Hello, I'm No On Prop 8

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Bastitch

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Being gay is a CHOICE. People need to stop saying "What if the girl was naturally attracted to other girls?". What if I'm attracted to kiddie porn? Wouldn't many say that its wrong and perverted? What if I said there is nothing wrong with a Man loving a child? I bet it'll be a freaking uproar and I'd be on the run. How the heck are you born with a sexual preference? Thats like saying I was born loving hot wings. It would be crazy. I tasted hot wings and I like them. They may be bad for me but they taste good. Doesn't the same apply for Gay people?

Whether you want to acknowledge that being gay is not a choice or not, comparing it to child pornography is way off base considering with child pornography, a minor is being EXPLOITED for the benefit of adults.

If people that truly thought that homosexuality was a "choice" why aren't they out there leading the crusade to fight the "causes" of homosexuality?

It's because they can't identify the causes because these "causes" don't exist.

OK I agree. I used a stupid example.

So your basically sayiny you think little billy was born digging guys?
Basically, you're saying you can't refute anything I just said.

If homosexuality is nurtured, then that would mean that their are causes of homosexuality. If your main qualm is that homosexuality is a choice, where are allthe advocates for homosexuality prevention? Why does fight against homosexuality take place after the fact? Why are you arguing against homosexual marriageinstead of fighting for the prevention of homosexuality?

The nature vs. nurture discussion when it comes to homosexuality is a scientific one. But it's very rare that those against it will climb out to refutehomosexuality from behind the cloak of morality and/or religion. Until then, it's really just a pointless debate.
Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

But at the same time, if Jesus Christ ate at the table with sinners then why can't we? Jesus denied no one and I would bet my bottom dollar he wouldn't deny gays or married gays.
Oh noez you didn't. Oh noez! you didn't. Yes Jesus ate with sinners but he NEVER WENT AGAINST HIS FATHERS WORD! I am shocked and spechless.
And how exactly would accepting gays be going against God's word?
Bro, what he's really trying to say is that God's word isn't going against gays, but the sanctity of marriage that was created by God. Granted Jesus died for all of our sins, whether it be murder or individuals being gay.

There's a fine line in regards to the definition of marriage. Some find it to be just a word and others find it to be a gift of God. In the end, no one on both sides, has the right to judge anyone in regards to whether they vote yes or no.

I'm voting yes, but you don't see me calling anyone or judging anyone of voting no as a heathen.

I respect the whole "God's Gift" marriage between man and woman and that they're supposed to be together until death do thempart, I really do. But there are just too many "religious heads" out there who always say "Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve" but aren'tout there crusading against divorce.

Do those same people know the story about "Adam and Lilith?" Yes, Lilith. Adam's FIRST wife who was created from the same mold as Adam. Theone he was not pleased with, the very first divorce.
Yes on Prop 8 and I'm not from Cali. Just goes against my beliefs.

at you hoping that someone's kid becomes gay. My kid had better not be gay.

Why do people insist on arguing that people are born gay? You aren't born gay, it's a choice. Like people aren't born racists, it's a choice.People aren't born evil, it's a choice. Stop it with that BS argument.

To people that think religion has anything to do with this is blind. This country is run by corporations and if gays are allowed to marry the insuranceindustry is going to take a huge blow.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Kickmatic23 wrote:
eaalto wrote:
I wish religion didn't exist........
i was about to say the same thing.. religion %$@## everything up.. without religion there might be more peace on this planet

Education > Religion

The more you educate yourself, the more you realize religion is full of $%#! and nothing more than the oldest form of mind control.

You're just as close-minded as you're making everyone else out to be homie.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

You seriously are one of the most ignorant people I have come across, what's even more sad is there are a lot of people with your outlook.
Your lack of education is magnified on so many levels. It's no wonder why this world is in such dire straits, your whole religious outlook is nothing but hypocrisy.
Thanks I'm always looking for your approval
. My views are my views. If I don't agree then I don't agree. I refuse to lie down for man and go against my beliefs. Like I said, call me whatever you like. Be my guest. But I won't back down on my beliefs just to conform and make others happy. When it comes down to it, I TRY TO FOLLOW THE WORD OF GOD NOT MAN. I was taught not to be of this world. This world is wicked and is full of wickedness. So why be a follower of it?

