Has Derrick Rose lost YOUR respect? SRS

Rose is being paid a lot more than Griffin is. It wouldn't be wrong to think adidas is protecting their investment. They'd do the same if it were Lionek Messi.
:lol: I have never taken a day off work and said...omg what about the clients that ultimately pay my salary but I have definitely felt bad about leaving my colleagues/boss swamped with work when I was at home on the couch. Once you start lying to miss work though people stop respecting you. I just hope Rose hasn't lost his teammates.

This was poorly handled by Rose & Co. It didn't have to become this. It's turning into "the decision" Bron got past it though Rose should be fine.
can't be good for his ACL. His teammates got the flu and throwing up on the bench and he's going around Chicago serving dudes.

served! served! served!
:lol: I have never taken a day off work and said...omg what about the clients that ultimately pay my salary but I have definitely felt bad about leaving my colleagues/boss swamped with work when I was at home on the couch. Once you start lying to miss work though people stop respecting you. I just hope Rose hasn't lost his teammates.

This was poorly handled by Rose & Co. It didn't have to become this. It's turning into "the decision" Bron got past it though Rose should be fine.

Rose's antics are nowhere near what bron did with the decision
you got your nerve grumpy old man
what a joke. so now bulls fans are the only ones who can have an opinion on this?

go back to your babe ruth worship and laker hating you old grump
Grumpy old man?
 Watching your Lakers get defecated on was sweet by the way.
Why am I the biggest Rose hater on this board?  Because I think his MVP award should be held in the same regard as Steve Nash's MVPs?  I am not a Rose hater.  I actually love watching dude play.  And why cant someone who isnt a Bulls fan have an opinion on this?
Anyone can have an opinion about Rose, but I don't see what the fuss is about if fans of the team he plays on aren't upset. I'd rather see Rose back on the court then on the bench, but I don't know the specifics of what's going on behind the scene. It's funny how people always have something to say when they don't know the facts. There is a reason he's not playing, when he's ready to suit up us Bulls fans will welcome him back with open arms.
like I said Bulls fans and Rose slurpers are the annoying ones....Rose can play now...Yall fools is just in denial and riding him till your *** bleeds 
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I just hope he comes back healthy and doesnt get injured again thats all that matters same with westbrook and etc
Jokim Noah after the victory last night ..

"Derrick's a brother," Noah said. "And to see him go through this is tough, but at the end of the day it's really funny how quick people are to judge. But people don't know what it's like to lead a team, especially after you tore your ACL.

"If you tore your ACL and you have to be the starting point guard and have the expectations that Derrick has, then maybe you can judge, but everybody who hasn't been in that situation before should really shut up because I feel like it's just so unfair to him and to this team. We're fighting, and everybody's going to just s--- on somebody who's been giving so much to this organization. It's crazy to me."

"He can say that he doesn't (listen to it)," Noah said. "I think he's dealing with it unbelievable. He's tough as nails, man. He's not budging. He doesn't let none of that affect him; whether it's praise or people judging him about his decision, he's the same. He's the same, and I really respect that because I don't think a lot of people could deal with the things that he deals with on a daily basis."
If Rose still has Noah's vote of confidence after all this time , then it's good enough for me. Rose has been testing my faith lately, but for now he has my benefit of the doubt. Noah did bring up a good point. Whether ppl criticize him or praise him, Rose is still the same. I don't know how I would take it if I were to go from having the same people who are supposedly fans calling me a ***** in the next breath. But it seems like Rose is taking the heat in stride, and that in itself, is something I can respect.
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Jokim Noah after the victory last night ..

"Derrick's a brother," Noah said. "And to see him go through this is tough, but at the end of the day it's really funny how quick people are to judge. But people don't know what it's like to lead a team, especially after you tore your ACL.

"If you tore your ACL and you have to be the starting point guard and have the expectations that Derrick has, then maybe you can judge, but everybody who hasn't been in that situation before should really shut up because I feel like it's just so unfair to him and to this team. We're fighting, and everybody's going to just s--- on somebody who's been giving so much to this organization. It's crazy to me."

"He can say that he doesn't (listen to it)," Noah said. "I think he's dealing with it unbelievable. He's tough as nails, man. He's not budging. He doesn't let none of that affect him; whether it's praise or people judging him about his decision, he's the same. He's the same, and I really respect that because I don't think a lot of people could deal with the things that he deals with on a daily basis."

