Have/Would You Use Coupons On a Date?

I would, why not save a few bucks no sense in pretending like IM balling when IM not hell if she dont like it then oh well
My boy said he did that last night at the movies while shorty wasnt looking
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So forget the coupon

I shouldn't take a girl out to Applebees as a first date?

...all depends on your own finances.. if that's all you can afford as a first date...then so be it..
no need to overextend yourself in order to portray yourself as something you're not.
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Anybody that would think less of someone for using a coupon is shallow. They aren't even worth their weight in dog turds.
word... thats my sentiment. I like to be smart with my money and restaurant.com is the truth. Real nice places and real cheap, they have 80% offpromos all the time.

Not ballin whatsoever, so why front on the first date? If you're just trying to get in those jeans though, a coupon might hurt your chances.
Originally Posted by Methedy24

- I don't understand, though.

- Why is using coupons viewed socially in a negative context? Frequently producing feelings of shame/embarrassment (assumedly due to perceived lack of resources) for the customer at time of redemption.

- The coupons were provided by the establishment to entice potential customers, as well as provide economic relief. During a period as such, recession, you would think the overall connotation would be more positive...

- I'm perplexed...
Its quite simple if you think about it. We are all ballers here on NT and care how others perceive us as we have that baller reputation to uphold.
Do whatever you're comfortable with and don't be something or someone that you're not..
I usually prefer simple and casual first dates.. But that's just my style.. I only like going to fine dinin' joints if it's with a girlfriend andnot someone I'm trying to impress..

Anyways, there are ways that you can use a coupon and not have your date know.. Eg, slipping off to use the washroom and giving your waiter/waitress the coupon(and paying the bill then and there too).. I'm not slick enough to pull that off or comfortable enough with myself to just use a coupon outright..

Whatever though.. it's not that big of a deal..

And.. if you're tight for money, make the girl pay.. just tease her about doing so ahead of time.. I've had girls pay for me plenty often and I'mdamn not ashamed about it (and it's not like I can't afford it.. I just enjoy playing around like that)..
i've done it...we were going to the movies i had the free ticket you get from AE when you try on jeans...i pulled it out and he looked me crazy...but stillused it...it was a first date to...
if a chick stops giving you play for using a coupon at a dinner, axe her shallow @#@. crazy how society views status sometimes. its one thing to be cheap,but this is not being cheap. what is the big deal with handing the waiter a piece of paper to make the meal cheaper. thats what its there for. now ifcoupons are completely deciding where you go on a consistent basis, that may be a problem
I don't care if you're Lauren London, I'm whipping out the coupons. What is there to be embarrassed about?? just do it nonchalantly.
why not i dont need to spend money to get somewhere with a chick.....

reminded me when i left some party one time and some chick complained about a dude not buying her a drink wth is that nonsense
im not saying u gotta becheap and cant treat the girl but dont be a walk over either.
Sometimes I just feel like having Jack in the Box or Applebees $2 for $20 even on first dates. The conversation is more important than the food anyway. Weshould be so into it that we almost forget where we are and eat almost nothing. In that case the place won't matter too much anyhow.
he's just trying to save money.....for the next date and not you ----- with a different girl.
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