Ahh, so take away someone's rights that didn't take away your lord praising rights?
No just making a point of we can't always have it our way. My point is why is it ok for people to disagree with me for misc. reasons and vote against my beliefs but when I don't agree with theirs its WW3.

And you guys are wild. You call my beliefs "fairytales", "mumbo jumbo" but isn't that the same as me being against gay being right?

I see what you did there. But that's low, even for you.
Originally Posted by Bastitch

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Bastitch

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Being gay is a CHOICE. People need to stop saying "What if the girl was naturally attracted to other girls?". What if I'm attracted to kiddie porn? Wouldn't many say that its wrong and perverted? What if I said there is nothing wrong with a Man loving a child? I bet it'll be a freaking uproar and I'd be on the run. How the heck are you born with a sexual preference? Thats like saying I was born loving hot wings. It would be crazy. I tasted hot wings and I like them. They may be bad for me but they taste good. Doesn't the same apply for Gay people?

Whether you want to acknowledge that being gay is not a choice or not, comparing it to child pornography is way off base considering with child pornography, a minor is being EXPLOITED for the benefit of adults.

If people that truly thought that homosexuality was a "choice" why aren't they out there leading the crusade to fight the "causes" of homosexuality?

It's because they can't identify the causes because these "causes" don't exist.

OK I agree. I used a stupid example.

So your basically sayiny you think little billy was born digging guys?
Basically, you're saying you can't refute anything I just said.

If homosexuality is nurtured, then that would mean that their are causes of homosexuality. If your main qualm is that homosexuality is a choice, where are all the advocates for homosexuality prevention? Why does fight against homosexuality take place after the fact? Why are you arguing against homosexual marriage instead of fighting for the prevention of homosexuality?

The nature vs. nurture discussion when it comes to homosexuality is a scientific one. But it's very rare that those against it will climb out to refute homosexuality from behind the cloak of morality and/or religion. Until then, it's really just a pointless debate.
You sure can make words hurt
. But ok I get you. OKthe cause for homosexuality? Wow I can't say that I know that.

Hmmm whats the cause of people having sex with animals?
Originally Posted by truthmain

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Kickmatic23 wrote:
eaalto wrote:
I wish religion didn't exist........
i was about to say the same thing.. religion %$@## everything up.. without religion there might be more peace on this planet
Education > Religion

The more you educate yourself, the more you realize religion is full of $%#! and nothing more than the oldest form of mind control.

You're just as close-minded as you're making everyone else out to be homie.

I'm not denying a group of people their constitutional rights....I'm expressing my desire that people be freed from a horrible institution (religion).
But I won't back down on my beliefs just to conform and make others happy. When it comes down to it, I TRY TO FOLLOW THE WORD OF GOD NOT MAN. I was taught not to be of this world. This world is wicked and is full of wickedness. So why be a follower of it?
Bravo my dude. Bravo.
Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

You seriously are one of the most ignorant people I have come across, what's even more sad is there are a lot of people with your outlook.
Your lack of education is magnified on so many levels. It's no wonder why this world is in such dire straits, your whole religious outlook is nothing but hypocrisy.
Thanks I'm always looking for your approval
. My views are my views. If I don't agree then I don't agree. I refuse to lie down for man and go against my beliefs. Like I said, call me whatever you like. Be my guest. But I won't back down on my beliefs just to conform and make others happy. When it comes down to it, I TRY TO FOLLOW THE WORD OF GOD NOT MAN. I was taught not to be of this world. This world is wicked and is full of wickedness. So why be a follower of it?

Ahh, so take away someone's rights that didn't take away your lord praising rights?
No just making a point of we can't always have it our way. My point is why is it ok for people to disagree with me for misc. reasons and vote against my beliefs but when I don't agree with theirs its WW3.

And you guys are wild. You call my beliefs "fairytales", "mumbo jumbo" but isn't that the same as me being against gay being right?
I see what you did there. But that's low, even for you.


Come on man you know what I meant.

