Have people become this comfortable selling “UAs”??

ive been preaching about the abundance of fakes around......

its gonna change. my sources tell me a few factories are going to shut down and some might be too scared to reopen.

the “early release” flossers are going to really thin out here folks.

big W for the community though. less fakes to flood market.
Fakes keep nike in check too though. Now nike can screw us over more with no thought of another market to compete with them. I'm huge screw big corporations person when they don't listen to their customers and nike and JB haven't been listening for a long time now.
I was just about to say.. they're suing these folks when all they have to do is just MAKE MORE.. the answer has always been there but they'd rather drive up hype and greed. If we could walk into a store and cop no one would need to outsource. Which means opportunist would not see it profitable to try and sell off fakes.

Instead.. lets kill the fakes and keep things as they are to further make your customers starved. Wonderful.
honestly, its too big of a business and we are too far away to make an impact. the only impact will be made is if china themselves cracks down.....and they are.

however with the factories being raided and inspected weekly in janurary, they decided to close til mid february. depending on the police the next few weeks, that will decide everything.

now im hearing that these factories knew about all of this for a few weeks now, and they all banded together for self preservation.

i want to read the full lawsuit, i havent yet. nike has grouped all the fake factories together by quality, region, price, and amount of sales.

nike pretty much showed their cards. they know exactly whats going on. i just wish nike would have asked me for help.

yet, they allow millions of snkrs accounts and snkrs accounts shipping 20+ pairs to one location.
These raids are nothing new. They happen every year around this season, and it’s all a big show for China’s officials to demonstrate “how hard” they’re working to stop the counterfeiting industry, but as always, the will heat dissipate, and business goes on as usual.
ive been preaching about the abundance of fakes around......

its gonna change. my sources tell me a few factories are going to shut down and some might be too scared to reopen.

the “early release” flossers are going to really thin out here folks.

big W for the community though. less fakes to flood market.
Less fakes for now, some of these factories just closing up for a couple months, and will be up and running all over again.
These raids are nothing new. They happen every year around this season, and it’s all a big show for China’s officials to demonstrate “how hard” they’re working to stop the counterfeiting industry, but as always, the will heat dissipate, and business goes on as usual.

Yeah, it’s the “war on drugs”...

...and we all know how that played out.

Take one crew off the block and two more pop up...
i swear did some of yall not even read what i wrote?

i posted that article yesterday.

and yes the raids happen yearly. but they have been coming evwry 3 months recently, and this set of checks has been VERY specialized and very strict.
i swear did some of yall not even read what i wrote?

i posted that article yesterday.

and yes the raids happen yearly. but they have been coming evwry 3 months recently, and this set of checks has been VERY specialized and very strict.
this is the exact type of fearmongering that comes up every year but go off i guess

shoes are far from the only goods being counterfeited, far from having the biggest margins, most volume, etc, and are a tiny microcosm in the counterfeiting industry. China as a law enforcing entity largely does not give a single crap about intellectual property held by people outside of China, and does the absolute bare minimum in enforcing copyright claims made by anyone outside their borders. when multinational conglomerates (describing nike and converse as separate entities is really misleading in these articles) urge China to “investigate” an issue that might lead them to move production to another country with wages that would be unliveable in america, they find a convenient culprit to scapegoat. news footage celebrating “big busts” (read: a drop in the ocean) of shipping containers and warehouses full of counterfeit goods and drugs always completely gloss over the question of “how did they get away with getting so much stuff here to begin with?”
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this is the exact type of fearmongering that comes up every year but go off i guess

have you talked to factory owners??

have you dealt with the sellers directly?

its not the same as every year.

might things return to normal for them? maybe.

fearmongering is an interesting term tho. none of us should have any fear about these factories closing. that is, of course, if we are not purchasing from them.
have you talked to factory owners??

have you dealt with the sellers directly?

its not the same as every year.

might things return to normal for them? maybe.

fearmongering is an interesting term tho. none of us should have any fear about these factories closing. that is, of course, if we are not purchasing from them.
Yes, i talk to a lot of sellers and people who work in factories.

What’s hard to understand about me using the term “fearmongering”? The media pushing propaganda and lip service about an industry falling is obviously an attempt to instill fear in that industry.
Yes, i talk to a lot of sellers and people who work in factories.

What’s hard to understand about me using the term “fearmongering”? The media pushing propaganda and lip service about an industry falling is obviously an attempt to instill fear in that industry.

well talk to them now because this is different than the usual. maybe cuz of the nike lawsuit as well. but its not the run of the mill shutdown as seen before.

nothing is hard to understand about you using the term “fearmongering”

the only fear should come from the factories.
nothing is hard to understand about you using the term “fearmongering”

the only fear should come from the factories.

what, do you have to be personally affected by some phenomenon in order to consider bull**** spewed about it to be "fearmongering"? it's called empathy, dude
why ar
what, do you have to be personally affected by some phenomenon in order to consider bull**** spewed about it to be "fearmongering"? it's called empathy, dude
why are you so touchy?

i said it was interesting. i never said it was wrong.

i said the factories are the only ones who need to have fear.

yet you still feel the need to act like i did something to slight you, dude.
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