HBO's Series: Game of Thrones (4/17, 9:00-10:05 p.m. ET/PT)

I'm gonna get a chance to sit on the throne this weekend
damn they set ned up...

i never watch a show like this more than once but i could probably watch the first season a third time after i finish it the second time
damn they set ned up...

i never watch a show like this more than once but i could probably watch the first season a third time after i finish it the second time
Just picked up season one on blu-ray.  Heard really good things about this show so I'm looking forward to watching it. 
Just picked up season one on blu-ray.  Heard really good things about this show so I'm looking forward to watching it. 
Originally Posted by Vendetta

Originally Posted by Spidermachine916

where can we read theon's chapter for the next book again?

Hopefully he finishes in the next three years lol
I also demand POV chapters from Littlefinger and Varys!
I think he also read an Ariane chapter at ComicCon last year.  I wish he would post that one too.  Can't wait until they cast some sexy piece to play her 
.  Out of all the places in the Seven Kingdoms, Dorne seems the most interesting place.  I wish I would've took my time reading the books.  Now I'll have to wait forever for book 6 
Watching these new trailers for season 2 has got me pumped.  It made me love Dani all over again and her nakedness on screen.  I've gotten a little annoyed with her in the books and was reminded that she is still a teenage girl who makes dumb decisions.
Originally Posted by Vendetta

Originally Posted by Spidermachine916

where can we read theon's chapter for the next book again?

Hopefully he finishes in the next three years lol
I also demand POV chapters from Littlefinger and Varys!
I think he also read an Ariane chapter at ComicCon last year.  I wish he would post that one too.  Can't wait until they cast some sexy piece to play her 
.  Out of all the places in the Seven Kingdoms, Dorne seems the most interesting place.  I wish I would've took my time reading the books.  Now I'll have to wait forever for book 6 
Watching these new trailers for season 2 has got me pumped.  It made me love Dani all over again and her nakedness on screen.  I've gotten a little annoyed with her in the books and was reminded that she is still a teenage girl who makes dumb decisions.
Originally Posted by Spidermachine916

Araine....who's that?
the Princess of Dorne. She's a memeber of the Martell family. she wont be a major player until the 4th book/season, assuming every season will encompass a single book
Originally Posted by Spidermachine916

Araine....who's that?
the Princess of Dorne. She's a memeber of the Martell family. she wont be a major player until the 4th book/season, assuming every season will encompass a single book
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