Do those same people know the story about "Adam and Lilith?" Yes, Lilith. Adam's FIRST wife who was created from the same mold as Adam. The one he was not pleased with, the very first divorce.
More details?
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Yes on Prop 8 and I'm not from Cali. Just goes against my beliefs.

at you hoping that someone's kid becomes gay. My kid had better not be gay.

Why do people insist on arguing that people are born gay? You aren't born gay, it's a choice. Like people aren't born racists, it's a choice. People aren't born evil, it's a choice. Stop it with that BS argument.

To people that think religion has anything to do with this is blind. This country is run by corporations and if gays are allowed to marry the insurance industry is going to take a huge blow.
Please enlighten us all on this idiotic claim
To all of you "being gay is a choice" people, could you choose to be attracted to men?

Why not?

Did you choose to be attracted to women?

Why is that?

"I was raised in a straight household; seeing my mom and dad together taught me that a man should be with a woman."

Then how do gay children come from straight households?

Bad parenting?

A personal choice?

Return to the top. Repeat.

Kinda funny you say that, since the Bible was not only written by man, but was manipulated and changed by man as well.

Truth is, you have no clue what the word of God is, outside of what men have told you.
No on 8.
Not to long ago it would have been against the law for me to get married to my wife.
Why do I care if 2 consenting adults want to get married. I was not married in a church or before the eyes of any god, should my marriage not be valid?
Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

But at the same time, if Jesus Christ ate at the table with sinners then why can't we? Jesus denied no one and I would bet my bottom dollar he wouldn't deny gays or married gays.
Oh noez you didn't. Oh noez! you didn't. Yes Jesus ate with sinners but he NEVER WENT AGAINST HIS FATHERS WORD! I am shocked and spechless.
And how exactly would accepting gays be going against God's word?
Bro, what he's really trying to say is that God's word isn't going against gays, but the sanctity of marriage that was created by God. Granted Jesus died for all of our sins, whether it be murder or individuals being gay.

There's a fine line in regards to the definition of marriage. Some find it to be just a word and others find it to be a gift of God. In the end, no one on both sides, has the right to judge anyone in regards to whether they vote yes or no.

I'm voting yes, but you don't see me calling anyone or judging anyone of voting no as a heathen.

I respect the whole "God's Gift" marriage between man and woman and that they're supposed to be together until death do them part, I really do. But there are just too many "religious heads" out there who always say "Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve" but aren't out there crusading against divorce.

Do those same people know the story about "Adam and Lilith?" Yes, Lilith. Adam's FIRST wife who was created from the same mold as Adam. The one he was not pleased with, the very first divorce.

You're right. Being a Christian, I'm against divorce. God frown's upon it because marriage is done through the eyes of God and hewitnesses it. But the topic of divorce is not a topic that's being voted upon.

If that were to ever come up, heaven forbid, that's something for us to tackle on a latter date.
The funny thing is gay people aren't going anywhere so all these voting antics are a waste of time

@ these Pro Prop 8 people thinking they're preventing somethinglike their word actually matters to gay people lives

and that teach gay marriage argument is bull

school is a social environment most of the sexual things kids learn are from their peers not some damn teachers whats next a separate school for gays?

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Bastitch

RKO2004 wrote:

Bastitch wrote:

RKO2004 wrote:

Being gay is a CHOICE. People need to stop saying "What if the girl was naturally attracted to other girls?". What if I'm attracted to
kiddie porn? Wouldn't many say that its wrong and perverted? What if I said there is nothing wrong with a Man loving a child? I bet it'll be a
freaking uproar and I'd be on the run. How the heck are you born with a sexual preference? Thats like saying I was born loving hot wings. It would be
crazy. I tasted hot wings and I like them. They may be bad for me but they taste good. Doesn't the same apply for Gay people?

Whether you want to acknowledge that being gay is not a choice or not, comparing it to child pornography is way off base considering
with child pornography, a minor is being EXPLOITED for the benefit of adults.

If people that truly thought that homosexuality was a "choice" why aren't they out there leading the crusade to fight the
"causes" of homosexuality?

It's because they can't identify the causes because these "causes" don't exist.

OK I agree. I used a stupid example.

So your basically sayiny you think little billy was born digging guys?

