Has Derrick Rose lost YOUR respect? SRS

You don't even realize how naive and childish you sound. You aren't their employer. You wanna show how much worth the fans have go organize a boycott. see how much of a factor you really are.

A customer is a customer. Just a cog in the machine. Go out and get every customer in the world to stop spending money on the NBA and then maybe I'll reevaluate my position.
Y'all some groupies following the media for real. Last time I checked D. Rose was a number 1 OVERALL and an MVP. If he comes back on the court this series I expect y'all to groupie again and be like "D.Rose the truth" but I digress. The playoffs is getting interesting
Y'all some groupies following the media for real. Last time I checked D. Rose was a number 1 OVERALL and an MVP. If he comes back on the court this series I expect y'all to groupie again and be like "D.Rose the truth" but I digress. The playoffs is getting interesting

He's out for the remainder of the playoffs though.
Not yet. Thibbs said today "We'll see" in regards to availability this series. (but he is out tonight)

Woj article had a source, but that's it.
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Not yet. Thibbs said today "We'll see" in regards to availability this series. (but he is out tonight)

Woj article had a source, but that's it.

Was it officially confirmed though? If this series goes past 5 games I think it's almost guaranteed that he'll come back. His conscience won't let him sleep
For tonight? Yeah, Thibbs confirmed he's out.

But nothing other than that.
Only losing respect for him because he won't just come out and admit he's shutting it down, what good does it do to leave the door open knowing you're heart isn't in it while you got teammates going through hell themselves yet playing?
One thing I don't get with this whole "why bother playingn him risking injury" argument, what happens if Bosh, Wade or even LeBron have a season-ending injury? Whole complexion of the playoffs would change, meaning the road to the chip just got that much more wide open. And Rose would still prefer to come back later since 'there's always next year'?

It's the same mentality as anyone writing off any team prior to a series; you never know until you actually play the games.
I recieved this email today and thought what the hell !?!?!?

This is a Chicago based clothing lines news letter to let everyone know they are having a sale .
It's so cold in Chicago . I honestly couldn't believe they said this. It's like Rose is just an open target from all sides now.

View media item 397567

its always been cold in Chicago nothing new

Leaders will be kissing babies & offering up a big sob story sorry for sending out that BS
:lol: 97 percent of you bulls fans would be ripping this guy if he wasnt on your team. what hes doing is ridiculous. noah out there on one leg and this ***** talking about muscle memory lol any excuse not to be out there. its been over a year. this guy need to grow some balls

i guarandamntee if this was kobe or lebron they would be out there or should i say been out there in january.

this boy hella scurrred

what will be the excuse for you bulls fans next year IF he says hes not ready for the season opener?

that boy need mental therapy
You don't even realize how naive and childish you sound. You aren't their employer. You wanna show how much worth the fans have go organize a boycott. see how much of a factor you really are.

A customer is a customer. Just a cog in the machine. Go out and get every customer in the world to stop spending money on the NBA and then maybe I'll reevaluate my position.

Kind of like having a sense of entitlement over government workers because your tax dollars go towards their salary.

I honestly can't believe that people think that they are the employer of professional athletes :lol: So ******g ridiculous.
:lol: 97 percent of you bulls fans would be ripping this guy if he wasnt on your team. what hes doing is ridiculous. noah out there on one leg and this ***** talking about muscle memory lol any excuse not to be out there. its been over a year. this guy need to grow some balls

i guarandamntee if this was kobe or lebron they would be out there or should i say been out there in january.

this boy hella scurrred

what will be the excuse for you bulls fans next year IF he says hes not ready for the season opener?

that boy need mental therapy

this couldve been the buck, bobcats, heat,lakers or knicks & i would still agree with the players decision


when the TEAM told the PLAYER

the timetable was HIS to set & not the docs

which means he comes back when HE is 100% physically & mentally


Noah is actually on TWO legs

he was kinda on 1 FOOT

but his plantar F went away COMPLETELY

so thats why he was dogging the nets bigs in g 7

try again
No, he isn't losing my respect, he's one of my favorite players tow watch, but just come out and say that you will be back next season. Don't keep people guessing and speculating about you playing against the Heat. Just shut it down and put it all to rest.
ap, shumpert, rubio, phllip rivers, jason kidd, 

If I'm not mistaken Kidd had microfracture surgery and the rest had acl reconstructive surgery. Rubio has not looked right all season in fact its been widely noted he hasn't played well this year. Rivers and ap I agree with.

So 2 of the 5 don't fall into this category. As common as the injury is it should be easy to name 5 players.
Rubio came back and his assist numbers dropped by one and that could be because he wasn't able to feed Kevin love. I'm trying to think of athletes that had acl surgery and not micro fracture . Amare had micro fracture right ?
as you can obviously see my avatar,im a big fan.all this drama about his return isnt good for his rep of course.but it will all come down to what player will he be when he returns.if he is the same and gets better day after day ,if he hasnt lost his athletic skills,and if his team first-must win mentality is there and not affected by all this ****,then he ll be one of the 2-3 megastars in this league for years to come.Lots of ifs there i know...I believe he will make it back to the top of the leaGue,but only time will tell.
:lol: 97 percent of you bulls fans would be ripping this guy if he wasnt on your team. what hes doing is ridiculous. noah out there on one leg and this ***** talking about muscle memory lol any excuse not to be out there. its been over a year. this guy need to grow some balls

i guarandamntee if this was kobe or lebron they would be out there or should i say been out there in january.

this boy hella scurrred

what will be the excuse for you bulls fans next year IF he says hes not ready for the season opener?

that boy need mental therapy

WRONG .. but I guess that means I fall into that 3% category :rolleyes
NT, always good for the lulz.

How I see it, the TEAM is responsible for supplying the fans a quality product since the ORGANIZATION is the BUSINESS that garners the revenue, some of which is used to contractually hire some of its employees (players).

As of today, if a team's revenue suddenly dropped to zero, that organization is still required by contract to pay the contracted employees.
Amare did have microfracture. I was referring to rubio's style of play and physical capability this season.

I'm not saying it takes 2 years to return, I'm saying it takes 2 years for people to return to form for anyone that was confused about that.
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