Jokim Noah after the victory last night ..

"Derrick's a brother," Noah said. "And to see him go through this is tough, but at the end of the day it's really funny how quick people are to judge. But people don't know what it's like to lead a team, especially after you tore your ACL.

"If you tore your ACL and you have to be the starting point guard and have the expectations that Derrick has, then maybe you can judge, but everybody who hasn't been in that situation before should really shut up because I feel like it's just so unfair to him and to this team. We're fighting, and everybody's going to just s--- on somebody who's been giving so much to this organization. It's crazy to me."

"He can say that he doesn't (listen to it)," Noah said. "I think he's dealing with it unbelievable. He's tough as nails, man. He's not budging. He doesn't let none of that affect him; whether it's praise or people judging him about his decision, he's the same. He's the same, and I really respect that because I don't think a lot of people could deal with the things that he deals with on a daily basis."
I think that this proves that the opinions and denizens of Nike Talk, really do not matter.

The team is behind him, screw everyone else.

And sometimes what you hear is a product of good PR and not so much how a person truly feels.
^So the "rumor" is Rose himself wants to play....but "the problem is" his advisor/manager/brother said he needs to sit out the season?  Thats not a problem.  If Rose wants to play, he would play.  Period, end of story.  Not buying this "rumor" for one second.
Yeah, seriously. They work for him so the final decision is ultimately up to him. He says he wants to be 100% when he returns but he could help his team out tremendously if he came back. Rubio and Shump came back to get back in playing form and shake off the rust. Rose was supposed to come back after the allstar game right?

shump is JUST getting back to right & no where near rose's level ....if this was teague who was injured he mightve been back BEFORE the all star break but its the face of the franshise

no clue about rubio because i only see him every now & then but im assuming even with the time back hes still no quite right

rose doesnt want to come back & be another guy out there...cuz hes not

They'll never understand that part, they think he's on par with Rubio and Shump :rofl: :rofl: ...

I never said that. I don't think anyone has said that. We're just mentioning them since they're coming back from knee injuries as well. People aren't ******ed, he obviously isn't going to be at full speed if he came back. Of course players would love to always come back 100%. I was just saying if he started after the all-star break he would've had a few months to get some of the rust off. Him at 70-80% is better than most of the League.
Jokim Noah after the victory last night ..

"Derrick's a brother," Noah said. "And to see him go through this is tough, but at the end of the day it's really funny how quick people are to judge. But people don't know what it's like to lead a team, especially after you tore your ACL.

"If you tore your ACL and you have to be the starting point guard and have the expectations that Derrick has, then maybe you can judge, but everybody who hasn't been in that situation before should really shut up because I feel like it's just so unfair to him and to this team. We're fighting, and everybody's going to just s--- on somebody who's been giving so much to this organization. It's crazy to me."

"He can say that he doesn't (listen to it)," Noah said. "I think he's dealing with it unbelievable. He's tough as nails, man. He's not budging. He doesn't let none of that affect him; whether it's praise or people judging him about his decision, he's the same. He's the same, and I really respect that because I don't think a lot of people could deal with the things that he deals with on a daily basis."
I think that this proves that the opinions and denizens of Nike Talk, really do not matter.

The team is behind him, screw everyone else.

And sometimes what you hear is a product of good PR and not so much how a person truly feels.

As much respect as Noah has earned around the league and even from "casual" basketball fans, I highly doubt PR has anything to do with it.
And if you honestly believe that Rose is NOT playing because of his health then have a talk w/ his brother and I'm sure your minds would change on how this entire process has been handled :lol:
Rose had surgery on his ACL may 12. That day and around those days are key to look at because their is an 8-12 month recovery window which we are fast approaching. Someone who has been playing basketball as long as Derek Rose could never have a problem with muscle memory. He could not play basketball for 10 years and still be be better than average. Also if this series with the bulls goes past 5 games I think the inner ballet inside him won't sit by and watch his team struggle and claw against the defending champions and the 4 time MVP. But none of us know how he feels or what's in his head. He'll come back when he's ready whether its tomorrow or next season. And when he does the eastern conference is in trouble
And if you honestly believe that Rose is NOT playing because of his health then have a talk w/ his brother and I'm sure your minds would change on how this entire process has been handled :lol:

youve been talkin to reggie?

you got access to reggie? :nerd:

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