Basically, you're saying you can't refute anything I just said.

If homosexuality is nurtured, then that would mean that their are causes of homosexuality. If your main qualm is that homosexuality is a choice, where are all
the advocates for homosexuality prevention? Why does fight against homosexuality take place after the fact? Why are you arguing against homosexual marriage
instead of fighting for the prevention of homosexuality?

The nature vs. nurture discussion when it comes to homosexuality is a scientific one. But it's very rare that those against it will climb out to refute
homosexuality from behind the cloak of morality and/or religion. Until then, it's really just a pointless debate.

You sure can make words hurt
. But ok I get you. OK the cause for homosexuality? Wow I can't say that I know that.

Hmmm whats the cause of people having sex with animals?

Did you really just cross species to make an argument against gay marriage? You must be running out of things to say.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

You seriously are one of the most ignorant people I have come across, what's even more sad is there are a lot of people with your outlook.
Your lack of education is magnified on so many levels. It's no wonder why this world is in such dire straits, your whole religious outlook is nothing but hypocrisy.
Thanks I'm always looking for your approval
. My views are my views. If I don't agree then I don't agree. I refuse to lie down for man and go against my beliefs. Like I said, call me whatever you like. Be my guest. But I won't back down on my beliefs just to conform and make others happy. When it comes down to it, I TRY TO FOLLOW THE WORD OF GOD NOT MAN. I was taught not to be of this world. This world is wicked and is full of wickedness. So why be a follower of it?

Ahh, so take away someone's rights that didn't take away your lord praising rights?
No just making a point of we can't always have it our way. My point is why is it ok for people to disagree with me for misc. reasons and vote against my beliefs but when I don't agree with theirs its WW3.

And you guys are wild. You call my beliefs "fairytales", "mumbo jumbo" but isn't that the same as me being against gay being right?
I see what you did there. But that's low, even for you.

Come on man you know what I meant.

Do those same people know the story about "Adam and Lilith?" Yes, Lilith. Adam's FIRST wife who was created from the same mold as Adam. The one he was not pleased with, the very first divorce.
More details?

After God created Adam, who was alone, He said, 'It is not good for man to be alone.' He then created a woman for Adam, from the earth, asHe had created Adam himself, and called her Lilith. Adam and Lilith immediately began to fight. She said, 'I will not lie below,' and he said, 'Iwill not lie beneath you, but only on top. For you are fit only to be in the bottom position, while I am to be the superior one.' Lilith responded, 'Weare equal to each other inasmuch as we were both created from the earth.' But they would not listen to one another. When Lilith saw this, she pronouncedthe Ineffable Name and flew away into the air.

Adam stood in prayer before his Creator: 'Sovereign of the universe!' he said, 'the woman you gave me has run away.' At once, the Holy One,blessed be He, sent these three angels to bring her back.

Said the Holy One to Adam, 'If she agrees to come back, what is made is good. If not, she must permit one hundred of her children to die every day.'The angels left God and pursued Lilith, whom they overtook in the midst of the sea, in the mighty waters wherein the Egyptians were destined to drown. Theytold her God's word, but she did not wish to return. The angels said, 'We shall drown you in the sea.'

'Leave me!' she said. 'I was created only to cause sickness to infants. If the infant is male, I have dominion over him for eight days after hisbirth, and if female, for twenty days.'

When the angels heard Lilith's words, they insisted she go back. But she swore to them by the name of the living and eternal God: 'Whenever I see youor your names or your forms in an amulet, I will have no power over that infant.' She also agreed to have one hundred of her children die every day.Accordingly, every day one hundred demons perish, and for the same reason, we write the angels' names on the amulets of young children. When Lilith seestheir names, she remembers her oath, and the child recovers.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Yes on Prop 8 and I'm not from Cali. Just goes against my beliefs.

at you hoping that someone's kid becomes gay. My kid had better not be gay.

Why do people insist on arguing that people are born gay? You aren't born gay, it's a choice. Like people aren't born racists, it's a choice. People aren't born evil, it's a choice. Stop it with that BS argument.

To people that think religion has anything to do with this is blind. This country is run by corporations and if gays are allowed to marry the insurance industry is going to take a huge blow.

