parking, and food for a game? Or are they trying to field the best offer so they can line their pockets and relocate the team? Fanfare can only take you so far in the grand scheme of things, before the powers to be make the final choice. The Bulls are still a draw with or without Rose, so even if you and everyone else stop buying his jerseys and shoes when he comes back, he'll still be receiving the $95 Million of GUARANTEED MONEY. You know that though because you personally sign his checks as a devoted NBA fan, right?
To their credit though, I don't think they're acting dumb..

I honestly think they can't comprehend simple concepts. It seriously is like arguing with kids.

Since you claim people hear don't understand simple concepts, riddle me this. As a loyal Kings, do the Maloofs brothers really care about the amount of money you spent on a Tyreke Evans jersey, parking, and food for a game? Or are they trying to field the best offer so they can line their pockets and relocate the team? Fanfare can only take you so far in the grand scheme of things, before the powers to be make the final choice. The Bulls are still a draw with or without Rose, so even if you and everyone else stop buying his jerseys and shoes when he comes back, he'll still be receiving the $95 Million of GUARANTEED MONEY. You know that though because you personally sign his checks as a devoted NBA fan, right?

You guys can't be that simple.

You guys are really trying to marginalize fans when at the end of the day, THEY ARE THE CONSUMER of the product the NBA is selling. Without the CONSUMER, THERE IS NO BUSINESS and the NBA goes under. You guys keep pointing out "well you're still going to go back and watch because you, like other fans, are addicted". THATS THE WHOLE POINT. The NBA is alive and well BECAUSE OF FANS continue to wach. Players get paid so much BECAUSE OF FANS, regardless of who sets the price point at which they get paid.

"Fanfare can only take you so far". Really? Take away fans and tell me if the NBA survives. What does NBA provide? Professional basketball as entertainment. Who are they trying to entertain? FANS.

FANS have EVERY right to demand a good product. If Rose can play, and has been medically cleared, HE SHOULD PLAY. He's getting PAID TO PLAY. He's getting paid to ENTERTAIN FANS BY PLAYING BASKETBALL.

Nba players do not owe the fans.

Yes they do. The fans are their employer.

To their credit though, I don't think they're acting dumb..

I honestly think they can't comprehend simple concepts. It seriously is like arguing with kids.

Since you claim people hear don't understand simple concepts, riddle me this. As a loyal Kings, do the Maloofs brothers really care about the amount of money you spent on a Tyreke Evans jersey, parking, and food for a game? Or are they trying to field the best offer so they can line their pockets and relocate the team? Fanfare can only take you so far in the grand scheme of things, before the powers to be make the final choice. The Bulls are still a draw with or without Rose, so even if you and everyone else stop buying his jerseys and shoes when he comes back, he'll still be receiving the $95 Million of GUARANTEED MONEY. You know that though because you personally sign his checks as a devoted NBA fan, right?

You guys can't be that simple.

You guys are really trying to marginalize fans when at the end of the day, THEY ARE THE CONSUMER of the product the NBA is selling. Without the CONSUMER, THERE IS NO BUSINESS and the NBA goes under. You guys keep pointing out "well you're still going to go back and watch because you, like other fans, are addicted". THATS THE WHOLE POINT. The NBA is alive and well BECAUSE OF FANS continue to wach. Players get paid so much BECAUSE OF FANS, regardless of who sets the price point at which they get paid.

"Fanfare can only take you so far". Really? Take away fans and tell me if the NBA survives. What does NBA provide? Professional basketball as entertainment. Who are they trying to entertain? FANS.

FANS have EVERY right to demand a good product. If Rose can play, and has been medically cleared, HE SHOULD PLAY. He's getting PAID TO PLAY. He's getting paid to ENTERTAIN FANS BY PLAYING BASKETBALL.



Look you're not his employer......you're a customer and that is an important part of the process.

But your original claim that the fans are his employer is way off base.

Let me give you an analogy its not the best analogy

Lets say a big movie star signs a guaranteed contract with a big studio like Warner Bros for a Superhero trilogy .

The movie star makes the 1st movie

But then he has some personal reasons that delays the shooting of the 2nd movie by a year.

You really love these superhero movies , you bought the a bunch of merchandise and the DVDs

You're pissed the movie star is taking forever to begin shooting this 2nd movie but you cant really say the movie star owes you anything.

He owes the movie studio that plays him not you.

Look missing the difference between a customer and an employer.
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Its already a wrap for him in my eyes. Even If/when he comes back hes going to be so worried about his leg he'll never play the same.
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