Have You Ever Fought A Female?

Oct 13, 2001
When you were a kid?

Stories? This could be good.
why did you change the title? i just listened to the first podcast

to answer the new question

I had mr Yocopin ( i $*!!@* up that spelling) in 3rd grade...he read Mr. Poppers Penguins and Beverly Clearly books to us...my favorite author as a child...

Mr. Karnezuski in 6th grade...he was old and always blowing his nose

Mr. Wilson in 9th grade...he's a registered sex offender now but we knew he was messing with students long before the school did...he was a decent teacher tho...i liked his class cuz it was easy and it was one of those classes everyone wanted to take so you were guaranteed to have some friends in one of his classes...

Mr. Waters senior year...it was AP History and he was a good teacher...most kids that never had him didn't like him cuz he didn't take and #@!@ but that was a good thing...

i had a guy for AP English one year in HS...i didn't like him or the class...he was kinda arrogant...thought he was to good to teach regular english

a few male PE...

damn i just realized you changed the title again... $%+@ it im still posting...i typed that #@!@ out
I realized I already had created an Art of Manliness thread. You can post that response there. You know I am on limited posting. LOL
Freshman year I was wrestling this chick for fun. She bit me on the shoulder so my first reaction as to jerk my shoulder away from her, it hit her nose and it started bleeding. We got hammered after that and there are no hard feelings.
Almost. In 5th grade. Cheated on a test and she snitched on me. I went to deck her and pulled up. Ended up mushing the hell out of her
i knocked a girl out when i was like 16, she threw a rock at my head...a big rock too, it hurt.

still wish i never hit her tho, but i'm never going to lie about it. I had to fight her pops after, pretty bad day
Uh..mouse.. clarify please.. what's happening here?

Never hit a girl, but I let a few fight me... never hurt much more than a little pride. But I'll trade pride for integrity any day. I don't hit females unless they're sexy
Originally Posted by BOTTOM74BOTTOM

Uh..mouse.. clarify please.. what's happening here?

the first title was are schools mean to cater to boys or something like that...

then it was how many male teachers you've had and now this %@@$...

to get on topic i've never been in a fight...
Originally Posted by BwooDFolkGD74

i knocked a girl out when i was like 16, she threw a rock at my head...a big rock too, it hurt.

still wish i never hit her tho, but i'm never going to lie about it. I had to fight her pops after, pretty bad day
My man went through the gauntlet, taking out family members one by one
once when i was 26 i went out to a locally spot to get wasted and when the night was over me and my two boys walked out the bar and were walking with these two females to their ride when we passed this other bar. well a group of ppl (three guys and three girls) came out being loud and acting stupid when one chick bumped one of the chicks that we were with. so we keep walking and the group starts yelling talking trash " yeah you better not say anything". we laughed about it and they seen we were laughing so they followed use around the corner and we started to throw down. well when i was fighting this one guy his girl decides to back him up and starts hitting me in the back of the head. as soon as this dude stepped back and with my reaction of still getting hit i turned around and knock this chic on her butt. i broke her noise and blood was everywhere. she was screaming that how can i hit a girl. at first i was like damn why did i do that but then i was like she shouldnt had step up to help her man. still makes me laugh just thinking about it.
yeap, in fourth grade. her name was pam strickland. and everybody swore she was like 3 years older than us and was held back like 3 times.

long story short, we lined up from the playground to go eat lunch, my boy pushes me in the line and i bump pam.

pam turns around and cocks back and gives me the pacman to the nose. that fight only had two hits, her hitting me and me hitting the ground.

didn't live that down for years. after that, NOBODY ever beat me up again, though.
Originally Posted by manny1

once when i was 26 i went out to a locally spot to get wasted and when the night was over me and my two boys walked out the bar and were walking with these two females to their ride when we passed this other bar. well a group of ppl (three guys and three girls) came out being loud and acting stupid when one chick bumped one of the chicks that we were with. so we keep walking and the group starts yelling talking trash " yeah you better not say anything". we laughed about it and they seen we were laughing so they followed use around the corner and we started to throw down. well when i was fighting this one guy his girl decides to back him up and starts hitting me in the back of the head. as soon as this dude stepped back and with my reaction of still getting hit i turned around and knock this chic on her butt. i broke her noise and blood was everywhere. she was screaming that how can i hit a girl. at first i was like damn why did i do that but then i was like she shouldnt had step up to help her man. still makes me laugh just thinking about it.

@ Pam Strickland
Well if you count shaking or pinning her down to the ground, yeah.

