HBO: "Westworld"...Cancelled After 4 Seasons

Pretty good finale, but like someone said the fan theories ruined the reveals :lol:

Season 2 will be a survival of the fittest type of show. Going to be crazy, can't wait, but at the same time i can see people not choosing to watch it. This wont replace GoT for HBO afterall. Back to the finding that elusive replacement. Watch they end up doing a spinoff because they're desperate :smh:
I really thought I'd be upset with the multiple timeline theory, but it was handled pretty well. Billy the ultimate simp though. Dude went full savage because he got friendzoned by a robot and ego tripped on his bro in law. But it was laid out well.
William is like that friend that falls in love with a stripper at a strip joint, and swears "but, shes different".

Then gets emotionally crushed and starts drinking too much when he sees said stripper sitting on another dudes lap telling him a night with her only costs 40 thousand dollars.
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Then gets emotionally crushed and starts drinking too much when he sees said stripper sitting on another dudes lap telling him a night with her only costs 40 thousand dollars.

Then he goes on a stripper killing spree where in the end of all the chaos he "finds himself", buys the strip club, and plans to make sure that all the strippers from here on out can REALLY fall in love with the guys not just pretend.
I dont see how someone comes out of this series thinking Ford came out soft in the end

whether he really died or not
He didn't have his own agenda just a different perspective.

In the end, he was doing the same thing Arnold was gonna do, free a bunch of robots. Only he tortured them because they "needed" it and they needed to time to know their enemy a.k.a. humanity.

To me that's soft.

Now if Ford is alive, everything he said to Bernard was a lie and this was just a plot to kill and/or scare the Delos board then maybe that'd be cool but I question if Hopkins is returning at all.

Ford didn't die

I don't think he died either. That host that was being made when he made Bernard kill ole girl was his copy.
I thought of this too since it didn't come in to play but that's a wait and see thing. They could hold off that reveal until the end of S2.

the park is real now.

my complaint early on was that the park seemed too fake for someone to spend $45k fighting people you knew couldn't beat you. what's the fun when you're invincible and the girls can't say no.

it has changed now. i think people will still come, but it will be life or death, for everyone. instead of hunting lions from the safety of the cage, it'll be a most dangerous game.

now that the shackles are off, things will evolve. the question is if humans will still be a part of the new world.
I'm not paying 40k+ for real life. That's dumb and whack. At that point you wasting money on a western experience.

Well, the hosts can beat you. You just don't die. Didn't understand how when teddy shot black bill in the first episode, he wasn't fazed and in this episode he got knocked to the ground.
He was much weaker after Dolores-Wyatt beat the **** out of him and broke his arm.

Gun shots from hosts still hurt and can make you pass out if you can't endure the pain.
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Some thoughts:

- I really hope that Ford is dead. It would be silly to have him pop up again after everything that went down this season. As Nolan kind of alluded to in the post-credits show, season 1 was the first part of Ford's plan in motion. I probably have to rewatch to make sense of everything that was just explained in the finale, but it seems like in general, Ford wanted to be remembered as an artist and a creator, so it makes sense for him to put his plan into motion and to bow out (Mozart and Beethoven didnt die, they became music). And after experiencing suffering with the loss of Arnold, he realized what Arnold was right, his mission became to help the hosts attain consciousness and then enjoy freedom over their own world. I thought the handshake with Bernard was more a dramatic passing of the torch to the rightful owners of that world, than some camera trick.

- The man in black/william is definitely not dead and out of the game in season 2. A shot to the arm never stops anybody in a tv show. He even had that look of joy once he realized that it's all real. He'll be a big player in s2 and probably thrive bc he knows WW better than anyone.

- I'd bet that the writers intended to show that Maeve did gain trueconsciousness when she got off the train. She 'made her own choice' (Ford was saying something like this while they showed her decide to get off the train) for once when she got out of her program which would have led her to the 'mainland'.

- My only complaint w/ this show was w/ the Asian and White repair technicians. I get now that Ford probably orchestrated Maeve's awakening and revolt, which could explain all of the poor security and lack of surveillance around her. And the white guy was mostly forced into doing things bc Maeve had dirt on him, even though he couldve handled things in a much more intelligent way rather than be blackmailed. But they didn't do a good job of explaining why the Asian guy was so willing to help her, besides looking confused and scared all the time. My guess is that they wanted him to be compassionate and accepting of artificial life (he briefly reveled in bringing a fake bird back to life and he also wanted to make sure Maeve was ok when leaving), but the way the show played out and with his bad acting with the same face on 100% of the time, he seemed to just be an idiot motivated by fear and shock (and a promotion) rather than someone who felt sympathetic to other forms of life.

either way i liked how the season played out. It was a cool mystery where everything unraveled and was tied up neatly in the end. looking forward to s2
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I really thought I'd be upset with the multiple timeline theory, but it was handled pretty well. Billy the ultimate simp though. Dude went full savage because he got friendzoned by a robot and ego tripped on his bro in law. But it was laid out well.

it wasn't multiple timelines, as in alternate outcomes, rather different periods of a single timeline, but i guess it kinda would be feel like alternative realities to the hosts...given how it played it out, is it for sure that william really had feels for delores? or was he whole time plotting on his brother-in-law trying (had to have died or otherwise disappeared right?) to get him further out into the park? it may have started with having some emotions for delores, but it seems that it was pretty short lived...

