Hello, I'm No On Prop 8

By the way, I doubt pedophiles choose one day that they're going to be aroused by nude children from that point on, so give it a rest.
Originally Posted by 916kings

Pro prop 8 ads keep talking about how if it doesn't pass, the schools are going to teach our kids about gay marriage... like its a bad thing..even though
its not necessarily true.

Equality for all.
i was going to vote yes when i saw the first commercial where they pretty much lied and said it "would be taught in our school system or someBS like that" then i saw another commercial where the superintendent said that schools dont even teach marriage, so now im voting no.
Why would someone choose to be a social outcast?
Why would someone choose to be obease, a drug adict, racist, drug dealers or a lawyer?

And plus it isn't even natural. When a male and female have sex (the right way) she NATURALLY lubricates so the male can get in easier. Two dudes needartificial lubricant. Two females can do nothing but a few things. And one major point. THEY CAN'T MAKE BABIES! Its like having two magnets and trying toforce the two positive ends to connect. Has that been done yet?

And another question. If gay is right then a brother and sister having sex is cool too right? Keepin it in the family FTW
Oh wait what about two brothers? Hell lets throw mamma on the train too!CHOO CHOO
Why would it be bad for our children to learn about and be exposed to homosexuals and gay marriage.

The problem with this country is the huge division we have. It really harbours intolerance. I think if we understood each other a bit more (and not justhetero/gay but black/white/brown, male/female) it'd be a lot easier to respect and appreciate one another.

You have to give children the facts, and allow them to form their own opinion. Way too often children are under-educated on topics and overly influenced.It's really a sad trend.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by javier5857

*waits for all the homophobic NT'ers*
There are some in here already. For those of you voting yes, I hope that you have a gay son or daughter eventually. Your type of thinking needs to be wiped off the face of this planet.
Why would you wish something like that on anyone? Just to prove a point? Come on your better than that

I can't believe how people will go this far to insult "GOD" being gay alone is like telling God He made a mistake for putting a woman in a mans body or a man in a womans body....and now they want to get married??? Marriage originated from God....and not by man.....so YES on PROP 8!!!
^^^ that's one of them stupid people....^^^^ It's a choice that you have to make if you want to be gay or not....here is a good example...I choose not to be gay so i'm not gay....You want to be gay so you are gay!!!...simple as that!!! nobody put a gun in your head and tell you to be gay!!! so don't give that lame excuse that you were born to be gay or you want to be gay because you were abused when growing up......abused or not abused...you still have to decided if you want to be gay or not. One of the main good reason I know why they want to be gay is because they have a sick perverted mind........


Being gay is a CHOICE. People need to stop saying "What if the girl was naturally attracted to other girls?". What if I'm attracted to kiddie porn? Wouldn't many say that its wrong and perverted? What if I said there is nothing wrong with a Man loving a child? I bet it'll be a freaking uproar and I'd be on the run. How the heck are you born with a sexual preference? Thats like saying I was born loving hot wings. It would be crazy. I tasted hot wings and I like them. They may be bad for me but they taste good.Doesn't the same apply for Gay people?

Jesus dude! So many ridiculous claims here. So you think sexual orientation only comes after experimenting with it? You don't think thatone's sexual orientation has nothing to do with genetics or the like? Gay people are only gay because they tasted it and liked it? Why would someoneopenly invite YOUR kind of hatred into their world? Why would they want to be an outcast? Just for the sake of being different? "I sure do likegirls....but god I'd love to get the #+%$ kicked out of me. Wieners are gross and that, but I am really not happy with being so socially acceptable!"

How old are you? Where are you from? What backwoods porch did you plop down on, afterbirth and all, with your arrival into this world? Better yet, when areyou from? 1940s? Maybe I give people too much credit, but I always really try to believe that no one could be as stupid as what you displayed in your post.It's easier on the mind to think that people of your intellectual ilk don't exist. I plan on bringing open-minded kids into this world to counteractthe stupidity and hatred of people like you. The rationalizing of your homophobia is amazing.

And your "man loving a child" argument is weak at best. There is a huge difference. You not realizing that makes me feel sorry for anyone that isin your life or will ever come into it. You equate consensual relations with that of someone taking advantage of a younger, defenseless person. THAT IS THESAME THING? REALLY? Do tell?
I was waiting for an argument on pedophillia to bring up the free will of the child.