My ex girlfriend in HS was f'ing crazy. When we broke up, this broad came to my mom's house when I still lived at home at 7 in the morning tombout it's isn't over, I'm no good, yadi yadi yatta. Now my mother lives in a quiet area where the neighbors are quick to call in a violation. So after trying to get her to leave, my mom intervened (they were cool at a point) and tried to calm her down/get her to realize the relationship was finished. So she starts going off on my mother and runs into the guest room and locks the door. So I'm fussing with my mom about kicking her out and this girl comes out the room swinging. Caught me with like two to the face while I was trying to stay true to the whole men don't hit girls thing. Then she pushes me against the wall and I said f it. I grabbed her arms and shook her before pinning her down to the ground. When I see she's tired, I pick her up and take her outside the house... where she sat for like 2 hours.

Gotta love the A.
Originally Posted by manny1

once when i was 26 i went out to a locally spot to get wasted and when the night was over me and my two boys walked out the bar and were walking with these two females to their ride when we passed this other bar. well a group of ppl (three guys and three girls) came out being loud and acting stupid when one chick bumped one of the chicks that we were with. so we keep walking and the group starts yelling talking trash " yeah you better not say anything". we laughed about it and they seen we were laughing so they followed use around the corner and we started to throw down. well when i was fighting this one guy his girl decides to back him up and starts hitting me in the back of the head. as soon as this dude stepped back and with my reaction of still getting hit i turned around and knock this chic on her butt. i broke her noise and blood was everywhere. she was screaming that how can i hit a girl. at first i was like damn why did i do that but then i was like she shouldnt had step up to help her man. still makes me laugh just thinking about it.
I don't condone that at all, but really what did she think would happen
I accidentally sacked my ex. She was running behind me and we were play fighting and I went to back hand her on her thigh but she moved and it was POW right in the 
i fought a girl in third grade. at the time my mom told me to not let anyone hit me and get away with it. Shorty was little dikey even back then. She hit me in the balls over something after school so I swung on her. She swings back and we get into an all out brawl, she was just as big and strong as me back then. The fight didn't last more than like a minute or so but i got some good hits in. Next day she snitched on me and I'm up in the principals office with my mom and the phone and her parents in there. Shorty's all crying talking bout I just attacked her out of nowhere. I don't regret it cause she was always manly, she was one of the biggest bullys in school. If you ever see the HBO special hard times at Douglas high, the girl that fights her uncle in there is the same girl I fought.
the club was froze and hardly any space to move. this girl TRIES to pass in front of me and says move rudely. i was backed against a table and told her to go around. she didn't like that and then proceeded to push me with mal intent. so i rush her back. no where near ar hard ar she did me. i quickly got STOLE by her man. almost knocked me out. i stumble and gather to. the froze club quickly opened up like the red sea. we proceeded to bang. dude had no hands. i hit dude nasty and he buckles to the floor when his girl jumps at me yellin that's her husband. i land a clean flush hook to her face. she drops to the floor and is out. i get rushed by the husband. by that time my boys jump and start to work dude. ended up leavin the club and cops were lookin for me....... not worth it but if a B wanna act like a N then be prepared for the consequences.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by manny1

once when i was 26 i went out to a locally spot to get wasted and when the night was over me and my two boys walked out the bar and were walking with these two females to their ride when we passed this other bar. well a group of ppl (three guys and three girls) came out being loud and acting stupid when one chick bumped one of the chicks that we were with. so we keep walking and the group starts yelling talking trash " yeah you better not say anything". we laughed about it and they seen we were laughing so they followed use around the corner and we started to throw down. well when i was fighting this one guy his girl decides to back him up and starts hitting me in the back of the head. as soon as this dude stepped back and with my reaction of still getting hit i turned around and knock this chic on her butt. i broke her noise and blood was everywhere. she was screaming that how can i hit a girl. at first i was like damn why did i do that but then i was like she shouldnt had step up to help her man. still makes me laugh just thinking about it.

@ Pam Strickland

chick shoulnt have interfered to begin with.

birds wanna get a few cheap shots in and then play the "Cant hit a girl" card
I never hit a female but there was a time when this Puerto Rican chick smacked me twice and i chased her to the store and her !%+ tripped over some boxes and knocked down all the Potato chips.
nope. but honesty I don't care if you're a man, woman, child, ******, one of those angry geese in the park by the lake that like to chase people and scream on em, etc... run up on me and you're gonna get washed up. period.

I just want to be left alone, which is why I keep my hands to myself. Society would be in a much better place if we'd all start holding these women accountable for their actions, especially the ones who like to argue with you in the street over something as asinine as a parking space even after you've agreed to move but she still has to throw in "I FIGHT MEN, I DON'T CARE!"
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