HBO: "Westworld"...Cancelled After 4 Seasons

He tormented and tortured them so that the hosts know their enemies. Also, plot.

I Understood that coming from Ford, but is that consciousness? that def isn't what Arnold had in mind to achieve consciousness. he literally rather kill himself than subject his creations to Humans.

Consciousness would be the host creating their own ideas and thoughts, by subjecting them to human torture & allowing them to remember it, Ford skewed their views on Humans and directly influenced their conscience as a result of what was done to them.
just finished episode 6...

they told me I should avoid this thread and just finish the season :lol:

reading through the first few pages and "theories" already being thrown out :lol: :smh:

Think I'm going to finish the season tonight so I can read through this thread.
He would if it meant his death would be a catalyst for his creations to truly be free.

Well, If Ford was the one that changed Maeve's story so she can orchestrate the break out/diversion, then he would have let her go free into the world and not return. Again, It seems as if Bernard was just about to tell her how the story played out at the train but she didn't want to hear it.
I don't think so. As far as consciousness, Maeve turned down all her stats for empathy from what I remember. Her having feelings for a child she knows isn't real was something she developed on her own and guided her decision to leave the train. IMO.
The reason Maeve didn't let Bernard finish was to do exactly this, get us to draw our own conclusions, to ignite discussions amongst the viewers and keep us can't any of you grasp that concept :rofl:

that definitely was the end result but i doubt that was the goal, i think the writers of the show genuinely enjoy using ambiguity as a plot devices and it does however leave them options for them to spin storylines...

He tormented and tortured them so that the hosts know their enemies. Also, plot.

I Understood that coming from Ford, but is that consciousness? that def isn't what Arnold had in mind to achieve consciousness. he literally rather kill himself than subject his creations to Humans.

Consciousness would be the host creating their own ideas and thoughts, by subjecting them to human torture & allowing them to remember it, Ford skewed their views on Humans and directly influenced their conscience as a result of what was done to them.

i think this is a key point, to an extent ford sort admits the host already are semi-autonomous & have consciousness, it is just that he is in control of it (and this is more the question, are the hosts making decisions that they haven't been programmed to make?)...when he says the hosts needed 'time' to understand their human enemy, i took that to mean similar to machine learning today, they just needed more data/reps, and the 'reveries' basically unlocked that data; which maybe relates to the cornerstone concept of defining something about how their programmed personality
Was a bit disappointed in the finale, thought it would be way more lit. I enjoyed the snow, but it was a bit predictable. I didn't follow this thread as I watched the show, but had an idea how everything would end. Not sure if I'll be back for season 2. The dude who played Bernard did a good job and he too should be nominated for an award like Harris and Hopkins.
Was a bit disappointed in the finale, thought it would be way more lit. I enjoyed the snow, but it was a bit predictable. I didn't follow this thread as I watched the show, but had an idea how everything would end. Not sure if I'll be back for season 2. The dude who played Bernard did a good job and he too should be nominated for an award like Harris and Hopkins.

This is almost word for word how I felt
A genius with a God Complex is not going out that easy.Especially being killed by one of his creations.

He would if it meant his death would be a catalyst for his creations to truly be free.
He sort of said this to Bernard but it's quite possible he's a bigger monster and doesn't give a **** about any of that.

I know I wouldn't. If I came across this code that leads to A.I. when all I want to do is have my own park to tell interactive period piece stories and make money I'd scrap this code and start from scratch, if I just want life like robots.
He would if it meant his death would be a catalyst for his creations to truly be free.

Well, If Ford was the one that changed Maeve's story so she can orchestrate the break out/diversion, then he would have let her go free into the world and not return. Again, It seems as if Bernard was just about to tell her how the story played out at the train but she didn't want to hear it.
We never learned what her full narrative was cuz she destroyed the tablet.

Bernard read it as she goes on the train and then *breaks tablet*

It could easily have been she goes on the train but then thoughts of her "daughter" force Maeve to return to find her.

That's a nice sappy narrative Ford likes to throw in there like the one he did for that Teddy/Dolores scene where she does on the beach.

Theoretically, it's totally possible that Ford isn't dead, and he's controlling all of the hosts from some dark basement with a view screen quote eased with himself.

Now I think Ford is dead but that's cuz I think Hopkins is one and done/HBO couldn't convince him to do more.

If they did though, it'd be a great S2 finale reveal for him to come out from behind the curtain on some Oz **** and assert his iron grip over all of the hosts again.

Ford isn't dead. Everything the man did up until this point was to get his way. He is still pulling the strings. The board and everyone that wanted him to retire is locked inside that park. Everyone who saw him "kill" himself is in that park. He is banking on the new narrative of these killer host to wipe them all out and then he will come back and hit the hard reset on all the host. I sure he has a true "new narrative" that he will introduce but he needs to get rid of all the people that wanted to take the power from him.

Also I believe Maeve didn't reach true consciousness. Right before they made their exit Bernard was showing her that this was all part of the plan and when she gets to the train...bam, she cut him off cause she didnt want to hear it. She wanted to feel like she was in control. I think Bernard was going to tell her that she would make her way back into park. Ford planned all of this :smokin
Exactly! This would be a dope reveal for s2. Don't think it's likely at the moment.
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just finished episode 6...

they told me I should avoid this thread and just finish the season

reading through the first few pages and "theories" already being thrown out

Think I'm going to finish the season tonight so I can read through this thread.

the last 2-3 episodes heats up
man unless I missed it in the finale, they ever say the location of the park? I was really banking on the fact she would leave on that train and it would be explained, but she ended up staying...