It's a natural human right issue. That's a huge difference from two consenting adults.
Originally Posted by Hard Rock Chasez

Legally and legislatively, marriage is a contract. It is not one and the same with religion. If your religious beliefs prohibit allowing a gay couple to enter into the sacrament of marriage, that's one thing. These moral and religious views can and do govern marriage - but only in the church. No one is challenging that or asking the church to honor gay marriage.

Two consenting adults who would otherwise be legally permitted to marry another legal consenting adult - that's a different issue. It's a contract, and they are well within their rights to want to enter into that contract. No to proposition 8.
This is the truth, and I cannot believe how intolerant some of you are. Its really sickening.

We have a separation of Church and State in this country ladies and gentlemen. It doesn't matter where marriage came from. But now it is a legality and itshould be for everyone, regardless of sexual orientation.

God has NO PLACE in Government. Especially one that you interpret as so hateful and intolerant.
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Yes on Prop 8.


i'm not from Cali....but got damn marriage is a religious thing anyway so why have adam and steve getting married
Has anyone ever gone to school and been taught marriage? I was never taught marriage.

Actually better question, who the hell didnt go to school with any gay kids???
Girls on the basketball team, those couple of boys with lisps that only hung out with the girls.
EVERYONE knew they were gay, so are they going to start kicking them out of school?
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by javier5857

*waits for all the homophobic NT'ers*
There are some in here already. For those of you voting yes, I hope that you have a gay son or daughter eventually. Your type of thinking needs to be wiped off the face of this planet.
Why would you wish something like that on anyone? Just to prove a point? Come on your better than that

I can't believe how people will go this far to insult "GOD" being gay alone is like telling God He made a mistake for putting a woman in a mans body or a man in a womans body....and now they want to get married??? Marriage originated from God....and not by man.....so YES on PROP 8!!!
^^^ that's one of them stupid people....^^^^ It's a choice that you have to make if you want to be gay or not....here is a good example...I choose not to be gay so i'm not gay....You want to be gay so you are gay!!!...simple as that!!! nobody put a gun in your head and tell you to be gay!!! so don't give that lame excuse that you were born to be gay or you want to be gay because you were abused when growing up......abused or not abused...you still have to decided if you want to be gay or not. One of the main good reason I know why they want to be gay is because they have a sick perverted mind........


Being gay is a CHOICE. People need to stop saying "What if the girl was naturally attracted to other girls?". What if I'm attracted to kiddie porn? Wouldn't many say that its wrong and perverted? What if I said there is nothing wrong with a Man loving a child? I bet it'll be a freaking uproar and I'd be on the run. How the heck are you born with a sexual preference? Thats like saying I was born loving hot wings. It would be crazy. I tasted hot wings and I like them. They may be bad for me but they taste good.Doesn't the same apply for Gay people?

Jesus dude! So many ridiculous claims here. So you think sexual orientation only comes after experimenting with it? You don't think that one's sexual orientation has nothing to do with genetics or the like? Gay people are only gay because they tasted it and liked it? Why would someone openly invite YOUR kind of hatred into their world? Why would they want to be an outcast? Just for the sake of being different? "I sure do like girls....but god I'd love to get the #+%$ kicked out of me. Wieners are gross and that, but I am really not happy with being so socially acceptable!"

How old are you? Where are you from? What backwoods porch did you plop down on, afterbirth and all, with your arrival into this world? Better yet, when are you from? 1940s? Maybe I give people too much credit, but I always really try to believe that no one could be as stupid as what you displayed in your post. It's easier on the mind to think that people of your intellectual ilk don't exist. I plan on bringing open-minded kids into this world to counteract the stupidity and hatred of people like you. The rationalizing of your homophobia is amazing.

And your "man loving a child" argument is weak at best. There is a huge difference. You not realizing that makes me feel sorry for anyone that is in your life or will ever come into it. You equate consensual relations with that of someone taking advantage of a younger, defenseless person. THAT IS THE SAME THING? REALLY? Do tell?

