HBO Michael Jackson doc 'Leaving Neverland'

This was a full-sized painting in MJ's home. Thoughts? Red flag or nah?

Yo ya'll think MJ was 100% white like this? pause.
Just my opinion but a lot of ignorance being floated around this entire thing...

But when you dig deep into how this stuff works you realize that, sadly, more parents than not would have fallen for this exact scheme in the MJ 1980's. So that needs to be taken into account.

Ok so since you “dug so deep” how did you arrive at the conclusion that “more parents than not would have fallen for this exact scheme”?

That’s pure conjecture.

While there are definitely more parents beyond the two in this film that wild have let this happen to their kids, there are no solid facts that allow you to come to the conclusion that you came to.

You may even know a lot of bad parents, but that still doesn’t mean “more than not” would have gone for some BS like this.

That’s gotta be included in the ignorance that you claim is floating around.
Ok so since you “dug so deep” how did you arrive at the conclusion that “more parents than not would have fallen for this exact scheme”?

That’s pure conjecture.

While there are definitely more parents beyond the two in this film that wild have let this happen to their kids, there are no solid facts that allow you to come to the conclusion that you came to.

You may even know a lot of bad parents, but that still doesn’t mean “more than not” would have gone for some BS like this.

That’s gotta be included in the ignorance that you claim is floating around.
Go and ahead and do that then if it helps ya.

Perhaps the wording was wrong there. Let's go with "more parents than you think."

I don't know how old you are or if you were around at that time, with Michael's status in the world, no checks and balance social media, etc. But low to mid class parents having their kids invited over to 1987 Michael Jackson's house would have fallen hook line and sinker for his "why don't you just have your son hang here with me? It will be fun, we'll take care of him." This was literally God inviting a child to the gates. The 80's media had him made out to be Mother Theresa and only he cares about our children of the world.

Think about that theme in the background when Michael says in 1987 to your lottery-winning child "Hey why don't you just hang and play here?"
Go and ahead and do that then if it helps ya.

Perhaps the wording was wrong there. Let's go with "more parents than you think."

I don't know how old you are or if you were around at that time, with Michael's status in the world, no checks and balance social media, etc. But low to mid class parents having their kids invited over to 1987 Michael Jackson's house would have fallen hook line and sinker for his "why don't you just have your son hang here with me? It will be fun, we'll take care of him." This was literally God inviting a child to the gates. The 80's media had him made out to be Mother Theresa and only he cares about our children of the world.

Think about that theme in the background when Michael says in 1987 to your lottery-winning child "Hey why don't you just hang and play here?"

Perhaps? LOL!

What you said at first was absurd. And it was especially absurd because you opened your comment with how much "ignorance" you believed to be floating around the discussion. You followed that up with a broad sweeping generalization not based in fact...

Now what you're saying sounds more realistic and less absolute.

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I didn't need to see this doc to know my favorite musician was bonkers. It took me some years into my adulthood to actually become a fan of the music again. Right or wrong, I've chosen to celebrate the music, not the man. I could never completely cancel the music. In a way, the two are totally independent, or at least that is MY coping mechanism. From the addictions to the relationships, it's clear that the man wasn't all there upstairs. I wholeheartedly believe growing up in the limelight was the worst thing to happen to the man. Please note that this is not an excuse for any behavior that affects others.

Whatever narrative you choose to believe, you must agree that society failed all of us here. No one smacked the kufi off his head early enough to avoid this legacy we have today.

PS, these ****** ODed on the drone footage. Feel like they could've knocked at least 1/2 hr off with that alone.
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Serious question - you letting your kids get in the bed with the king of pop?

I wouldn’t let my children get in bed with any adult that wasn’t me or their mother. Mike didn’t let his kids get in another adults bed either. The kids he was around were underprivileged kids and homie felt like he had an obligation to heal the world. We can call it at the least weird but if Mike wanted to play with kids, he would’ve just bought some from the orphanages of Bangkok or something.
I wouldn’t let my children get in bed with any adult that wasn’t me or their mother. Mike didn’t let his kids get in another adults bed either. The kids he was around were underprivileged kids and homie felt like he had an obligation to heal the world. We can call it at the least weird but if Mike wanted to play with kids, he would’ve just bought some from the orphanages of Bangkok or something.

Without taking into account the claims of pedophilia do you accept that MJ went well beyond the line of accepted behavior?
I was telling my wife
If this is all true then why come back to it?? It looks bad on the accusers to do this NOW.
I don't know if either of these men are married or have kids of their own but if they are truly victims at a extremely young age, id like to think they went to some serious therapy and got help.

I watched half of the first episode and the details are crazy graphic that I was telling my wife that to do this now and go on TV of all places instead of some intense healing and therapy just looks bad.
Why would you put your family through all this?
Put out there that MJ graphically abused you like that??? Work on yourself and get well for your family/kids.

Also I find it odd that one of them still had the rings MJ had given him as presents to signify their relationship and favors they were doing to each other
If they went to actual therapy the first thing they would've worked through would be getting rid of that ish in particular so they could let go and heal.

I've been to therapy for my recovery and I had a huge shot glass collection, guess what the first thing my therapist made me get rid of.....

Something is not adding up to me.

Really hope at some episode in the future, therapy and healing are part of their lives now. Because this right here is counter productive to both their well beings assuming all of this went down.

HBO really went through with this, pretty crazy because this is graphic as hell

So I guess to answer this question, it looks like at the end of Part 2 they burn all of their MJ memorabilia in a big bonfire.

Kind of messes up the "they're in it for the money" argument because all that **** would easily sell
You can tell by the posts in the thread that everyone’s jaw is on the floor.

I’ve never seen post after post after posts that exceed 200words, on NT.

Folks have a lot to say about this.

This is a lot to digest.
So I guess to answer this question, it looks like at the end of Part 2 they burn all of their MJ memorabilia in a big bonfire.

Kind of messes up the "they're in it for the money" argument because all that **** would easily sell
No telling what they were burning.
A little editing and they swapped real MJ memorabilia out for the Swapmeat special and tossed it in the bonfire. (Still watching ep1)
So I guess to answer this question, it looks like at the end of Part 2 they burn all of their MJ memorabilia in a big bonfire.

Kind of messes up the "they're in it for the money" argument because all that **** would easily sell

Wade already sold memorabilia in the past. He tried to sell the stuff anonymously, but the auction house wouldn't allow it.
I don’t want to believe these stories, but I’m no fool either.

Like, folks say(even I made mention of it) Wade defended him at trial and is only coming out now because he lost the Cicque Du Soliel job and fame slipped away from him so this is his last straw but,’s easy to see how these boys see/saw no wrong and would want to defend him. I mean even now you can tell they are looking back on times of enjoyment, not horror moments. These were real “love” moments for them too, ecaue they were warped, taught this behavior.

They aren’t pissed at MJ even now!
That is how “in love” they were and probably still are.

This is wild crazy, but I believe every word of it.
It still seems as though Jimmy and Wade realize now, as adults...that this wasn’t okay, but they are victims man, still, and something inside them is saying it wasn’t Bad. So sad. So so sad.
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