Forget burning trees. . . I just loss a few brain cells just by reading this.
Originally Posted by truthmain

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Kickmatic23 wrote:
eaalto wrote:
I wish religion didn't exist........
i was about to say the same thing.. religion %$@## everything up.. without religion there might be more peace on this planet
Education > Religion

The more you educate yourself, the more you realize religion is full of $%#! and nothing more than the oldest form of mind control.

You're just as close-minded as you're making everyone else out to be homie.

how is being educated count as close-minded?
Originally Posted by AG 47

Did you really just cross species to make an argument against gay marriage? You must be running out of things to say.

Both are a act of desire. Like some desires to beat someone up. Its unnatural. Peep this. If it were meant to be gay people. What would have happened inevolution or religion if two men had to get the ball rolling?
Originally Posted by Kickmatic23

how is being educated count as close-minded?
Is that what I said? Read closely. I'm saying his viewpoint is close-minded, not education.

truthmain wrote:

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Kickmatic23 wrote:
eaalto wrote:
I wish religion didn't exist........
i was about to say the same thing.. religion %$@## everything up.. without religion there might be more peace on this planet

Education > Religion

The more you educate yourself, the more you realize religion is full of $%#! and nothing more than the oldest form of mind control.

You're just as close-minded as you're making everyone else out to be homie.

You can't be serious with yours

When an individual chooses to educate themself, they open their mind up to the endless possibilities that exist. Gathering facts to debunk theories or ideas.Religion on the other hand is absolute doctrine. You blindly accept something that can easily be manipulated and defend it like it's truth. What Christiansdon't like or want to hear is that Christianity has been debunked and proven to be nothing more than a preservation of the greatest story ever told, whichis not the story of a man named Jesus Christ. The greatest story ever told is the history of mankinds relationship with Sun worship. Many people have postedabout the movie Zeitgeist on this forum, but if you were to open your mind and watch this film, you would be able to really see how Christianity has preservedthe truth of Sun worship, but has taken a form all of it's own. Many of you Christians here are automatically going to dismiss what I say, but the truth iswhat it is.
The main reason why people ( mainly parents) vote yes on Prop 8 is because they will teach the children about same sex marriage in school. And no its no bull, once it pass, the teacher has to teach bunch of little kids about this matter, and parents are just scared they will get confuse and etc..

No on Prop 8 is lieing to YOU if they say they are not going to teach to ur kids, but they will tell them what it is and etc.

oh the irony.

schools ARE indeed required to teach children about marriage. however, all teachers have to say is that marriage between TWO CONSENTING ADULTS. how they wishto teach that is at their discretion. hell, they don't even need to say man and woman or two people of the same sex.

god forbid schools teach children about current affairs like *gasp* gay rights. maybe we should let them in on the fall of the berlin wall or the fall of theonce mighty USSR eh?

for those that vote yes because it is against your faith, so be it. follow the word of god written by man. follow it to the letter. but as i recall, womencutting their hair or men not cutting their hair is a sin as well. among with many other sins of old that are antiquated and puzzling at best. guess we'llneed to explain all of that once we get to the pearly gates. bravo my man, bravo.

i guess those of you who are throwing stones have never sinned and never will.

this is a civil rights issue. not a religious issue. no on prop 8.


i understand your stance but i must disagree with you. i feel that religious texts and the word of a higher power give faith to those who need it. i seenothing wrong with that. however, i feel these texts should also be interpreted loosely as they were written LONG ago and times have changed since then. peoplewho follow these texts to the letter are misguided in my opinion. i am a non practicing buddhist, but i gain faith from the kind words and tolerance taught tome by monks and buddhist scriptures. at the end of the day, i think that makes me a better person. education has little to do with that. i don't thinkreligion itself is the oldest form of mind control. it's the people in power who misuse religion to push their own agendas who engage in mind control.
No on prop 8. when two dudes or girls try to get married, it has nothing to do with us, so why not just let them be happy?
whoever votes yes is pretty selfish imo. how would you feel if the law stopped you from being married with the one you truly love?
im voting NO on 8. It's not like its gonna effect me If a gay couple wants to get married.
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