Ford's plan is cool and all, but how does he cover any of this up to the world and the people who bought tix or are possibly on their way to WW? If the park is popular(i garner it is) this would be front page news whether an explanation is given or not. I wish they introduced how the world outside the park actually is, even in snippets or dialogue

my wife also believes that Tessa is Maeve's daughter, like all the board members/they're family members were original models for hosts or maybe Ford gave them that as a gift, or maybe Ford just built Maeve for the exact moment she runs into Tessa to F with her head, while she's trapped in season 2. Wife also said Delores was Wyatt ever since they introduced Wyatt and that narrative, im like WTF are you even talking about man?? she just kept sayin "Delores is Wyatt" every week

then the finale comes and im like :stoneface:
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More worlds, more fun. But why was Delos interested in Westworld in particular? I guess they had hosts who were closest to reaching consciousness?
samurai world would be nuts  

only swords... 

fam. you gotta be a real man to challenge a street cat to a duel. 

and then you got the ninjas mobbing on cats
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i can see season 2 going the way of the second season of the wire and turn many fans off (temporarily) because of the environment changes and unfamiliar ("foreign") characters. i learned my lesson, i loved the second season of the wire when i gave it a real chance
Logan was more upfront about who he was as a person than William ever was. Logan was even correct about who William was as a person. However I do question if going on crazy murderous sprees on man made creations is anything similar to how they say killing animals is a sign of sociopathic behavior.

Based on William's development and his joy at the hosts actually wounding him in the last episode I'd say it's pretty close :lol:
I don't even understand what he did to Logan. Just stripped him naked and sent him off on a horse? :lol: How did that end up making Logan's father choose him over Logan as the successor to the company? Can't Logan just explain that William is a psychopath?
i can see season 2 going the way of the second season of the wire and turn many fans off (temporarily) because of the environment changes and unfamiliar ("foreign") characters. i learned my lesson, i loved the second season of the wire when i gave it a real chance

I enjoyed the first season so much, and the way it ended, that I'm thinking I might not watch the rest of the series.

I'll probably be bored one day though when the second season comes out, and give in.
I don't even understand what he did to Logan. Just stripped him naked and sent him off on a horse? :lol: How did that end up making Logan's father choose him over Logan as the successor to the company? Can't Logan just explain that William is a psychopath?

I'm guessing that horse just kept running and Logan died (he was tied to the horse). That or it blew up when it reached the end of the park. I could be wrong, but I don't believe they had the surveillance/tech in the early days like they did in present time.

He ended up marrying logans sister, and this was able to access the fortune.
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I don't even understand what he did to Logan. Just stripped him naked and sent him off on a horse? :lol: How did that end up making Logan's father choose him over Logan as the successor to the company? Can't Logan just explain that William is a psychopath?
Either he died during that time period, seeing as 30 years back they were still working out the various issues with Westworld, or he just made Logan look extremely irresponsible and not fit for a CEO position. Can't have the man in charge losing his composure with your investment, riding around delirious and naked :lol:
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lulz at ford the gawd being dead. he was chilling with 5 thot robbots in his secret cave watching the final scene unfold with robbot ford :nthat:

so dolores is wyatt or has the program in her?

i think xerxes is still alive. wonder if prince caspian is alive 30 yrs later and is plotting revenge.

so bernard is awake now right?

dont know if anyone noticed but the tech that gave meave the purse said inside is everything you need. when she hops off the train she left the purse. if she was controlled by ford up until she was awake and left the train, i wonder if ford sneaked out some data or important info in that purse.

great series. they did a great job wrapping it up. there are many ways they can go with season 2. cant wait.
I don't even get a samurai world from a safety standpoint :lol: Like in Westworld they Can shoot you in the head and if they fight you can't choke you to death.

They gonna have samurai not decapitate guests? :lol: The hosts gonna slow down when they try to run you through? All guests gonna be cool with gettings deep cuts? Hosts gonna be programmed to avoid arteries?

Logan was more upfront about who he was as a person than William ever was. Logan was even correct about who William was as a person. However I do question if going on crazy murderous sprees on man made creations is anything similar to how they say killing animals is a sign of sociopathic behavior.

Based on William's development and his joy at the hosts actually wounding him in the last episode I'd say it's pretty close :lol:
He's definitely a sadist.

Not necessarily a psychopath cuz deep down he's killing robots and knows that even if they're sentient and even if he got what he wanted and they could kill him.

As far as killing hosts he's like a big game Hunter that decides to hunt the greatest prey, man. Looking for a challenge.

I don't even understand what he did to Logan. Just stripped him naked and sent him off on a horse? :lol: How did that end up making Logan's father choose him over Logan as the successor to the company? Can't Logan just explain that William is a psychopath?
I'd like to think in the real world he just proved himself after he married Logan's sister.

Can't see him killing Logan, it being covered up, and then his dad being cool with giving money to the park where his son was found naked on a horse :lol:

Also I figured William does that cuz it hurts.
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I just can't see HBO casting a large asian cast or white washing a large asian cast tbh

the idea of Samurai World is cool, but just don't see HBO doing it
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