I don't hate gay people. I just don't agree with the life style. I have known and been cool with gay people.

I'm 19 and I'm from the nati.

What if its a 16 year old? I consider that a child.

Dude, don't speak on it I'll bring back info when I am out of class. SCIENCE DONT FEAR IT

Originally Posted by WinstonDon

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Yes on Prop 8.


i'm not from Cali....but got damn marriage is a religious thing anyway so why have adam and steve getting married
Please see- Last post, Page 3, that addresses everything you just said before you even said it.
Your splitting hairs with the age argument, now. When consent should start could be argued for days, and really isn't important in this comparison.
The ignorance in this thread is amazing. Not like I didn't expect it though.
Regardless if being gay is a choice or not, all individuals constitutionally are granted equal protection under the law. Denying someone that right on thebasis of sex, color, race, creed or religion is explicitly prohibited by every federal, state, and municipal consitituition in this country. Its such a blackand white issue, it boggles my mind why this is still an arguement. The bottom line is that Californians who agree on "Yes on 8" are allowingpersonal beliefs to influence law-making. Everyone doesn't have the same religion or share the same beliefs.
I'm voting no on Prop 8.
NT never fails to amaze me. Ignoring for a second that prop 8 concerns gay people, how can some of you support a proposition that allows the government totell a certain group of people what they can and can't do? I swear some of you guys are so close-minded it's scary. Nobody's telling you you haveto agree with or even approve homosexuality...but you can't give your fellow humans (yes believe it or not gay people are human) the right to be happy withanother person?
Originally Posted by ShoeHefner5

The ignorance in this thread is amazing. Not like I didn't expect it though.
Regardless if being gay is a choice or not, all individuals constitutionally are granted equal protection under the law. Denying someone that right on the basis of sex, color, race, creed or religion is explicitly prohibited by every federal, state, and municipal consitituition in this country. Its such a black and white issue, it boggles my mind why this is still an arguement. The bottom line is that Californians who agree on "Yes on 8" are allowing personal beliefs to influence law-making. Everyone doesn't have the same religion or share the same beliefs.
I'm voting no on Prop 8.
So why are personal religious beliefs not respected but sexual orientation is? Because the government says so? Man you guys just don't careabout my beliefs
. OOooo I can't stand you guys

NT never fails to amaze me. Ignoring for a second that prop 8 concerns gay people, how can some of you support a proposition that allows the government to tell a certain group of people what they can and can't do? I swear some of you guys are so close-minded it's scary. Nobody's telling you you have to agree with or even approve homosexuality...but you can't give your fellow humans (yes believe it or not gay people are human) the right to be happy with another person?
THEY DO THE SAME THING TO RELIGIOUS PEOPLE. You can't even pray in some places do to some laws. Now is that not the same? How is prayingharming anyone?
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by javier5857

*waits for all the homophobic NT'ers*
There are some in here already. For those of you voting yes, I hope that you have a gay son or daughter eventually. Your type of thinking needs to be wiped off the face of this planet.
Get over yourself. I'm not homophobic. Matter of fact, I have cousins who are gay. Hell, one of them is even a transexual. Do I still lovethem? Yes, of course I do. Do I support them? No I don't. That's just based on my Christian values. I'm voting based on my values. Whether itpasses or not, at least I voted based on what I stand for. Whether you like it or not, I could give two craps. You have your values and we have ours. Yourthinking doesn't make yourself anymore better than those voting yes. Get off your high horse. I have nothing against homosexuals whatsoever, but when itcomes to a vote like this, I'm going to stand for what I believe in. Pure and simple.
Originally Posted by Hard Rock Chasez

Legally and legislatively, marriage is a contract. It is not one and the same with religion. If your religious beliefs prohibit allowing a gay couple to enter into the sacrament of marriage, that's one thing. These moral and religious views can and do govern marriage - but only in the church. No one is challenging that or asking the church to honor gay marriage.

Two consenting adults who would otherwise be legally permitted to marry another legal consenting adult - that's a different issue. It's a contract, and they are well within their rights to want to enter into that contract. No to proposition 8.
This is basically what it boils down to. Everyone using the whole religious excuse is going to have to come up with something better because theU.S. Constitution voids that argument.