Then gets emotionally crushed and starts drinking too much when he sees said stripper sitting on another dudes lap telling him a night with her only costs 40 thousand dollars.

Then he goes on a stripper killing spree where in the end of all the chaos he "finds himself", buys the strip club, and plans to make sure that all the strippers from here on out can REALLY fall in love with the guys not just pretend.

i think it would be more, guy gets in good with a wealthy family who owns a struggling strip club, visits it with his brother-in-law, meets stripper, swears "she's different," then comes to find out the strip club is just an enormous happy hour bar with a stash house somewhere on the premises and the stripper was in with the construction crew, so he gets rid of the brother-in-law buys said bar in hopes of turning it into a brothel and tries to get the stripper to reveal the stash...
Now that they showed Samurai world. I hope they incorporate some of those other worlds in Season 2.
I'd pay 45K a day to get my Ruroni Kenshin on. No brainer.

Also I'm glad all the "theories" that a bunch of people in this thread were complaining about were proven true. After a couple episodes, it was obvious that the creators laid it out in front of us. Multiple timelines, MIB = William, Dolores being Wyatt. Good to see a show provide hints and subtext and actually have it mean something. Reward you for paying attention.
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as far as the hosts not being able to repair themselves, i was on that discoverwestworld site tinkering around and aeden (who now has an attitude lol) mentions to you that the hosts have taken over the livestock area and are doing some really wild stuff with a horse skeleton. so i believe it's safe to say that they are going to be doing repairs to themselves and will be taking advantage of the weapons (which aeden also mentions they have been discovering) in the coming seasons
I seem to interpret Maeve's decisionto leave the train differently. Didn't Felix say something about all of her movements (coercing, recruiting, etc.) being programmed? The last line of that scene he said "then you get on the train and...", at that moment Maeve destroys the tablet and says "These are my decisions!". My thinking is that her decision to leave the train was programmed into her and she just thinks it was her decision.

Also, why is Felix helping Maeve? What are his motivations? Now he's fearing for his life but earlier why did he help her? Why not just shut her down? Especially are she killed Sylvester I'd say "forget helping this crazy host."

Why did we see Sylvester back alive in his episode? Was that just a flashback or did I miss something?
I seem to interpret Maeve's decisionto leave the train differently. Didn't Felix say something about all of her movements (coercing, recruiting, etc.) being programmed? The last line of that scene he said "then you get on the train and...", at that moment Maeve destroys the tablet and says "These are my decisions!". My thinking is that her decision to leave the train was programmed into her and she just thinks it was her decision.

Also, why is Felix helping Maeve? What are his motivations? Now he's fearing for his life but earlier why did he help her? Why not just shut her down? Especially are she killed Sylvester I'd say "forget helping this crazy host."

Why did we see Sylvester back alive in his episode? Was that just a flashback or did I miss something?

Sylvester didn't die, he got his throat slashed, then Maeve had Felix repair his throat so he wouldn't die remember? The whole Maeve and her two lab minions part of the show was rediculous. Could've gone without all that really
Sylvester didn't die, he got his throat slashed, then Maeve had Felix repair his throat so he wouldn't die remember? The whole Maeve and her two lab minions part of the show was rediculous. Could've gone without all that really

Good call on fixing Sylvester's throat. I thought that was just a futile attemp to save him, I didn't think it was supposed to work. Apparently you can fix a human's throat by just soldering it shut. Who knew?! He should still have died from internal bleeding unless they have some crazy technology in the future that makes stuff like that easy to fix. I'll suspend my belief on that one. I legit thought that Felix and Sylvester were hosts just by how illogical they were acting. Do they ever stop to wonder why they're helping her? It's just such an odd and out of place story arc that there must be a logical explanation for it. I understand its needed to push the story along but they could have done it in a smarter way.

Also, if they staff at Westworld has cameras on all of the lab facilities like they showed in this episode, how have they not figured out that Maeve is running amock?
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Dudes mad at Maeve storyline forgetting that it's predetermined. Someone wrote her *** to get off the train.
Dudes mad at Maeve storyline forgetting that it's predetermined. Someone wrote her *** to get off the train.
i thought the point of her getting off the train was that she reached her point of consciousness and made her own decision...?

and its just they put all this time in her storyline about her leaving and then and the last second she just flips and her whole plot was just a waste of time. 
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Also, if they staff at Westworld has cameras on all of the lab facilities like they showed in this episode, how have they not figured out that Maeve is running amock?

mad inconsistent with this, sometimes they could tell when a host was off their loop or script other times, they are clueless...there is obviously surveillance throughout the facilities (i'd imagine the whole park but we at least know there is in the lab/office portions) but there is failure to notice pretty suspect occurrences or it isn't used at all...
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I got Maeve being written to more or less "feel" love by getting off the train, after learning and feeling the loss of her "daughter." She's not replicating the idea of loss/pain, and she may be to the point where she's past the idea of just replicating love now. To be more human, pass through the uncanny valley.
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i thought the point of her getting off the train was that she reached her point of consciousness and made her own decision...?

and its just they put all this time in her storyline about her leaving and then and the last second she just flips and her whole plot was just a waste of time. 

Rewatch that scene with Maeve and Felix when they fix up Bernard. Everything from how she's recruited the hosts to her coercing the lab techs has been scripted. Th last line of that scene Felix said "then you get on the train and...", at that moment Maeve destroys the tablet and says "These are my decisions!". She was being controlled the whole time. It's part of her story.
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