Has Derrick Rose lost YOUR respect? SRS

The situation was handled horribly from a PR standpoint but I rather him take time to be ready physically and mentally. He has his whole career ahead of him and with or without him, they ain't making it past the Heat.
Where are you guys seeing he's shut down? The Woj article?
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So you should understand saying "He doesn't play for the fans", and "he can play when he wants to play"(which is probably coming from non Bulls fans, so the probably wouldn't mind if he never came back :lol:) are just douchebag *** comments. If you can say he doesn't play for the fans, you can make the argument that he doesn't play for his teammates. They damn sholl dont pay his check.

No you can't. He has a bond/kinship with those guys on the squad....he has what exactly with the fans?

He has a kinship and a bond with them. First of all, you don't even know that. I doubt he plays for the Bull because Noah is a cool dude. Secondly, what kind of bond does he have with them them if hes not playing, knowing they want to win a championship and he knows hes what he needs for them to win?

You pay to watch him play because YOU want to. He doesn't ask for you to do this. He doesn't owe you (or any other fan) anything.

You keep making this point as if you believe they get paid millions to play and we just so happen to watch. No, they get paid millions BECAUSE we watch.

If we stopped watching, the NBA would cease to exist.
The reason why I used the bobcats is because like them many teams are either losing money or breaking even, yet every player on each of those teams respective roster is getting their contract paid in full.

So again miss me with that fans pay for these players contacts. That's not to say I don't understand what you're getting at or that at the end of a sum of things it is not true .. because it is.

IMO the Bulls tried to use the public to bully derrick rose to come back before he was ready to play simply for their bottom line. That whole is he going to play tonight is a ploy to boost ticket sales.

Getting back to the fans/consumers pay for ___ paycheck. I could say that about every job known to man ... well except farming but there are very few self sufficient, self sustaining farmers

Btw the WNBA exists does it not ie a league sustaining itself with very few fans
Um I sort of do, we all do. 5 year extension last year 95 million dollars. 260 million dollar 10 year Adidas deal.

and his expenses, Do you know them?

You can take half of that away from tax.

Do you know how much he paid lawyers, agents, etc?
The reason why I used the bobcats is because like them many teams are either losing money or breaking even, yet every player on each of those teams respective roster is getting their contract paid in full.

So again miss me with that fans pay for these players contacts. That's not to say I don't understand what you're getting at or that at the end of a sum of things it is not true .. because it is.

IMO the Bulls tried to use the public to bully derrick rose to come back before he was ready to play simply for their bottom line. That whole is he going to play tonight is a ploy to boost ticket sales.

Getting back to the fans/consumers pay for ___ paycheck. I could say that about every job known to man ... well except farming but there are very few self sufficient, self sustaining farmers

Btw the WNBA exists does it not ie a league sustaining itself with very few fans

Of course, you dont start a business with $1. Just because they're sustaining now doesn't mean they are going to be around till the end of days.

You not watching =/= no one watching. You or your circle is not the center of the universe.
It's two things for me. He either has a fragile psyche and is just plain scared or he doesn't want to play for the Bulls anymore. The more games he miss I think the latter but I seesaw between the two the longer the topic is around.

We'll see what it is when the Bulls are out of the playoffs.
Nope.  Not at all.

Dude owes the fans nothing, so when he's ready mentally and physically, he'll be back.
Stop comparing him to Shump! Their roles aren't the same! Shump can't carry the Knicks and if he was their star player they would be in the lottery every year! The only they have in common is the ACL injury. Ya making it sound like the Knicks need Shump to average 25 PPG and 10 apg, knock it off :smh:
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Nobody is saying d rose has to start and carry them.

What's wrong with him playing a 5 min stint in the 1st half and 5 min in the 2nd?

Say ur on a 10 min limit, show your team you're down for the cause like they are, and ease yourself back into the nba. Even this series, he'd either be going up against chalmers and Norris cole for those minutes or serving as a decoy to take dwade or Bron off of someone else.

Clearly he's not playing because he feels the team isn't good enough so why bother.

