The sad reality is that the kids will win no matter what. As Ken said they are still rich and will be more so if the deal goes through. Rich people don’t lose. Even if they lose Waystar or don’t get to become CEO they will start other ventures with the billions they have.

This reminds me of the Giannis failure comments but I won't take this there :lol:
I think this is the most likely ending although I'm not exactly sure how it will play out or who will run the company but I don't think it will be one of the kids.

The show was big on the idea of Logan being multiple steps ahead of the kids. The show always hammered home that Logan always wins.

He sold the company, in part, because he realized that none of his kids were qualified to run the company and he thought Mattson would do a better job.

The episode before he died, he basically told his kids that he didn't believe in them and that they "were not serious people".

I think in the end Logan is still going to win from beyond the grave, I'm just not sure how yet

Last ep its revealed Logan had a secret other family all along and his namesake son, Logan Roy II (a de-aged Logan), becomes CEO

Logan next ep
What are some of your favorite Succession moments or scenes?

Mine is this one

You can’t make a Tomlette without breaking some Gregs.😂 😂

i think thats my favorite as well.......Tom is GOLD

the whole MO lester thing was bonkers

loved Ken listening to rap and his rap s1 - L to da OG
Ya Tom became a bird the Swallow, seemed like a Greg storyline "I was drinking things that aren't normally drinks"
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