HBO Michael Jackson doc 'Leaving Neverland'

Well he was EP on all those movies so he was major player. I never said they had the cultural impact that Thriller had, that would be asinine. I was more or less making a joke. Nothing really to read into.
not necessarily
an ep credit doesn't always mean that
Thriller era Mike was every bit as big as the Beatles and Elvis...I can’t think of a modern artist that he’d even be comparable to honestly...

Overall theme between RK, Weinstein, and Mike is that with enough money and influence a person can literally get away with all kinds of sick stuff for prolonged periods of time...
The Mike/ Beatles catalog story is one of the most underrated stories in black excellence. **** you thought this was Paul? Lol, just business homie.

This song is still the ****

This is a well known story but here's the question I've always had:

Doesn't this characterization of MJ as this genius dude with ruthless business acumen contradict the popular theory that "oh he was a pure innocent child himself so nothing suspect could have happened with these kids"?

Just a thought
I was telling my wife
If this is all true then why come back to it?? It looks bad on the accusers to do this NOW.
I don't know if either of these men are married or have kids of their own but if they are truly victims at a extremely young age, id like to think they went to some serious therapy and got help.

I watched half of the first episode and the details are crazy graphic that I was telling my wife that to do this now and go on TV of all places instead of some intense healing and therapy just looks bad.
Why would you put your family through all this?
Put out there that MJ graphically abused you like that??? Work on yourself and get well for your family/kids.

Also I find it odd that one of them still had the rings MJ had given him as presents to signify their relationship and favors they were doing to each other
If they went to actual therapy the first thing they would've worked through would be getting rid of that ish in particular so they could let go and heal.

I've been to therapy for my recovery and I had a huge shot glass collection, guess what the first thing my therapist made me get rid of.....

Something is not adding up to me.

Really hope at some episode in the future, therapy and healing are part of their lives now. Because this right here is counter productive to both their well beings assuming all of this went down.

HBO really went through with this, pretty crazy because this is graphic as hell
This is a well known story but here's the question I've always had:

Doesn't this characterization of MJ as this genius dude with ruthless business acumen contradict the popular theory that "oh he was a pure innocent child himself so nothing suspect could have happened with these kids"?

Just a thought
or the beatles were just as dumb as a bag of rocks
For those in the cancelling business why wouldn't having sleepovers with little boys PERIOD , be enough to #CancelMJ ?
I was telling my wife
If this is all true then why come back to it?? It looks bad on the accusers to do this NOW.
I don't know if either of these men are married or have kids of their own but if they are truly victims at a extremely young age, id like to think they went to some serious therapy and got help.

I watched half of the first episode and the details are crazy graphic that I was telling my wife that to do this now and go on TV of all places instead of some intense healing and therapy just looks bad.
Why would you put your family through all this?
Put out there that MJ graphically abused you like that??? Work on yourself and get well for your family/kids.

Also I find it odd that one of them still had the rings MJ had given him as presents to signify their relationship and favors they were doing to each other
If they went to actual therapy the first thing they would've worked through would be getting rid of that ish in particular so they could let go and heal.

I've been to therapy for my recovery and I had a huge shot glass collection, guess what the first thing my therapist made me get rid of.....

Something is not adding up to me.

Really hope at some episode in the future, therapy and healing are part of their lives now. Because this right here is counter productive to both their well beings assuming all of this went down.

HBO really went through with this, pretty crazy because this is graphic as hell

Are victims not able to speak publicly WHILE also getting therapy?

Why are you presenting it as an either/or thing?

Also, I get what you are saying about, "When is a good time" but that ain't up to us to determine or question when the optimal time is to come out (again).
Are victims not able to speak publicly WHILE also getting therapy?

Why are you presenting it as an either/or thing?

Also, I get what you are saying about, "When is a good time" but that ain't up to us to determine or question when the optimal time is to come out (again).
Nah ain’t up to us ur right
But hell we can still judge it
Let us find out that LeBron had sleepovers with Damon Jones Jr. or Zaire Wade, and sleeping in the same beds as them.

Yall would shame anybody that picked the Lakers in damn 2K.

But Mike gets to skate by.


Or the other MJ was messing with kids at his Gatorade commercials.
This is a well known story but here's the question I've always had:

Doesn't this characterization of MJ as this genius dude with ruthless business acumen contradict the popular theory that "oh he was a pure innocent child himself so nothing suspect could have happened with these kids"?

Just a thought

According to the story, MJ didn’t do it out of spite. He gave some of the songs back to the estates of other artists who songs were included in the catalog such as Elvis’. He was a fan of the Beatles as well. Paul just underestimated Mike’s power and wealth at the time and thought if the company couldn’t get a buyer he could get back the song rights for cheap.
This was a full-sized painting in MJ's home. Thoughts? Red flag or nah?

Finished Part One last night (probably should've went to bed) but wow. The details the two went into were crazy.

Did anyone from his family have any concern of his interest with wanting to hang out with kids all the time?
That's not how child abuse works. These kids were pre pubescent aged and led to believe by MJ (an adult larger than life pop icon) that this type of behavior was okay, but to "pinky swear" to keep it a secret.

They even described the abuse as almost bonding in nature.

I've worked with survivors of abuse and this dynamic is not out of the ordinary.

You kind of intentionally missed my point.

I didn’t make that comment to say that it invalidated their claims.
You kind of intentionally missed my point.

I didn’t make that comment to say that it invalidated their claims.

I know. You just seemed surprised that the kids would be jealous that someone that abused them was now rejecting them socially.

Just saying that it's not unrealistic in these scenarios, despite how whacky it seems on the surface.
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