The rest of the bulls could have had that same mentality and rolled over against the Nets and said hey we had a good regular season, but look at what they went out and did .
If he's not mentally ready to play then go against this man is not going to help his confidence. I'm sure he is more worried about going up against this man not fully healthy then hurting himself.
Stop comparing him to Shump! Their roles aren't the same! Shump can't carry the Knicks and if he was their star player they would be in the lottery every year! The only they have in common is the ACL injury. Ya making it sound like the Knicks need Shump to average 25 PPG and 10 apg, knock it off :smh:
Nobody is doing that at all. They both got injured on the same day and Shump is back and contributing for his team.

With you talking about their roles you're making it seem because Rose is the star on the Bulls it somehow makes sense that he hasn't returned yet.
Nobody is doing that at all. They both got injured on the same day and Shump is back and contributing for his team.

With you talking about their roles you're making it seem because Rose is the star on the Bulls it somehow makes sense that he hasn't returned yet.

And Shump played like *** his first couple months back.
Rose come back, does the same... then what? You all talk about how bad he played?
To say he doesn't owe the fans anything is a real cop out, it not that black and white or cut and dry.

Yes technically he doesn't "owe" any of us anything, but what about the spirit of the game...the integrity of the league ?

What ambassador of the game would ever say , I don't owe the fans anything ? They'd get crucified on a nightly basis and booed consistently.

Nah they owe the fans something, were the ones out here watching the games, buying tickets and jerseys etc to put them on that platform to make 100s of millions.

Not like he owes bulls fans his life but if h e can at least make an effort if he's physically able ....the fans, teammates, and the game he supposedly loves deserve effort it he can physically give it.
Did you not watch the series against Miami in 2011? LeBron guarded Rose for he most part, not Chalmers and Cole.

We don't need him to come in and give us pity minutes like David Lee. If he can't give it his all then im fine with him sitting out all year. The only thing us Bulls fans are worried about right now is gettin Deng and Hinrich back!
Stop comparing him to Shump! Their roles aren't the same! Shump can't carry the Knicks and if he was their star player they would be in the lottery every year! The only they have in common is the ACL injury. Ya making it sound like the Knicks need Shump to average 25 PPG and 10 apg, knock it off :smh:
Nobody is doing that at all. They both got injured on the same day and Shump is back and contributing for his team.

With you talking about their roles you're making it seem because Rose is the star on the Bulls it somehow makes sense that he hasn't returned yet.

It makes sense because he has no help. Rose is the Cleveland version of LeBron right now, not sure why you guys seem to miss that part. If he had a legit #2 like a Wade, Westbrook, Howard then it would be a different story.
Did you not watch the series against Miami in 2011? LeBron guarded Rose for he most part, not Chalmers and Cole.

We don't need him to come in and give us pity minutes like David Lee. If he can't give it his all then im fine with him sitting out all year. The only thing us Bulls fans are worried about right now is gettin Deng and Hinrich back!
It seems to me the only people NOT pressuring rose to come back are bulls fans :smokin ....He will come back next year strong as ever, no need to come back now, let that boy Nate Rob cook.
To say he doesn't owe the fans anything is a real cop out, it not that black and white or cut and dry.

Yes technically he doesn't "owe" any of us anything, but what about the spirit of the game...the integrity of the league ?

What ambassador of the game would ever say , I don't owe the fans anything ? They'd get crucified on a nightly basis and booed consistently.

Nah they owe the fans something, were the ones out here watching the games, buying tickets and jerseys etc to put them on that platform to make 100s of millions.

Not like he owes bulls fans his life but if h e can at least make an effort if he's physically able ....the fans, teammates, and the game he supposedly loves deserve effort it he can physically give it.
What about Dude mentally dont feel right?
Did you not watch the series against Miami in 2011? LeBron guarded Rose for he most part, not Chalmers and Cole.

We don't need him to come in and give us pity minutes like David Lee. If he can't give it his all then im fine with him sitting out all year. The only thing us Bulls fans are worried about right now is gettin Deng and Hinrich back!
It seems to me the only people NOT pressuring rose to come back are bulls fans :smokin ....He will come back next year strong as ever, no need to come back now, let that boy Nate Rob cook.

This! These critics forget before the injury it was a one man show on offense while everyone stood around and watched him do it all. They see our team now and think Rose is the missing piece :smh:
He still my favorite player behind Stephen Curry and I think he is doing the rigth thing, he should come back when he feels ready. The media and fans are always going to find a way to criticize. 
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