Everyone I've talked to who was yes all gave the religion argument but when were faced with the separation of church and state defense they couldn'tcome up with anything better. Even if you don't agree with gay marriage you can't vote yes on 8 because, basically, there is no good reason to.

No on 8 FTW.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

So why are personal religious beliefs not respected but sexual orientation is? Because the government says so? Man you guys just don't care about my beliefs
. OOooo I can't stand you guys
Its because religion has no place in politics. We made sure of that in our Constitution and it has to stay that way.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Being gay is a CHOICE. People need to stop saying "What if the girl was naturally attracted to other girls?". What if I'm attracted to kiddie porn? Wouldn't many say that its wrong and perverted? What if I said there is nothing wrong with a Man loving a child? I bet it'll be a freaking uproar and I'd be on the run. How the heck are you born with a sexual preference? Thats like saying I was born loving hot wings. It would be crazy. I tasted hot wings and I like them. They may be bad for me but they taste good. Doesn't the same apply for Gay people?

Whether you want to acknowledge that being gay is not a choice or not, comparing it to child pornography is way off base considering with child pornography, aminor is being EXPLOITED for the benefit of adults.

If people that truly thought that homosexuality was a "choice" why aren't they out there leading the crusade to fight the"causes" of homosexuality?

It's because they can't identify the causes because these "causes" don't exist.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Why would someone choose to be a social outcast?
Why would someone choose to be obease, a drug adict, racist, drug dealers or a lawyer?

And plus it isn't even natural. When a male and female have sex (the right way) she NATURALLY lubricates so the male can get in easier. Two dudes need artificial lubricant. Two females can do nothing but a few things. And one major point. THEY CAN'T MAKE BABIES! Its like having two magnets and trying to force the two positive ends to connect. Has that been done yet?

And another question. If gay is right then a brother and sister having sex is cool too right? Keepin it in the family FTW
Oh wait what about two brothers? Hell lets throw mamma on the train too! CHOO CHOO

Wow. I could stay busy just correcting your moronic posts. So, incest is the same as homosexuality? Is that you, Rick Santorum? Incest, which runs the risk of inbred birth defects is the same as giving youthe creeps? Lets look at this. Now I am going to use words that may not be indigenous to your secluded cabin. For reference use this

- unmasking of recessive genes
- higher infant mortality
- genetic disorders increased
- lower life expectancy

- RKO2004 gets creeped out.
- Intricately decorated Living Rooms
Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by javier5857

*waits for all the homophobic NT'ers*
There are some in here already. For those of you voting yes, I hope that you have a gay son or daughter eventually. Your type of thinking needs to be wiped off the face of this planet.
Get over yourself. I'm not homophobic. Matter of fact, I have cousins who are gay. Hell, one of them is even a transexual. Do I still love them? Yes, of course I do. Do I support them? No I don't. That's just based on my Christian values. I'm voting based on my values. Whether it passes or not, at least I voted based on what I stand for. Whether you like it or not, I could give two craps. You have your values and we have ours. Your thinking doesn't make yourself anymore better than those voting yes. Get off your high horse. I have nothing against homosexuals whatsoever, but when it comes to a vote like this, I'm going to stand for what I believe in. Pure and simple.

this is the same thing as when someone says "I'm not racist...I have black friends!"
So basically you're saying you would deny someone from your own family the right to be happy with a person of their choice?
That's just based on my Christian values. I'm voting based on my values.
You can't do that homie.
So why are personal religious beliefs not respected but sexual orientation is? Because the government says so? Man you guys just don't care about my beliefsimage. OOooo I can't stand you guysimage image

Its because religion has no place in politics. We made sure of that in our Constitution and it has to stay that way.
And that there is why you can't.
I am getting relentless calls nightly on this from Pro Prop 8 folks. I am done arguing with those folks so the easiest way to get off the line is to lie andsay yah I already voted YES on Prop 8. I am going to the early voting booth on Sat and voting NO to Prop 8. This is another form of discrimination and evenif we vote Yes on this, the gay people aren't going to stop. They will continue pursuing gay marriage til the end of time so I believe we need to dealwith this now today not push it aside and pretend gays don't exist and don't care about equal rights.
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